Chapter 10

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Finally! Our first Magcon day was over. Now its time for me and JJ to go get Victoria and Baylee and afterwards i need to get ready for the date with JJ. Victoria and Lox and Baylee are gonna help me out there. Baylees pretty good with hair.

" JJ!!!' ARE YOU READY?!?! WE NEED TO GET MA BAE B FORE I GO CRAY!!!" I yelled. " IM SO POETIC!!!" I yelled again." I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BAE!!!" Yelled Nash, Matt, JJ, Lox, and Hayes at the same time. " YOU ALL ARE!!! I HAVE ALOT OF BAES!!!" I screamed. Taylor joined in.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" He screamed, his voice gradually getting louder. I heard him get up and I quickly locked the door." OPEN IT SO I CAN TICKLE YOU!!!" He yelled. I laughed. Im not ticklish. Dummy.

I opened the door and he tackled me tickling me." Uhhhh Tay? Im not ticklish." I said. He blushed and said" Well damn." And then he went back to his room "JJ LETS GO!!!" I yelled again. I may have been wearing his hoodie. It smelled soooo good!

I heard pounding footsteps and i knew he was coming. He bent down and I jumped on his back. But instead of putting his hands where they're supposed to go to hold me up, he put one hand on my thigh where it's supposed to go and held my hand in the other. I just kept playing with it.

" Donnie, look at the young love!" Said an old lady talking to an old man. He playfully rolled his eyes." We can still do that!" He said laughing. She laughed and they kissed." Awe. I want that with someone..." I said. " Im right here." He said. " Yeah, and so are Nash and Matt." I said." Why dont you just pick?" He asked casually.

" Because, all three of you are amazing." I said truthfully. He nodded and put me down so we could ride to the airport . We decided to ride in his car. He held my hand on the way there. Awww

" So how close are you and Victoria?" He asked." Were really, really close. Not as much as me and Matt. But still really close." I said smiling.

He nodded and we stayed silent the rest of the way there. When we got to the airport, we let go of our hands and got out of the car, he opened the door for me and then grabbed my hand again, AWWW. ( A/N-WHERE ARE MY JODY LOVERS?!?!)

He is too sweet! I was looking for long( LONGER THAN MINE!!!) beachy, messy hair and big bright green eyes. I finally saw her petite figure. Yay! Im not the shortest person anymore! Victoria is shorter than i am, shes 5'1. Its really sad, because even Baylee is taller than her. Baylee is taller than me too though. Shes 5'3.

"BAEEEEE!!!" I screamed earning funny looks. I laughed. She didnt see me, but Baylee did. She dragged Victoria over. I let go of JJs hand and took off for Victoria." Hey!" I said and we hugged." Um in here too!" Said Baylee. I laughed and gave her a hug too.

" Twin, are all of your friends short as fuck?" Asked JJ towering over me and Victoria. " Victoria spoke up. " Says the shortest boy in the group." She jokingly snapped." At least im taller than you" He said. She shrugged. " Im a short bitch." She said.


Cody looked great in my hoodie. Its cute that she wears it. Im taking her to an expensive restaurant and then a walk in the park and im gonna give her a necklace. Shes just really gorgeous, i really like her. Ill do anything to get her.

Matt and Nash cant have her. I wont let them. And i hope Cam backs off too.


We were in me and Lox's room she picked out my outfit, Victoria did my makeup, and Baylee did my hair.

Lox picked a really pretty dress and some tall heels.

" Hell no." I said and walked into the closet grabbing some hightop converse that matched my dress. She nodded in approval.

Baylee did a really cool look with my hair." You should be a hair stylist." I said smiling. She said-"Thanks but im a competitive dancer." She said. I nodded and smile.

Victoria was working on my makeup.
"You look great! Im done!" She said.

It was time for my date with JJ.
This time, instead of walking over to Nashs, JJ walked over here. " Hi, you look great." He said. " Thanks, so do you." I said smiling." Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded smiling.

He bent down, of course, and i got on his back. He took of running to the limo and I laughed."Your cute." He said and i blushed and got into the limo. " Is being cute a good thing?" I asked. He got closer to my face. I could smell his minty breath. " Definitely." He whispered.

We slowly got closer until our lips touched. Sparks. I instantly kissed back. The kiss was short, yet sweet. I smiled into the kiss and we broke away at the same time. We just sat in comfortable silence until we got to the restaurant. It.Was.Gorgeous. I loved it!

The rest of the night we just took turns talking about ourselves. Then we went on a walk and he kissed me and gave me a GORGEOUS necklace!

But then why is it still so hard to choose who i wanna be with? Ugh i hate this.

Hey guys! Sorry i waited to post until now! I was with my friend all day! But i HAD to post! Who do you ship?? Who do you think she will pick?? Love you guys! Plz comment! And if you hate? Dont be surprised if i snap back! Haha love you 💚💙

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