Chapter 13

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We decided to head home after we met back up. Victoria and Cam seem to be getting closer, but Victoria has never been the trusting type for guys.

Neither have I. Im not sure why I trusted JJ and Nash so quickly. But i think its ok. Me and Nash held hands and i had my head on his shoulder on the way home. I fell asleep haha.

------------------------------------------------------ WHEN THEY GET HOME

*Snap, Snap* "A bright light flashes waking Cody up"

" This is going on Twitter and Instagram." Im pretty sure Carter said.
" Why don't you guys mind your business and not post it anywhere? Ever thought of that?" I know that was Matt. Why was he so rude? Gosh, like chill.

" I agree with Matt." Said JJ." Shes waking up. Shh" Nash said. I yawned and slowly opened my eyes." Were you tired, bae?" Hayes asked." Im sorry, you must be talking to Nash, because Codys my bae." Victoria said.

" Shutup. Your both my baes. But Victorias my number one bae." I said and got up. She smirked at Hayes, and he stuck his tongue out at her.

" Someone carry me." Me and Victoria said at the same time. We looked at each other." Twins!" We said and laughed. Victoria got on Cams back and I got on Nashs.

"Lets have a race!" I yelled. " 1,2,3, GO!!" Yelled Aaron and Nash ran. It ended up being a tie. I got down off Nash and pecked his lips before heading to my room. Everyone decided to chill in there but Matt.


I decided not to hang out with everyone because i cant stand watching Cody and Nash being lovey dovey. I dont know how Johnson deals with it.

Cody never thought of me like that. Im just her best friend. Nothing more. All the guys always get the girls, and i was fine with that, because none of the girls i saw were worthy. The one girl that i did want, and still do, had to be taken from me. Why?

Shes the one girl that I wanted. The one girl that I really like. No the one girl that I love. Im in love with her. Im in love with my best friend. Im crying by now. Balling my eyes out.

Shes the girl thats always there for me. The one that ive known since we were 3. The one girl that stuck up for me. That trusted me. That I need. The one that saved my life. So many times. She doesn't even know it.

When i think about ending my life, she's always there in the back of my mind telling me not to. She the thing thats keeping me alive. She's keeping me happy. Keeping me goofy, but without her?

Im nothing.

"Im worthless. Why would i even think she would love me? Why would she love me? She wouldn't. She doesn't love me. She only tolerates me. She doesn't need me. Like i need her."

She probably only likes guys with pretty blue eyes. With 6 packs. Thats why she doesn't like me. I hate this.

Thats it. Im done. Im in love with a girl that doesn't even know it. Im done.


I felt like something bad was about to happen. And I have a feeling its with Matt. Only me and Cody know that Matts been suicidal for a while. But im the only one who knows why.

I told everyone i wanted to go to Matts room to hang out with him. Im gonna go with Cam, i might need his help. On the way to their room i told Cam what was happening and he seemed really surprised.

When we walked in, i felt myself sadden." Oh Matt." I said. He was on the ground, balling his eyes out, with his hand covering his wrist. I quickly dropped to the ground beside him and checked his wrist.

" Cameron get me a wet rag and bandages. Right now." I said to Cam seriously. He quickly ran to the bathroom. I looked up at Matt.

" Matthew..." I said." Im s-sorry ok? I jus-st got o-over-rwhelmed. I- I didnt mean to. I-I-" He said but i cut him off by jumping in his lap and cradling him in a hug." Shh Matt it's alright. Its alright ok? Just, calm down." I said looking into his big, sad, brown eyes.

He looked at me. " Please dont tell. I-I cant, I cant help it. I-Im sor-rry. " I cut him off again." There is nothing to be sorry about! CAMERON HURRY UP." I yelled. I didnt want him going to the hospital. He quickly ran out with a wet rag and bandages. I cleaned up his cuts and bandaged him up.

I looked up at Cam." Can you give us a minute?" I asked looking at him. He nodded and headed out. " Matthew...why?" I said. He looked at me. " I-I never get the girl I want. Cody is the love of my life and shes over there cuddling with Nash. I just, i just love her so much and she just thinks were best friends." He said.

"Matt, I understand. But sweetie sometimes, you dont get what you want by just wanting it. You have to work for it. Work for Cody. And if your meant to be? Then sweetie, you'll get her eventually. I promise. Just keep working for her. And this?" I said gesturing to his bandaged wrists." Is not the right way to go. Ok? Cody loves you Matthew. Deep down? She love you. Just keep working. You'll get her." I said.

I don't have any feelings whatsoever for Matt. I barely know him to be honest. Were not close. But when it comes to self harm? Then i dont care who you are. Im gonna give you advice and try to help you.


I was called back into my room. Victoria is so caring. She barely knows Matt, but she helped him.

" I just have one question." I said. Matt told me to go on. "Why?" I asked.
..."Because I Am In Love With Cody Anilise Eppensfield." He said.

A/N- Hey guys! Lots of drama in this chapter! Like woah! What do you think about Matt? Im probably not gonna get this but for the next chapter can i get


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Pleaaaaase? Who do you ship?? Who do you think Cody will end up with? Do you think I should do a sequel? Question- Apples or Oranges?( i like oranges)

Bye my pretty potato people!💚💙

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