Chapter 24

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Me and Taylor were hanging out in my room." You really like Victoria, huh?" I said. He nodded sadly." Shes too caught up in Cam. " He said. Its sad to see Taylor sad. Hes not really one to show his feelings so you rarely see him sad.

" Taylor, how much do you like her?" I asked. " I like her alot." He said." Thats deep." I said in a weird voice and he laughed." Well, to be honest, i ship Vaylor. I like when the underdog wins." I said. Not saying Cams better than Tay, but Cam gets more girls.

" Yeah, so do i." He said. Suddenly, the door opened and i saw JJ standing there grinning." YOU SHIP VAYLOR?!?! TWINSIES!!!!!" He exclaimed. And then in came Victoria.

" Yeah, definitely gummy worms over gummy bears." I said making it seem like we were talking about candy and not her relationship. She seemed like she was on cloud nine, smiling and giggling at nothing. I looked at her questioningly. She smiled-" Guys,can you come back later? Me and CodyBug need to talk." She said. They nodded and left.

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!" She screamed. I jumped. " Dang it i was rooting for Vaylor!" I said." in me and Taylor?" She asked. I nodded. She shook her head laughing." Cams different." She said. " I guess." I said.


Ugh. Why does everything have to be messed up for me?!?! Of course Victoria went after Cameron. Im nothing like him. That's probably why she doesnt want me. Life definitely hates me.


Its crazy how weird Nash has been. He goes from cussing me out to being chill. I went downstairs to explore and saw Nash there." Hey man!" He exclaimed." Hey." I said and walked away only to bump into someone." Watch where you going, idiot." Nash? Again? But...hes behind me.

I turned around and there was Nash looking at me, no not me, the other Nash behind me." Who are you?" I asked the guy behind me. He shook his head." Caught." He growled and tried to run but i grabbed him.

" Your not Nash! Your an imposter, arent you?!?!" I yelled. " Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Go you, idiot," He said. Nash was already calling the police and Bart. I just held onto him so he couldn't go anywhere.

Why didnt i know this?!?! Nash would never hurt me and the guys and girls! Im an idiot! But the thing is, that means that Nash never broke up with Cody. Which means they're still together. Which means i cant ask Cody out. Which means my life sucks.

The police came and took the guy away from us and into the cop car. This has been a weird day.

" Yo man, what did that dude do?" He asked. I shook my head." Bad stuff. You, i mean he broke up with Cody, got in a fight with me, called everyone idiots, and more." I said. His eyes widened." Wait, so technically i broke up with Cody?!?!" He exclaimed. I nodded. He cursed under his breath.

" Look man I'd love to stay and chat, but i need to get Cody back. Thanks for the help bro. I owe you one. Nah, i owe you 5! " he exclaimed and ran off. I laughed a bit and stopped when he left.

I sat down and burried my face into my hands.

Nashs POV

I can't  believe that idiot imposter broke up with Cody! I love Cody! No. I just really really really really really really really well you get the point I really like her.

I ran to her room and knocked on the door." What do you want?" She asked. I explained everything that happened." So technically, i didn't break up with you. We're still together." I said and she smiled and kissed me." Im sorry you had to go through that." I said putting my hands on her waist. She smiled and shook her head.

" As long as im still with you." She said. She is too adorable." To make up for it, lets go out." I said and she smiled and nodded." What should i wear?" She asked." Comfy. Movie date." I said happily. She squealed." My favorite!! We have to go shopping for sweets!" She exclaimed. " Ok be ready at 6 and we can go shopping then come back and watch movies and build a fort. Sound good?" I asked." Sounds perfect." She said. We hugged and i went to get ready.


I can't believe someone impostered Nash!(a/n- is impostered a word? Lol)

I started to get ready. Since its going to be comfy i just put on sweatpants, a crop top, and brought Nashs hoodie just in case. I just played on my phone while i waited for Nash. Everyone else was in one of the other guys room chilling and also watching movies.

A knock on the door soon happened and me and Nash headed to the store for candy and drinks. We got my favorite candy and his favorite, also buying our favorite drinks then heading back to the hotel.

We made a huge fort then started playing movies. Nash is so awesome. He knew that i would rather watch movies and be lazy then go eat at a fancy restaurant.

'But so does Matt' my inner concious said.

No. Im with Nash, not Matt.

I soon drifted off to sleep on Nashs lap, and when i was almost asleep, i heard the words-

"I love you." Come out of his mouth.

A/N- Ooohhhhhh the L BOMB!!!! Does she love him back?? Im thinking about ending this at 30 or so chapters. BUT FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THIS STORY, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL. Anyways, who do you ship? Who do you think the girls should end up with? Shout out to music_5soslove for texting me all night and having a selfie bomb with me!❤️ You rock girl!

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