Chapter 2

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Today im going to the airport with Matt. I got out of bed reluctantly and found some comfy clothes.

I found some comfy tight leggings, a crop top that says " Need More Sleep" and and oversized hoodie. Wait, i never bought a merch shirt of Matts. And this is literally huge. Like, it goes down to below my butt. Wait! This is Matts!

He must've left it here. But it smells really, really good. So imma keep it. Ah, boys smell so good. Anyways, i put it on and grabbed my bags. I was meeting Matt at his house next door.

"Mom! Im leaving!!" I yelled and she came down to say goodbye " Goodbye sweetie! Have fun and if you fall in love or need me, call me!" She said. " Mooooom im not gonna fall in love!" I said. "We'll see hon. I love you, have fun." I hugged her and said love you too. Then i walked out. It was only about 6 am. Our flight was at 8 and we were going to breakfast.
I knocked on Matts door and his mom answered. Me and Matt have known each other since we were 3 so me and his mom were super close. " Hey mom!" I said. " Hey sweetheart! Are you excited?" She asked. I nodded excitedly. " Im just a bit tired, but ill get over it" I said. " Matts upstairs, go ahead up there." She said and i smiled and headed up. " Matt? You up here?" I said. " I'm in my closet!" He said. I went to his closet and he looked at me. " Um, nice hoodie." He said. " I think you left it at my house. But its mine now." I said giggling. He laughed and grabbed his suitcase and my bags." I got it Matt." I said. He just smiled and shook his head. " Lets go to California" He said.( A/N- hi guys! Idk where they start the tour, so just pretend thats where it starts. They will have three days to settle in and just chill and then they will start Magcon. Had to clear that up! Bye guys!) " Lets go!" I smiled and we headed to his car. There was a Starbucks at the airport so we were gonna get breakfast there. When we got there, we did everything we had to do so all we had to do was go onto the plane.

We headed to Starbucks and got our coffee and sat down. " So, there are gonna be alot of guys there, i dont want them to hurt you..." He said. Awe. " Awwww Matty wuvs me!!!!" I said. He blushed. Bish Whet???? Ok then...

If only she knew I said that because I like her. But she would never like me. I just hope none if the guys like her. But i know they will. Shes just so beautiful. Her green eyes, are gorgeous. Her long blonde hair that goes down to her butt, which is super nice, oh god i sound pervy. The way she walks, she says she just walks, but her hips sway just perfectly.

Sometimes it scares me how skinny she is, but she isn't sickly, shes just small. And oh my gosh, the way shes soooooo short and I'm soooooo tall, our bodies fit perfectly when we hug. Once we finished eating and enjoying our coffee and time together, we got up and i quickly paid and grabbed her bags before she could do either.

She pouted but giggled after. Gah her giggle. The things she does to me. She doesn't even try. We boarded the plane and I put our bags on the thingy above our seats. I decided to make a vine, actually i made two.

The first one I showed the camera around the plane quickly and i showed Cody. "BUBBLES!!!!" She screamed then it ended.

The second one I pointed to the thingy above our heads where we put our bags and said- " What do we call this?!?! GAHHHH".

I then sat down and started listening to music. Then I felt something, rather someone slam there head down lightly on my shoulder. Awe. Cody was fast asleep on my shoulder. I love how she kept my hoodie.

I love everything about her. Wait, no i like everything about her. Ya lying to yourself Matthew. You love everything about her. You love...her. Damnit self conscious. I hate you.

But, i dont love her... Do I?

(A/N- Hey guys! Victoria here! Another chapter for you. Should I do Matts and the other boys that like hers P.O.V alot? Or keep it on Codys? I mean, im gonna have it on Codys P.O.V mostly, but thr guys sometimes. This is my first story, so please give me feedback! And if your wondering where i get my outfits, Pic Collage is amazing! Alrighty, bye my pretty potatos!

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