Chapter 15

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I woke up to yelling. Greaaat. Sarcasm. Juuuust so you know.


" Were best friends, Nash. We weren't doing anything. " Matt said calmly and quietly, knowing i would be peed if he woke me up. "Bull. " Nash said and walked out. I finally opened my eyes and Matt looked at me sadly.

" Sorry about that. Nash is overprotective." I said and he nodded." Its fine. But you might want to go to him." He said. I nodded and headed to the beach. I think thats where he would be. I thought right.

I walked down closer to the water. He was sitting there with his knees drawled up a little bit. I went and sat next to him with my head on his shoulder.

" You know we're best friends, right? We wouldn't do anything." I whispered.
He looked down at me. " I trust you, its him i don't trust." He said. I sighed.

" Hey." I said and pulled his face down for a kiss. He kissed back.

" Im sorry, im just overprotective." He said. I said it was ok. I checked the time. 4:30. We leave for Montana at 6 am tomorrow morning. Yippee. Me and Nash just sat there chilling for a while.

I got a text awhile later.
#1 Bae( Victoria ): Going to a fancy restaurant for dinner, get here so we can all get ready. We go at 6.

I told Nash what we were doing and we headed back to the hotel. I headed to my room and he headed to his." Heyyyy" I said dragging out the "y". The girls plus Hayes were in here.

Us girls ran to the bathroom." Update on boys?" Lox said. We all giggled and nodded." I like Hayes." Baylee said. Aww young love. " I SHIPPED IT FROM THE BEGINNING!" I screamed and the girls shushed me.

"JG asked me out." Lox admitted. We all quietly squealed." Me and Nash are great! Hes so sweet." I said. Victoria looked upset." I still ship Catt." She said. I laughed and shook my head but the other girls looked down." What?" I asked.

"CodyBug, we all love you but we think you chose the wrong boy." Victoria said. I shook my head. I changed the subject." Victoria what about you and Cam?" I said. She blushed." Nothing." She said sadly." Dang, ill talk to him, k?" I said and she nodded smiling gratefully.

We all headed out and ran to our suitcases. Hayes was nowhere to be found. Whatever. I picked out a really cute dress and so did the rest of the girls. We all got dressed and did eachothers hair and makeup.

In my opinion, call me conceited, but i think we all looked amazing.


"I like Hayes." Baylee said. Wait. What? Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait. Baylee likes me?!?! YES!!! Oh my god. I was thinking about asking her out but like shes really shy and i didnt think she liked me. I really like how shes so shy. I think its really cute. I continued to listen.

(A/N- Hayes you nosy little cutie. Ily💚💙)

I listened from- "JG asked me out." Alllll the way to- " I still ship Catt."

They dont ship Cody and Nash? Good, im not the only one. I mean they're cute and everything, but Matt really loves Cody. And all of us except Cody can see that. And Nash hates it. Nash hates that Matt likes, scratch that, loves, dang it!!!! Scratch that too! That Matt is in love, yeah, thats better.

After that, i ran out and into Nashs room to celebrate Baylee liking me. I pranced in super happy." Whats making you so happy, Haaaas?" Nash asked.

" Oh, just that Baylee likes me." I said happily and started to hum." Hes humming, he must really like her. Dont screw it up, Hayes."

" I wont!" I yelled." We just know you Hayes. You'll say something and think its sweet and it's not. Then you'll hurt her. We've known since she got here that she was shy and sensitive." Cam said. Hes got a point. I wont mess this up.

I can't.

Nashs POV

I really, really like Cody. Shes so..... Well, indescribably perfect. I just like her so much. Once we all finished getting ready, we headed downstairs to the lobby, where we were meeting everyone.

When we got down there, all the guys were there, but the ladies were not. Figures, haha. Dont tell them i said that. We all just sat there playing around till the girls came down. But Matt seemed down.

"Hey man. Sorry about earlier." I said to him. He shook his head." Nah bro. Im sorry for being with her like that. We were just cuddling. Weve done it since we were 3. We always do it. Sorry if it looked bad dude." He said

(A/N- lol guys. I feel so weird writing guys parts. Its awkward  bc im just like- ya BRO.Seriously DUDE. For real MAN. Lolz k bye)

I smiled." Its cool. Friends?" I asked. He shook his head and i got worried." Brothers" He said and i smiled bro hugging him. Finally, i heard clacks of high heels. But only one pair?

First I saw Lox, in heels. Then i saw Victoria. Not in heels. Same for Baylee and Cody. Of course. Victoria and Cody had on Converse. Baylee had on Vans. But either way, they all looked beautiful. But i was looking at a certain girl in a blue dress. Cody looked so gorgeous. Make up or no makeup.

Lets get this night started. Im ready.


We all were at the restaurant and i needed to got to the bathroom really, really bad. "I need to go to the bathroom." I said. Victoria did too so we both headed to the bathroom. While i was in there i checked my makeup and it was fine. Victoria was fixing hers a little so i took the time to ask her about Cam.

"So, do you like Cam?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded fixing her mascara quickly. " I hate that we have to wake up so early!" She said as we walked out. I nodded and started to say something.

"Me too. It really su-" But before i could finish my sentence, i saw something i never wanted to see.

Nash. Kissing someone else. This always happens.

(A/N- Heyyyy guys!!! So cliffy much? Please comment more! I love comments lol. And ooooh bad Nashypoo! Sorry my collage looks bad! I did it kinda rushed lol. But anyways, who do you ship? And who do you think she will end up with? Should i do a sequel? Love you my pretty potato people!💚💙

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