Chapter 23

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Maybe hes just bipolar? But he cant forget about breaking up with me. I just ignored him and woke up JJ.

While we were walking off the plane i saw Cam carrying Victoria on his back while she was sleeping. I turned to JJ. He bent down quickly and i was asleep fast.


I hate that Cam and Victoria are being all lovey dovey." Hey Cam, you look tired, want me to carry her?" I asked quietly hoping he would say yes. He nodded surprisingly. We all would probably be messing around but its too early. All the girls we're asleep so we carried them to their room along with Hayes.

We layed the girls down and headed out. I layed down in my bed and thought about Victoria. I really like her. But of course, Cams gotta be in my way. I wonder if she likes me. I hope so.


What time is it?

Ohhh its 1. We slept in didnt we? I decided to go see if JJ was up. I knocked on the door and JG opened it." Is JJ up?" I asked. He nodded and called for him." Ready for Starbucks?" He asked. I nodded.

I decided to walk today, wanting this to be serious. When we got to Starbucks, we ordered, got our coffees and sat down." So... What did you want to talk about?" He asked." Um, well I wanted to know if you still liked me?" I asked. He smiled shyly." I don't. I think I got liking you as a girlfriend and liking you as my friend mixed up."He said.

" Yeah, i think we were just mixed up. Maybe we should stay besties."I said softly." Yeah, i agree." He said, I got up and hugged him tight.


Today is my date with Cam. Today. Is my date with Cam. TODAY. IS. MY. DATE. WITH. CAM.

Ok im chill. But yes, todays my date with Cameron. Im pretty excited. The girls are helping me get ready. Cam said to dress casually cute. Baylees doing my hair, like usual, Mahogany is doing makeup, and Codys doing outfit. And me?

I was just sitting in a chair. I guess you could say "Supervising." Haha." Aaand done!" Exclaimed Mahogany." Thanks, Mahogany." I said." Hun, how many times have I told you, call me Lox!" She said. I laughed.

" Sorry, i just like your name." I said. " But it's so long!" She whined. We all laughed." But its so pretty!" I mocked.

" Finished!" Baylee said." Take that!" Yelled Cody and threw clothes at me. " AND THAT." She screamed and threw shoes at me." OWWW. CODY!" I yelled. She threw a pair of combat boots at my butt.

I quickly changed and checked the time. 4:00. Cam should be here at 4:30. Huh, im early.

" Boy update?" I asked. All the girls nodded. " Well, im going on a date of course with Cameron, but i think that I may also have a small crush on Taylor..." I said and all the girls jaws dropped." Taylor?!?!!!?!" Lox squealed. I nodded shyly." But Cameron?" Baylee asked." I like him too." I said.

" Seems like you have some thinking to do." Lox said. " Next?" " I think Hayes likes me..." Baylee said and we all squealed." Why so?" I asked." Well hes always trying to make me laugh, and he started calling me Bay, no not bae, Bay as in the first three letters of my name, and he likes to cuddle with me." She said. We all awed. Young love.

" Me and JG are dating. Were doing great." She said. We all awed." Me and JJ decided to be just friends, and Nash is still acting weird. Im single." Cody said."BOOOOOO I WANT CATT!!!" I yelled and she shook her head again.

" Were best friends! He doesnt like me!" She exclaimed. God shes such a blonde! Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I ran to the bathroom and sprayed my usual peppermint perfume then headed  back out where the girls were setting rules. Cam hasnt seen me yet.

"Wow. You-you look amazing. Beautiful." He said and i blushed." Thank you." I whispered shyly.

" Shall we go?" He asked." We shall." I said nodding.



She always does. I really like her. We were walking around London for our date, and at the end were having a picnic on a boat.

I hesitated to grab her hand while we were walking, but eventually i did grab it. She smiled up at me." Never thought of you to be the shy type on a date." She said. Thats true, most of the time im a big flirt with her, but i dont want to mess this up.

" Hey! I can be a gentleman sometimes!" I exclaimed and she laughed." I know. OH MY GOD EIFFLE TOWER!!!" She yelled and i laughed as she took about thirty pictures of it. I took a picture of her taking a picture.

We looked around a bunch more places then I led her to the picnic. It was on a boat.

I helped her in then i got in. It was the perfect size for us and the picnic stuff. We were gonna eat some sandwiches and chips. Also i got Shawn to make us cookies.

" Hey, look!" I said and pulled something out while she looked away.
When she looked back I said-" Victoria, i really like you, and i wanna break down the walls that i know you've built high. I wanna be there for you if you fall. I wanna have that relationship. I want us to grow such strong feelings for eachother that we can get through anything, as long as we have eachother. So Victoria, will you be my girlfriend?"

She was almost in tears." Yes." She said and a tear slipped out of her eye(a/n- i almost put EYEEEEBAAAALL but then I remembered that this is supposed to be lovey dovey lol).

And then i did it.

I kissed her.

A/N- Hey guys! So i need something from yall, but its good I swear! I need girlfriends! I need a girlfriend for-


Geez i didnt know how many guys were after each girl! Lol. Anyways I need you to give me a description of what she looks like, height, the guy you want, her personality, ect. You can either private message me on WattPad or on Kik. My Kik is nerdy_too_bad and you can message me on either but i look at Kik more. If yall dont give me any girls then i will make my own, its no problem. K bye my pretty potato people! Love you all!💚💙

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