Chapter 17

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I woke up to my alarm going off. Dang. We leave today. That sucks! Well, whatever. My alarm woke everyone in our room up so we all quickly got ready, us girls in the huge bathroom, Hayes in the actual room.

For my outfit I just put on a crop top and Nashs hoodie and leggings. I also just let my hair down and put a beanie on. Makeup was just mascara and some black converses. I yawned once i finished. All the girls finished and they wore similar stuff. I noticed that Victoria was wear Cams hoodie.

" Oh my god Baylee you should ask for Hayes hoodie. Same for you Lox!" I said.

"But they will think we like them!" Baylee whisper shouted. " Well you both do like them, and so? Victoria took Cams." I said. They just nodded." Yay! We can be matching!" I squealed.

We all walked out and Hayes was ready but half asleep." Hayes give Baylee your  hoodie so we can all match!" I demanded. He laughed and handed it to her no questions asked." Good boy." I said and patted his head and we all laughed.

I decided to just text Gilinsky about the hoodie.

Gilernsky😋: Bring Lox one of your hoodies. It's mandatory you have to do it. K BYE.

CodyBug💜: Ok i will lol. See u downstairs

Once we all got our stuff we headed downstairs. Its cute because Hayes is carrying Baylees stuff and Baylee is carrying one of his duffle bags. Awe young love. (A/N- I SHIP HAYLEE FOREVER WHOS WITH MEEEE??)

When we got downstairs everyone was there. Matts phone suddenly rang."Hello? Oh yeah hang on" he got a piece of paper." Ok, uh huh, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok thanks. Bye" I looked at him questioningly.

" That was Bart. He was telling me the plane arrangements. " He said. I nodded and he told everyone who was by who. I was by Nash and Matt, awkward. And i was in the middle. Greeeeat.


While we were on the plane, i pretty much just slept. I put in my headphones and played Wrong One by Jack and Jack, and all of their other songs. Yes, i do have them all. No, i am not obsessed.

When i fell asleep, my head wasn't laying on anyone's shoulder. Because i didnt want it to be awkward, but when i woke up, it was on Matts shoulder. Oops. But ob the way to the car i was on Nashs back.

When we got to the hotel, it was about 12, so i decided to do a YouTube video. I tweeted this CodyBug: Doing a YouTube video today with a special sure to watch!

I instantly got comments and retweets. Ah i love my fans. " MACHU WEE ESPINOSAAAA PWEASE COME HEEEEERE!!!" I screamed. Eventually Matt came in."Heyyyyyy what up baeee HEY THAT RYMYED" Matt said. I laughed." Yeah, yeah, your so poetic. Will you do a YouTube video collab with meeee? Its gonna be a best friend tag." I asked pouting my bottom lip so he cant say no.

"No need to pout, i wanted to do it." He said smiling. "Yay!" I squealed. "Lets get started!" I said and Matt went to get his camera because mine is dead. Haha.

When he came back we jumped on my bed and started recording. "Hey guys! Cody up in the house! Well, hotel. And i am here with a special guest..." I said. Then Matt jumped onto the bed.

"My best friend Matt Espinosa! Say hey Matthew!" I said. "Heyyyyy Baeee. I made that up a little while ago." He said and i laughed. "Anyways, were gonna be doing the Best Friend Tag! I am super excited! Also, the one who wins gets to post something on the others Instagram and Twitter! Lets get started!"


"Alright guys! Looks like I won by two points! Matthew, i want your cellphone please." I said sticking my hand out. He dropped it in my hand and i typed in his password because i, of course know it.

I decided to tweet on his first, then Instagram. I tweeted - MatthewEspinosa: @CodyBug is the best friend ever and i love her forever and ever and ever and ever and EVER!

Self conceited! Yay me. As soon as i posted it people started post #Catt and it quickly, quickly started to trend. Oh my god( imagine Cody saying oh my god the way Brent Rivera says it). I decided to read the comments

CamsBae111111: I literally love Catt! It's adorable! Aweeee #Catt

ILoveMattEspinosa1426: Catt is adorable! I dont like Cash anymore! 😂😂 #Catt

ShawnMendesIsAGod: Ok i liked Cash, but I absolutely love Catt!

Some people even changed their user names! Here are a few-

ILoveCatt, CattIsRelationshipGoals, Caaaatt, CattIsCute.

Thats just a few to name. I decided to do the Insta now. I posted a cute picture of me and captioned
"Cody is fab". Haha. I love me.
Matt took his phone and read them. " So Catt is trending worldwide at #1." He said smirking. I laughed. " I guess were cute." I said smiling." I guess we are." He said smirking. Thats a fine looking smirk...Cody shut up.

We edited the video and I posted it and went onto Instagram to post a pic saying it was up. Even though i woke up super early, this was a great day.

I decided to got film another video with Matt and the rest of the guys and me and Victoria. Baylee and Lox didnt wanna be in it sad face( A/N ok so this is for old times sake ok? The vid is Q and A Fail= Smack Cam Central. Just pretend that   Cody and Victoria are in it. Thanks! Btw if you havent seen it then go on Matts channel and watch but im preety sure yall have k bye this is legit like a rant)

I think were were doing a Q and A video." Matty are we doing a Q and A?" I asked him. He nodded and i nodded as well.


Ok that did not end up being a q and a. To be honest, Matt looks peed because they got it on his camera. "You ok?" I asked him. He nodded." Yeah, they just play too much. But im alright." He said smiling at me.


I cant freaking take how much i like her. But Nash would kill me if I even touched her. I hate this. I need advice.

A/N- Heyyyy guys! What uuuup? What's happeninggggg? No? Ok. ( i have no friends)Anyways, who do you think Matt will go to for advice? Who do you ship? Who do you think she will end up with? Btw the hoodie is on of the hoodies i want my mom to buy me for  school. Lol i have it in my safari thing so i know how muxh it is and everything. Hopefully i get two.  A one like that and another one idk what i want it to be yet but it's probably not gonna be a celeb one. Idek lol. Bye guys! Love you all my pretty potato people 💚💙

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