Chapter 12

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Me and Matt fell asleep last night together and Cam came to wake us up this morning. Apparently everyone fell asleep in his room last night.

" Psst, Cody... Matt...WAKE UP!" He started to say quietly, then of course started to yell. I pretended to sleep and Matt woke up. " Cam! She's sleeping! Get. Out." Matt said. " So, hows it going with you and her? I personally ship you two. And hurry up and get ready. Were all going to the mall." He said. He ships us?!?!

Oh my god. Eyeroll." I think we're doing great. But I have to ask her out, soon. Nash and Johnson have already made there move, and im over here being a wimp! Help me out Cam. Your great with girls!" Matt said. Awe.

" All I can say is to make it special. Take her on a date of course. You know her more than she knows herself. You'll know what to do. " Cam said. " Be ready soon, like I said, were going to the mall." Cam added." And ask her out, like, now. Before the other guys make a move on her." "But i want it to be special." He said." Then just keep her away from the other two." He suggested. Ok. I get he wants to ask me out, but he can't keep me away from JJ and Blue Eyes.

He stroked my hair softly. " Cody" He said softly." Your trying to wake her up, not put her to sleep. Im gonna get the pan." Cam said." Ok, im not gonna get killed. You are." Matt said. Awe, he knows im gonna kill Cam. Thats sweet. Im weird.

Soon enough, i heard the pan. " CODY WAKE UUUUP. " He said. My eyes shot open and i looked at Matt, he moved out of the way, i get into killer mode if you wake me up. I looked at Cam and tackled him with tickles. He was laughing really hard.

" HELP!!!! STOP SAVE ME AHHH MY GOSH!!!!IM SORRY!!!" He screamed.


"I PROMISE!!! IM SORRY!!!" He said in between laughing. I got of of him and pushed him out, slamming the door. I high-fived Matt. " Nice tickling. Were going to the mall so get ready." He said and i nodded.

-----------------------------------------------------*AT THE MALL* MATTHEWS POV

So... I might have posted on Instagram and Twitter that we were at the mall. So now...we were all in the middle of a rampage. We all ran and hid somewhere." So uh, who told?" Cam said. No one raised their hand but I've done this before so they probably know it was me. They all turned to me.

" I know, i know, im sorry! I wasn't thinking!" I said." Well, let's split into twos and hide while Matt ever so deservingly distracts the fans, shall we?" Cody said. Shes great with revenge. Everyone nodded and paired up. To my terrible luck she got paired with Nash. And worse. They're. Hiding. In. A closet. Alone. Together.

Now, i had to go out there, with the fans. While the girl of my dreams is in a closet. With the boy of her dreams.

UGH. Here i come fans.


Im in a closet. With Nash Grier. Oh my god. This closet, is not very large. We are pushed against each other. Literally." Hi." He said. I smiled awkwardly " Hi, how are you?" I said. " Im...great. But you know what would be perfect?" He asked." What's that?"


Im gonna do it. Im gonna ask her." What's that?" She asked cutely.

" Theres this amazing girl. Beautiful eyes, long, gorgeous blonde hair, super short, funny, sweet, amazingly talented, beautiful, silly, crazy, and just overall awesome. I want to ask her to be mine, but do you think she would say yes?" I asked. She smiled...sadly?

" Awe Nash! Thats cute! Im almost certain this girl would say yes! Your too sweet not to! Whats this girls name?" Shes so blonde.

" Cody, this girl is in this closet right now." I said. She kinda sat there just looking up at me cutely, but confused." Cody, your a blonde." I said and kissed her.


"Cody, your a blonde." Nash said and kissed me. I instantly kissed back. We broke away after a few seconds." Cody, the girl is you. I like you. I want you to be mine. All mine." He said. Ohhhhhhh
"Ohhhhhhhh thaaaat makes more sense." I said thoughtfully and he chuckled deeply ( but not creepily).

"So...Cody Anilise Eppensfield, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Oh. My. God. Am I dreaming? Am i asleep and Magcon doesn't even exist?
Why in the world would HAMILTON NASH GRIER be asking me out. RIGHT HERE, IN A CLOSET. This cannot be real life. Im dreaming...Nash was never born.

WHAT IS LIFE?!!?!?!?!?


I was in a closet...with Cameron Dallas. Im not a big fan of him, i mean, im not like a fangirl, I've heard of him of course though. Who hasn't? We were both just sitting there, crisscrossed playing 20 questions.

" Favorite color?" He asked me. " Maroon." I said looking at my maroon hightop converses. He nodded." Not mainstream...i like it." He said.

Just gonna pretend he didnt say that...

" Superman or Batman?" I asked him.
" Superman. Definitely." He said immediately." Right?? I love superman(A/N- This is true for both me and Cam.)"

We laughed. " Im gonna buy you a superman shirt." He said. Awe. Sweet." Im gonna do the same." I said. We both got up and ventured into a store that he knew sold Superman stuff. I mean duh he lives here. I bought him a superman t-shirt and he bought me and superman crop top, and a superman hoodie." What size for the hoodie?" He asked."X large." I said. He looked at me weird since i was very petite. I am as small as Cody. We were both premature. We both weigh 80 pounds and are very tiny.

" Well,im an x small, but i like big hoodies." I said." In that case, we can share it. X large is my size." He said and i smiled. Ok, maybe im wrong about him. I thought he would be a player.

But im not letting my guard down just yet. We went to find everyone else and when we did I saw Nash and Cody holding hands. I looked at Nash questioningly. " Oh right! Everyone, me and Cody are officially date." He said looking really really happy. I hope Cody chose the right boy. JJ and Matt tried to look happy but im one of those people who can tell when someone is feeling bad or lying. I pulled them both to the side.

" If shes happy, then dont ruin it. I mean it boys. Matt, you know what happened her last relationship." I said firmly staring them down. I have a good " I mean it dont do anything stupid or ill kill you" look.

Matt and JJ nodded. The last relationship Cody was in didnt end very well. But its not my place to tell you that.

A/N- Heyyo guys! Long chapter for you guys! Victoria and Cam are gettin cozy! What do you thing about Cash getting together? What do you think happened in Codys last relationship? Who do you ship?? I LOVE comments! I think i may start doing so and so comments and votes for a chapter. Not sure yet though. Love you guys my pretty potatos people! Also, like usual who do you ship?? Who do you think she will end up with? Byeee❤️💜💛💚💙

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