Chapter 7

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I woke up with a large headache.
"Owwwwww fuck" I whispered. I looked on my bedside table and saw some advil and a cup of water. I quickly took them.

What the hell happened last night? All I remember is dancing, then riding on Matts back to my room, then...Kissing Matt? The hell? Why would i kiss Matt??

Just then, the door opened and Cam came in with a bucket of water and a handful of cream. I pretended i was asleep. " Smack Cam" He whispered.

" You thought Cameron." I whispered before he could do anything." Shiiit i was trying to get you back from yesterday!" He whined. " Get out so i can get dressed. Were having a lazy day." I said.

I woke up Lox and we both got dressed. I just left my hair down. I put on some leggings, a Magcon is my bae crop top, and Matts, scratch that, my hoodie. It still smells strongly of Matt. I love it.

For makeup i just put on mascara. Once Lox was done we headed to all the guys rooms and told them we were having a lazy day in Matt and Carters room since it was the biggest for some reason.

I knocked on Matts door." Hey" I said. " Hey, listen im sorry about last night. I tried to push you off, but i did enjoy it. You know your a really good-" " Matt, hush. Last night was my fault, but, i kinda liked it...thanks. I know im a good kisser." I said. We both smiled.

" Come on in!" He said to me and Lox.
Everyone else was already here. " What movie should we watch?" Carter asked." HORROR BITCH. WE SHOULD WATCH HORROR." I screamed. Everyone, including me cringed besides Cam and Matt since they weren't on a hangover.

" Sorry... Maybe instead of horror we should watch Hunger Games?" I suggested. They all agree. I laid down on the bed with my head in JJs lap, my stomach in Matts lap, and legs on Nashs lap. I was quite comfy.

" And may the odds be ever in you favor." I copied. Everyone laughed. At the end of the movie Cam put in the second Hunger Games and I switched spots with JJ. His head was in my lap and I was running my hands through his hair. I love doing that.

At the end of THAT movie, Nash laid down. His head was in my lap and i was, once again running my hands through it. After that Matts head was in my lap. " You guys have soft hair!" I said quietly. " Thanks" They said. JJ said my hair was soft too. Nash got where I was so that i was laying down again, but this time my legs were at JJs lap and my head was at Nashs lap. He ran his hands through my hair. That feels good.

" You look pretty." He whispered in my ear. I blushed. " Ya lying." I said trying to sound like Matt. Im starting to think that Cam is right about JJ, Nash, and Matt liking me. Im not sure what to do about it.

I guess ill just let them make the first move. I could name everything i like about all three of them. Matt, gah i love how messy his hair is. I love his big brown eyes. I love his goofy laughs and cute smiles.

I love how sweet he is. I love how tall he is!!!!I love how he can be serious about things but has a funny side. I love his morning voice.

Ah, Nash. I LOVE his blue eyes. Who doesn't? His pretty smile. I love how he is sooooooo tall! Hes like 6'1!! I love the little country accent he has. The way hes so good with his siblings.

I love how hes super crazy. I love his " relationship " with Cam. I love how he can mess around but be serious.

And cute, sweet little JJ. Oh how awesome he is. His pretty blue eyes, quiffed up blonde hair. I love how hes shorter than the other guys but still way taller than me. I love how good he is at basketball.

I love his best friend relationship with JG. Hes just so great too. This is making it really hard to figure out who to choose. Ugh.

Then, I realized. I need to talk to Victoria.(A/N- hehe.If you know me, you know why i put hehe.)

Victoria is my second best friend! I love her so much! Im gonna see if she could come on tour. Victoria is... Its hard to describe her personality. She sweet, but is crazy. She famous on vine and youtube, so she should be able to come on tour. Shes loud, crazy, sarcastic, shes a bitch( but a good kind), and is a smart ass. But that, is why were best friends.

" Ill be back " I said. Everyone nodded, caught up in the movie they were watching. I dont even remember what movie it was, i was lost in my thoughts.

I grabbed my phone, and FaceTimed her. Me and Victoria could literally be twins. We both have green eyes, but hers are more like Nashs in how bright they are. As in they are bright as FUCK. And my hairs a bit darker than hers. Were both blondes, hers is just more of a lighter blonde, mine is more of a dirty blonde.

" Hello?" She said. " VICTORIA!!!!!" I squealed into the phone." OH MY GOD CODY I MISS YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!! YOU BITCH WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME?!?!" She joked. I laughed. " I miss you too. Im trying to see if you can go on tour." I said. " AHHHHH SERIOUSLY?!?!? OH MY GOD!!!" She screamed. " But beware. There's already drama." I said," Between who?!?!" Victoria doesn't nessecarily like drama, shes just one of those people that get caught up in the middle of drama and she always has to fix it, but she doesn't mind. She likes to see people happy.

" Me, Matt, Nash, and JJ." I said. " OOH DO THEY ALL LIKE YOU???? LOVE SQUARE!!!" I said yeah and we talked a little more until I decided to go back to the room to watch the movie. But first i was gonna call Bart about Victoria and tour. He said yes!!! I quickly called her and told her to book her next flight. She would be here tomorrow!!!! I'd have to go pick her up though which i am fine with.

I was about to head back to the room but the door knocked so i opened it.

" Hey, whats up?" I asked him.
" Cody, i was gonna ask you this before but i was scared, but twenty seconds of courage is all i need. Cody, will you go on a date with me?" He asked. " Um" i said


A/N- OOOOOHHHH THAT CLIFFHANGER THOUGH!!!! Hey guys! Sorry im so late for updating! Heres a chapter for you though! Who do you think he is?!?! Matt? JJ? Nash? Even...Cam?? Also, when i put hehe when i put Victorias name, i said that bc my name is Victoria. Also, im gonna put the ages of everyone below, yes i changed some of them. It makes it easier. Also, who do you ship??
Aaron- 18
Victoria- 18
Cody- 18

Love you guys pretty potato people!! Please comment!!❤️❤️❤️💋😍

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