Chapter 25

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I woke up still in Nashs room. I decided i needed some time alone with my best friend.

So i called her up.

" Hello?" Victoria said in a tired croaky voice." Hey, meet me in the room. We need to talk and i want Starbucks."

She agreed and i slowly headed out if Nashs room and towards mine.

Victoria wasnt here yet so i decided to go ahead and get ready. I left my hair in my usual beach waves and did my usual mascara and a little foundation and powder for my "problem areas"( a/n this made me laugh for some reason idk why. I need help...).

I was ready by the time Victoria walked in so i jumped on my bed and played on my phone for awhile.

I actually have barely slept in my own bed during Magcon. Finally Victoria came out and we headed to Starbucks! Yay !

Do i love Nash? I really dont know. I mean i love everything about him. But do i love him? This is complicated.

" So what's going on?" Vic asked when we got our usual and sat down." Nash...Nash said that, that he loves me." I said. Victoria nodded slowly in thought so I continued." I dont know what to do." I said in stress." Its simple, really. Do you have really strong feelings for him?" She asked. I nodded." Then you have strong feelings for him." She said. " But do i love him?" I asked.

" You see CodyBug, Love is just a word. Strong feelings, is a feeling. Something you actually feel, its not just words. Love may mean alot to a bunch of people, but Love, is just the word. Its the meaning of the word that counts. Every heard " Dont judge a book by its cover?" Its alot like that. Basically, the thing is, you dont love Nash. Well no, im not gonna say that, you do love him, but something, rather someone is holding you back." She said, thats deep for you.

Thats why i go to Victoria for help/advice. And shes right, i do love Nash, but something is holding me back.

And for some reason, Matt is the name who keeps easing his way into my head.


Is it wrong that even though im dating Cam i always get butterflies from Taylor?

If im feeling like this, i think i need to tell Cam.

( By the way were back at the hotel all hanging in the same room)

"Cam, can i talk to you?... In private?" I whispered to him. He nodded and we quickly snuck out and headed to his room.

" Is it bad, well i know its bad actually, that i get butterflies from Taylor when im dating you?" I asked.

His face hardened a bit. Great, he was mad." Well, yeah i mean of course it is. Me and you are dating. Not you and Taylor." He said snarling Taylors name.

" I, im sorry." I stuttered." Why are you sorry? Did you do anything with Taylor, Victoria?" He snarled and i started go get scared, this is not good.

"Nno" i stuttered. Great now it seems like im lying.

"LIAR!" He screamed and went to slap me, realizing what he was doing only after he had done it.

I was shocked


Life was good, except Jackson. Jackson is my boyfriend, and we used to be close, lovey dovey, and just, well, happy. But now, he scares me. He abuses me. Punchs, kicks, anything that hurts me.

But hes got everyone fooled. They think we're so happy together. But no, he terrifies me. And he's scary when hes angry. Right now, he was very, angry. Why? I have no idea. But i do know im scared." Why are you scared, Vic? Did you do something?" He asked, snarling my name and the word "Do" like it did something to him.

" N-no, im scared because your scaring me, Jackson." I said." Shut up!" He screamed and slapped me really hard. I tried to run away, but my feet felt heavy, and glued to the floor.

He continued to slap me, angrily muttering words i couldn't understand. I finally got the courage to run. Being super fast, i outran him and took off running to Codys house, hoping she was there.

FlashBack Over

I started breaking down into loud sobs and slowly dragging myself down the wall. Those flashbacks hadnt been that bad in years, but they suddenly come back after seeing Cam mad. His eyes quickly softened and he tried to hug me. I pushed him away, terrified of him. I quickly got up and ran out, running to the only place i could think of.

The roof. I ran up and sat down on the very high up room of the hotel we were staying at.

" I cant do this. I-I cant. Not anymore." I whispered and walked to the edge. I whispered " I love you Taylor, i wish you knew that." And then began to jump.

" STOP!" A voice yelled. I turned around, Taylor." Im sorry." I kept repeating and fell into his arms." You shouldn't be. You didnt do anything wrong." He said whispering like he did on the plane. I only then looked up at him and he had a slightly bruised cheek.

" Oh my gosh, did Cameron do this?!?! Im gonna kill that-" " Its fine. He did do it, but i guess I deserved it, i did kinda take you away from him." I shook my head." No, you didnt. That was my choice." I said and he looked at me. I hid my cheek as good as i could and luckily he didnt notice.

" Taylor, i was blinded by Camerons charms and wits, not thinking about the perfect guy right in front of me. But when i got with Cam, i knew it was wrong. Some reason i went with it. But Taylor, what im trying to say is, I love you. I dont love Cameron. I love you." I said truthfully.

He smiled." I loved you since we first spoke to each other." He said.


Ive realized, im not in love with Nash. Im not in love with JJ.

But i will surely tell you this, i am, and i guess i always have been, in love with Matt.

Matthew Lee Espinosa. The boy that i grew up with. The boy i was in diapers with. The boy who always was there for me. Yeah, i finally realized that i love him.

But does he love me?

A/N- CODY YOU IDIOT OF COURSE HE LOVES YOU. Hey guys! So i think the next chapter will be the last chapter, yeah i know oh my gooood. Ok, so like i said there will be a sequel. And i have some plans for that! I cannot WAIT for yall to read it! Anyways, comments, i love them. I LOVE THEM. So give meh more of them if you love me.


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