Chapter 18

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Victorias POV

I hate mornings. I hate them. This morning, i got smack cammed. And guess whos gonna die? Taylor. Freaking. Caniff. Thats who." TAYLOR MICHAEL CANIFF IM GOING TO MURDER YOU." I screamed. He ran out of my room. Very quickly i might add. I ran after him. Even though i hate running, im very fast.

He was in his room by now and i was right about to run in. The idiot forgot to lock or even close the door so i just ran in. I quickly tackled him and started pinching him." Ow ow owwww ow Victoria ow ow owowowowow stop it." He said." This is what you get." I said happily. He flipped us over and got up." I wont do it again. I swear. Not after that." He said breathing hard." Good." I said smirking and walked out like a boss.

We didnt have Magcon today so we all decided to go to the mall. Good. I need some beanies. What am i saying? I always need clothes. But mostly i like beanies." Gotta feeling that im going under, but i know that ill make it out alive, if i quit calling you my lover, and move onnnn. You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking. Falling on to my knees and now that im without your kisses, ill be needing stitches" I sang a little bit loudly, because the people in my room sleep so heavily. When I screamed at Taylor, no one even cared. Haha

"Woah. Victoria that was legit awesomeness." A voice said. I turned around." Shawn, uhhhh you, you weren't supposed to hear that." I said shyly. I mean i was probably a disgrace for singing his song so poorly. Meh." I was pretty sure i wasnt. But i was coming to tell you that were going to the mall." He said." Shawn, i knew we were going to the mall, we all decided that yesterday." I said in a duh voice.

"Seriously? Soooo i came in here for no reason." I laughed and nodded." Well, either way, would you like to do a duet with me or maybe a trio song with Jack and Jack?" He asked. I looked at him astounded." Seriously?" I ask. He nodded smiling." Yes! Definitely! Maybe me JG and JJ can all sing Wrong One! Thats mine and Codys favorite song of all time!" I squealed. He laughed." Ok get ready and ill go talk to Jack and Jack." He said and i nodded and he headed out.

I decided to wear skinny jeans, a varsity jacket, a cute crop top, some booties, and let my messy beach hair down and put a beanie on it. For makeup, the usual mascara...yup thats it. Aaand im ready for the day! Everyone wasnt up yet so I texted Cam to see if he was up.

Cammy😍( btw nobody but Cody knows what his name on my phone is): Heyyyy u up? I wanna go to Starbucks but i dont wanna be lonely lol.

Victoria😏( I put my name in like that because im trouble lol) : Hey yeah im up ill meet u downstairs?

He texted back almost immediately. I smiled and texted him back and headed down. He was already there." Hi." He said." You sound like when we first met." I said laughing. He laughed." I was nervous! I didnt want to mess up talking to a beautiful girl like you." He said. Hold up. Is Cameron Alexander Dallas flirting with me? Seriously? What am i saying. I am not good for him. And i dont trust easily. What the heck is he doing? And me? Letting him do it?!?!?!?

Lord help me. We walked in silence to the Starbucks that for some reason, he knew where it was." Hey can you hold this?" He asked holding him hand with his fist clenched above mine. I nodded." It better not be a bug." I said. But i knew what he was doing. He laughed and shook is head "pretending " to drop something in my hand then intertwining our fingers together. I looked up at him and smiled, he did the same but looking down, down, down,down at me.

I cant help im short. Like get over it. We finally got to the Starbucks and ordered our usuals then sat down sipping our drinks." Sooo how are you liking Magcon?" I asked." Im seriously loving it. I love meeting fans and the guys and you girls are just so fun to be around. Life is really amazing actually." He said. Hes so passionate about this.

"That's great. Like seriously amazing that you like it so much! Its cool how your so passionate about this." I said smiling." Im passionate about you." He said. Waiiit. Whaaaaaat? " Whaaaaat?" I asked." Yeah, I like you. Like, i like like you." He said. " Oh" I said. Im seriously so freaking awkward! " I-I mean I like you too." I said gaining confidence." Really?" He said his pretty eyes brightening up. I smiled and nodded." Well then Victoria, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked hopefully. I smiled. What am i doing.

"Definitely." I said. We decided to leave and held hands on the way home. He makes me laugh so much. I think this may just be the relationship i dont mess up.


Ah, the mall. A wonderful place really. Im not what you would say a shopaholic, but more of a...well, Im a shopaholic. But i dont want to buy too much. "Yall know the deal." I said. 5 guys quickly bent down. Wait 5?

JG, Nash, Cameron, Hayes, and...Taylor? Most of the time its only our boyfriends, or soon to be boyfriends that bend down. But theres Taylor. Staring right at Victoria. But she didnt notice and jumped on Cams back. Hmmm. Whats that about Tay? I went over to Nash real quick." Hey, Taylor seemed like he wanted Victoria on his back, but she got on Cams. I think he feels bad, so imma go over there and ride on that ok?" I asked. Didn't want a jealous boyfriend. He nodded and stared at Tay curiously." I wonder whats going on." He said." And thats why im here." I said grinning. I went over to Tay and jumped on his back.

"Hi." I said." Hey Victoria." He said." Uhhh im Cody. Sorry Tay." I said. "Oh." He said seeming down again." So uh, why'd you want Victoria on your back. Hmm?" I asked.

A/N CLIFFY! Hey guys! Ok so alot of Victoria in this chapter. Mainly because i want some drama with her. Anyways, what do you think is going on with Taylor? Who do you ship? Who do you think the girls will end up with? Should i do a sequel? PLEAAAAASE COMMENT!!! I have a bunch of reads but like NO COMMENTS!!! Its not bc i want the views, its bc i want you guys opinion! Anyways, love you guys my pretty potato people 💚💙

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