Chapter 26 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Everthing was great now. Almost all the guys had girlfriends,(they will be in the sequel, for the girls that get to be the guys girlfriends. You know who you are)

Besides Cameron and Matt that we know of. We all know what he did to Victoria. She forgave him, but still keeps her distance from him. Shes in love and dating Taylor. Shes never been this happy, im so happy for her.

Im trying really hard to tell Matt. Im really in love with him. Im also about to break up with Nash. Its not fair to him me being with him and not loving him.

" Nash, can i talk to you?" I asked. I hope this doesn't end up how Victorias did. He nodded and we sat down.

" I think i know what you want to say, but I'll let you say it." He said in a pained but understanding voice.

" Im, im in love with Matthew. Im, im so freaking sorry Nash. I love you, but... I just love Matthew more." I said.

"I get it. I always knew you would end up with Matthew. But just know, Cody Anilise Eppensfield, we will always have something, and i will always love you. Dont forget that." He said.

I laughed as a tear rolled down my cheek." I love you too, Nash. I always will. I will never forget what we had." I said shakily. He hugged me for a while. But i didnt mind.

Now it was time for Matt." Now for the hard part." I said as we let go." He loves you CodyBug, i know it." He said. I smiled and nodded, heading to his room.

"Matt? Can i um, talk to you?" I asked him. He nodded and let me in." Um, i have to tell you something, i just realized."

He nodded for me to go on." Im, um i um, iminlovewithyou." I said the end quickly." What?" He asked confused.

" love with you," i said slowly.

He kissed me, long and passionately. " I'm in love with you too, but i...i cant." He said.


"What?" I asked tears brimming my green eyes.

" I've wanted you forever, but you just realized it. I know it seems selfish, but im not trying to be, but i... I want you to see what its like." He said.

"See what its LIKE?!?! I just poured my heart out for you and you want me to what? Work for you?!?!" I yelled. He sighed.

" Cody, i love you so much, but i... I want you to Fight For Me."

Its over! Yes, Family Friend has came to an end. But IM WORKING ON THE SEQUEL!!!! It may take awhile because i start school soon, but trust me, when its up, i will tell you. So keep this book in your library, i will be posting a chapter saying that the new book is up.

Can't believe this is the last time for awhile that i will be saying this but...I LOVE YOU MY PRETTY POTATO PEOPLE!!!!💚💙


Kik me if you need me or if you need someone to talk to. Im here for you. nerdy_too_bad is my Kik. LOVE YOU!!!!

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