Chapter 11

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Another Magcon day! Im super excited!
Last night with JJ was great, i just wish i knew who i wanted to date. They're all amazing. By the way, we changed room arrangements since there are more people now. The room arrangements are now( below)
Thats the first room^^
Thats the second room^^
Jack G
Jack J
Thats the last room^^
Also, todays our last day in Cali. That makes me sad. :(
I got up and looked at the room we were in. Luckily, we didnt have to share  beds. The rooms were huge!

I decided to wake up Victoria, Cam, and Nash so we could go to breakfast. The girls had only met JJ yesterday. Cam and Nash will be the first ones to meet Victoria. Besides JJ. Thinking about it, Cam and Victoria would be cute. But hes not really her type. Its funny, she likes nerdy guys. But Cams pretty smart, so i guess he could be a hot nerd. Haha.

I woke up Victoria and we got ready. I txted Nash to be ready with Cam in a few. He said ok and we headed over there." Hey!" He said hugging me." How was" He asked jealously." It was great! Are you guys ready?" I asked " obliviously" Haha, my butt.

He nodded and introduced himself to Victoria." Hi, im Nash. You must be Victoria! Wow, ya'll could be twins!" He exclaimed. We smiled. " We get that alot." We said that at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

Cam came over and kinda just stared at Victoria for a minute." Uhhh hello?? " She said awkwardly. He stopped staring." Hi." He said nervously. " Hi. Can we go now?" She asked uncomfortably. I nodded and me and her stayed in the back while the guys walked further ahead.

"I think someone may have a crush..." I said." Yeah, yeah. He's not my type." She snapped. " Hes kinda hot tho" I sang changing the lyric to "Hes" instead of "Shes". She nodded.

" Yeah. He kinda is" She agreed laughing. We continued to walk and caught up to the guys. I grabbed Nashs hand and smiled up at him. He smiled down at me. Haha im so short. We got to the car and rided to Starbucks.

I got my usual( caramel apple frappe) and a blueberry muffin. Victoria got the same because its both of our favorites. Twinsssss. " So Victoria, how did you and Green Eyes meet? " Nash asked.

" Green eyes?" She asked. I nodded." He calls me Green eyes and i call him Blue Eyes. Its kind of our thing. We all have alot of nicknames." I said and she nodded. Once we finished we headed out for Magcon.


" Hi. Sorry about freezing up earlier." A voice said when we got back to the hotel. I looked up and it was Cameron. I smiled. " Its fine! Everyone freezes up sometimes. Question, are Nash and Cody dating?" I said. He shook his head.

" Its complicated." He said. I nodded for him to go on." Well, Nash, Matt, and JJ all like her, and she likes them all back. But she doesn't know who to choose. Not necessarily complicated to explain, but complicated for her to choose, i guess." He said and i nodded.

" So... Are you single?" He asked out of the blue. " Um... Im sorry?" I asked confused. He shook his head." Nevermind, I shouldn't have asked that." He said. I shook my head. " Nah, dont worry about. Its cool. And to answer your question, yeah. Im single." I said coolly. Because im cool.


I think my feelings have changed. When i said i didnt like Cody, i was lying, but now... I dont think i like Cody anymore. Im gonna try and get to know Victoria. Im determined to. Shes really cool, i like it.

BACK TO CODYS POV( Sorry for the POV changes!) *AT MAGCON*

During the meet and greet part of Magcon, i guess you could say I got sassy. It happened when i walked passed two girl, both probably about 10 or 11." Thats the ugly one of the group." She said. " Shes also a biotch." She added. I turned around.

" Oh, im a biotch? Like your personality, right? Niiiice. Your too young to even be allowed to say that word. And if you dont like me... Then you can go, little girl. " I sassed.

" Excuse me, im not little. Little girl." She said. I laughed hard while saying this- " Im older than you are! " I laughed and walked away.

Since it was the end of Magcon, i headed back to my room. She stopped me for a second again. " Ill get you!" She yelled." Your five!" I said looking over my shoulder laughing.

Once i headed back to my room, right before i was about to walk in, i saw Matt come over." Hey Cody! I saw you fighting with that 10 year old! Nice come back." He said. I laughed. " Thanks, everyone else is still at Magcon cleaning up, but i guess were just lazy. Wanna come in and chill? We haven't talked in forever!" I said. He nodded and we decided to watch a movie.

We were just watching a bunch of Pretty Little Liars episodes. Our arrangement must've looked super cute. He was sitting at the head of the bed and i was laying half on the bed, half on his lap. He was playing with my hair.

"Were cute best friends." I said smiling up at him." We really are." He said. It was about 12 and the guys(and girls) weren't back yet. But i wasn't worried because they texted me saying they were all in one room chilling. Cam said we needed time together. I agreed.

" Promise me we will always be best friends." I said. " I promise." He said.

A/N- Hey guys! Another chapter up! Did you guys like it? Who do you ship?? Who do you think she will end up with?? Cam and Victoria have cozied up. A little bit of Catt in this chapter for my Catt shippers. Love you guys! Bye my pretty potato people 💚💙

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