Chapter 8

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"Cody, will you go out with me?"


Codys amazing. I need to ask her out before JJ or Nash do.


Codys great. I have to ask her out and make her mine before Nash or Matt.

NASH GRIERS POV( srry for all the changing povs😁)
I really think i like Cody. She's really cool. Will she think if I ask her out it'll be too early? If she does then oh well.

" I'll be back. Im gonna go to the bathroom." I said. Nobody cared so i took advantage of that and headed to Codys room instead of the bathroom. 20 seconds of courage, Nash. 20 seconds.


" Um... Nash I would love too and its not that I don't like you, because believe me i do! It's because we just met! The only thing i know about you is that your a famous viner and your name is Nash!" I said to him.

He ran his hand through his hair thinking. Then, he lit up like a Christmas tree.

" Exactly! If you go on a date with me, I'll get to tell you about myself!" He said. Weell, hes got a point there. I stood there thinking about it until he waved a hand in my face.

"So??" He said. "Why not?" I smiled. " YES!" He yelled." Oh...ummmm I meant*Coughs Awkwardly * " Rubs neck awkwardly " thats cool." He said trying to act cool. I burst out laughing.

" Come in!" I said. He did. " Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded excitedly." Well, its only about 4. Wanna go out at 6? " He said. I nodded. " Ill leave so you can get ready." He said i nodded and he said bye and left. As soon as he left i calmly grabbed my phone and sent a txt to Lox.


Lox- Damn girl calm down. Im coming. Love you too bae😂😂😂

I laughed at what she put. Soon enough she opened the door. " Whats up? You made me leave and i was cuddling with JG." She said sadly. Aww.

" I SHIP IT BITCH!!!!!! AND NASH ASKED ME OUT!!!!" I yelled. She screamed and I shushed her. " When is it??"
"In two hours. LETS GO GIRL!!!" I yelled. She ran to the closet." Nash txted me. I know where you going but im not telling you,but i know what you need to wear. Go to the bathroom. Ill be there soon." She said.

I obey and headed there. She came in soon with the CUTEST OUTFIT!!!

I quickly changed and we started on my hair. Im not exactly sure what she did to it, but it was gorgeous!

" Its 5: 55!!! Lets go!!!" She squealed. I squealed too and we headed to Nash and Cams room. " Hey ladies! Cody you look great!!" He said. I blushed and thanked him. " Nash you have a gorgeous lady waiting for you!" He said. Yet again, i blushed.

He came to the door. " Now Nash, no Nashty stuff, and i want her home by 12. " Lox said. God, shes so much like Victoria. God i miss her." I got you Lox" He said laughing. She smiled and left.

" Lets go!" He said. He bent down without me even asking. I laughed and jumped on his back and he ran to the limo." Where are we going Blue Eyes?"i asked.

" Were gonna go to Starbucks( SCORE YASSSSS) then for a walk." He said. Perfect." Perfect." I said smiling." Really? Its not too mainstream?" He asked worriedly. I smiled. He is just too sweet!

" Like i said, it's perfect." I said. When we got to Starbucks, he opened the car door for me and held my hand walking into the Starbucks. I guess Nash had arranged something because the employees shut the blinds.

" What do you want??" The waitress asked kindly. I ordered a Caramel apple latte and Nash ordered a hot chocolate.

While we sat there, i got to know him and he got to know me by playing 20 questions. Well, more like fifty question.

On our walk, he asked me if i was happy we were at Magcon. I smiled. " Definitely." " Thats great, so am I. So, have you got to know me?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

" You know... Me, Matt, and Johnson all have a pretty big crush on you..." He said casually. I sighed. "I know...i dont know what to do..."I said. He looked at me.

" Follow your heart. Not your mind." I smiled. " Thanks." He shook his head as to say " don't worry about it ".

Suddenly, we stopped in the middle of the walk. No one was around. And...HE KILLED ME!!!! THE END. A/N hahaha jkjk sorry had to put that.

And...HE KISSED ME!!!! He pressed his lips to mine lightly, his fresh minty breath on mine. It was sweet, yet passionate. It was amazing. But for some reason... Matt jumped into my mind? This kiss, right here, felt right. did Matts kiss. And im pretty sure if me and JJ kiss that one will feel right too.

Ugh what do i do?!?!

A/N- Hey guys! 2nd chapter today making up for tomorrow! I have to go get my grandma bc she's moving in for a while so im gonna be working ALL DAY so no chapters tomorrow! SO SORRY!! Im happy with how the book is going so far...but comment if im taking it too fast. Who do you ship? And who do you think she will end up with?? Bye my pretty potatos ❤️💜💛💚💙

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