Chapter 19

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"So... Whyd you want Victoria on your back...hmm?" I asked him. I swear i see blush on his cheeks." Its nothing." He said." Tell me." I said." No." I gave him a look." Fine. I may have a small crush on her..." He said.


Victoria has two guys after her, and i have 3. Well, JJ doesn't really seem like he likes me anymore. I need to clear that up with him. " I wont tell. But theres a catch." He looked at me." You have to wear matching clothes with her to Magcon." I said. It would be cute.

" Fine with me. As long as you do it. With Matt." He said. I shrugged." Ok. Wait, how about everyone has to match for Magcon. Like in pairs? "I asked. He nodded and we told everyone our ideas. "Now everyone go with your partner to find your outfits!" I squealed. The pairs were- JG and Lox, Me and Matt, Victoria and Tay, Nash and Cam, Hayes and Baylee,Aaron and Shawn, Carter and Jack Johnson.

Me and Matt ran off together. "What do we want our look to look like?" I asked him." Theres this place that sells galaxy things, they have really cool stuff." He said. I smiled."Yes!" I exclaimed. We headed to the store and started looking around." We can have black pants, the galaxy comverse for me, galaxy vans for you, a galaxy crop top for me and a galaxy shirt for you, and top it off with galaxy snapbacks and dog tags. Sound good?" I asked. He smiled. "Sounds awesome." He said.

We bought everything we need and headed to Starbucks to grab a coffee.


"What kind of outfit do we want?" I asked him but i knew what he was gonna say. He looked at me smirking and i smirked back." Tie dye!" We yelled at the same time and laughed. We both bought tie dye shirts( i got a crop top) and we both made sure we had dark colored jeans. Then we got tie died bandanas and tie dye shoes.

"Well that was quick!" I said smiling.
He nodded and smiled his cute smile. " Lets just walk around."

I nodded and we started looking around seeing what the mall had. "Hey, sing with me." He said." Huh?" I asked confused." I wanna sing. Sing with me!" He said." Ok..." I said not thinking he was gonna start singing.

I thought that ive been hurt before,

But no ones ever left me quite this sore.

Your words cut deeper than a knife,

Now i need someone to bring me back to life.

He looked at me as to say " now you sing" . A crowd was gathering now because he was singing loudly, but actually pretty well. I shrugged and joined in

Gotta feeling that im going under,

But i know that ill make it out alive

If i quit calling you my lover

And move on

He joined in. There was a huge crowd now. Are we that good?

You watch me bleed until i cant breathe

Shaking. Falling onto my knees, and now that im without your kisses, ill be needing stitches

I let just Tay sing this part

Tripping over myself, acheing

Begging you to come help and now that im without your kisses ill be needing stitches

Then it was just me. I could see everyone from Magcon watching us too. Cam looked jealous that im singing with Tay.

Just like a moth drawled to a flame.

Now you led me in I couldn't sense the pain.

Your bitter hearts cold to the touch

Now i reap what i sew

Im left seeing red on my own

We both sang next-

Gotta feeling that im going under. But i know that ill make it out alive.

If i quit calling you my lover

And move on

You watch me

Bleed until i cant breathe shaking

Falling onto my knees

And now that im without your kisses

Ill be needing stitches tripping over myself

Acheing begging you to come help

And now that im without your kisses

Ill be needing stitches

We both smiled at each and started slow dancing together while we were singing like alot of couples were doing. Including Cody and Matt and me and Tay even though none of us are dating. Cody and Matt looked so cute and happy. I will always ship Catt.

Needle in the thread gotta get you outta my head needle in the thread gonna wind up dead

Needle in the thread gotta get you outta my head needle in the thread gonna wind up dead

Needle in the thread gotta get you outta my head needle in the thread gonna wind up dead

Needle in the thread gotta get you outta my head get you outta my head

You watch me
( bleed until i cant breathe shaking)

Falling onto my knees and now that im without your kisses ill be needing stitches ( falling on my knees)

tripping over myself acheing begging ( begging baby please)you to come help and now that I'm without your kisses ill be needing stitches

Now that im without your kisses( we dragged out kisses)

Ill be needing stitches

Now that im without your kisses ill be needing stitches

We smiled at eachother.Claps erupted from everyone and everything. " That was awesome!"" You guys were amazing!"" I loved that!" And more compliments were thrown everywhere.

But me and Taylor didnt care. We just stood there staring at eachother." Ahem" someone coughed loudly and obnoxiously. We snapped out of it and looked at everyone else." Lets go home. Magcon is soon." I said embarrassed that i sang infront of EVERYONE.

Everyone agreed and me and the girls jumped on someones back. For some reason, i got onto Taylors back instead of Camerons, unusual." You were great." I whispered." Thanks, but you were better. Your singing with Jack and Jack later tonight, right?" He said.

" Yeah, when we get back i have to change and then got practice with them." I said excitedly. He laughed." Your so passionate about singing." He said and that reminded me of when Cam was talking about being passionate about Magcon. I smiled at the thought. Suddenly, i was being put down. We were at the car. I crawled in a sat by Cody before Nash or Matt could.

"Suckers." I said laughing. " This is my cuddle buddy. Not yours." I said and she laughed and hugged me. Very soon, we were sleeping.

A/N- Hey guys! Sorry for not posting yesterday! Imma probably post another chapter later today making up for yesterday. Who do you ship? Who do you think the girls will end up with? Should i do a sequel? Love you my pretty potato people!💚💙

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