Chapter 9

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Last night was great! And today, we have the first Magcon! I am sooo excited and so are the guys. Also, later today, I have to pick up Victoria. The thing is, her mom said she could only come if her sister could too. Which is fine.

Victoria's sister is pretty cool for a 14 year old. Shes also gorgeous. But, she doesnt look alot like Victoria. Shes got medium length brown hair, with big, brown eyes and a pretty smile. Oh! Haha i knew i was forgetting something! Her name! Haha. Her names Baylee. She's super cool as ive said.

The only thing is, shes shy. I really hope the guys bring her out of her shell. I think her and Hayes would be cute. I FUCKING SHIP IT ALREADY. Nash is great. He gives me butterflies. But so does Matt. He has since 6th grade.

And JJ. Awe. Hes really sweet and funny. I just dont know what to do. Right now, the only one whos made a move is Nash, last night when he kissed me. Ah that kiss was amazing. But so was Matts.

CODY ANILISE STOP COMPARING THEM!!!!! ITS MAKING THIS HARDER!!! Ok then. I finally got out of bed after sitting there for like 30 minutes. Magcon was at 12, and it was 11 right now.

The guys all woke me up with texts.

Nashty Boy😜: Good Morning beautiful! Hope your ready for Magcon!xx ( OMG HE PUT KISSES!!!)

Matty😋: Hey gorgeous! Get up for Magcon!😘 ( A KISSY FACE!!!!!!)

Twin👫:Hey pretty lady! Get ready for Magcon!💚

Cammy😇: Morning! Get up for Magcon!xo

The rest of the guys basically sent the same thing and i smiled. My phone rung one again and i looked at the text message

BAE #1( Victoria): Hey b( bae) super ready to see you! I'll see you at 3!xoxooxoxoxo

Awe, das ma bae. ❤️
I was going to get her directly after Magcon. I think JJ was coming with me.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I changed and put on some mascara, eyeliner, and the pink lipstick i had on yesterday that i wore yesterday because i really liked it.

Once i was ready i headed downstairs for breakfast. All the guys plus BAE#2( Lox) were eating there.

" Hello peasants " I said. We laughed.
" Heyyyyy sexy lady!" Said Carter in a funny voice. I laughed and grabbed some waffles with strawberries and some apple juice. I sat down next to Matt.

" Zayummm you got a bae " lip smack" or nah?" Matt said. We all started laughing. " You tryna date? " lip smack" or nahhh?" I finished. He was vining it too.

" POST THAT!!!! WE ARE LEGIT BFF GOALS!!!!!" I screamed and got some dirty looks. I just put up a peace sign. " Sup" i said and nodded my head as to say sup too.

" Haha, yes we are." Matt said. I hugged him and everyone awed. " Um, excuse me bitch. Thats my bae. Get your own." Carter said sitting on his lap. I stuck my middle finger up at him and laughed. " Umm then you must be the side chick. Im main bae. Sorry Cartah." I said all ratchet like.

We all started laughing." Its ok bae. Come sit on my lap. I'd probably crush you sitting on you" Said Lox. " Awww. Bae you wouldn't crush me. I love youuuuuu" I said. Shes not fat. Shes just tall. Shes about as tall as JJ. I went over and sat on her lap with my arms around her.

" Ill be back." I said. I wanted something." Want me to come?" Everyone said. I laughed and shook my head. " Nah, im a big girl. Ill be back in a few." I said.


"I have to pee." I said. " Ewwww JJ! Tmi. Just go to the bathroom. Gosh" Lox said. The guys and i laughed. I got up and headed to find Cody. I didnt need to use the bathroom. I needed to make my move on Cody.

I walked around the corner and saw Nash and Cams door open. Hmm?? I walked over and peeked in. I saw Cody on the floor looking into Nashs suitcase. " YES!" She whispered shouted pulling something out. Is that a... Hoodie? Nashs hoodie? Ok i guess she likes hoodies. Haha thats really cute.

Shit shes coming. I hid behind the door when she came out. But she didn't head to her room. Is she going to... My room? She is! She quickly ran in, and ran to MY suitcase! Looks like she wants all the guys she likes hoodies. Because she sure did grab one of mine. And i know she has Matts because i have seen Matt wear it then last night she was sleeping in it. Dont ask me how i know that.( haha im kidding I thought she was awake so i went to chill with her) I decided to make my appearance.

" So uh, what cha doing?" I said. " Shit. Hey twin..." She said.


"So uh, what cha doing?" I heard a voice." Shit. Hey twin..." I said casually yet awkwardly. He chuckled.

" Its fine, you can have it. But i can't speak for Nash." I said." Oh. You saw that?? And thanks. I like guys hoodies. They smell really good..." I said. He smiled " Yeah i saw it. And its cute you like hoodies. What am i saying? Your cute. And thats why im here." He said.

" Huh? Im sorry. Im confused." I said being the blonde that I am. " I like you. A lot. I should've planed this...haha. Um ok i wanted this to be special so im gonna wait. But, i was going to ask if you'd maybe...wanna, ya know, go on a date with me?" He asked ( A/N-AWWWW MY JJ IS SO CUTE AND AWKWARD AND MY BAE!!!!! SORRY FOR THE RANT HE IS JUST SO AWKWARD AND ADORABLE AND WELL JUST BEAUTIFUL. K BYE.)

I smiled. " Awww JJ! That is so sweet! And it doesn't have to be special!!! As long as you ask me! And to. Answer you question, yes!!" I said.

He is literally so cute and sweet.

" SHIT MAGCON!!!" We yelled at the same time. We found out we were partners and luckily we get called last. We took off running and I quickly threw the guys, no, my hoodies in my room then took off running.

" And lastly, CODY AND JACK JOHNSON!!!!" The anouncer yelled. We grabbed hands and ran out there. Ah, Magcon.

A/N- Heyyyy guys! Vic here! So turns out i at least got a little time to make a chapter. Where are my Jody lovers out there? Isnt he just so cute and awkward?? Ok, so Victoria and Baylee will be in the next chapter. Love you guys! Who do you ship?? Love you all my pretty potatos!!!❤️💚( as you can see ive made pretty potatos my goodbye names.) BYEEEEEE

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