Chapter 21

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Cam was signing out. Me and Nash were in the waiting room during him getting stitches, Nash was worried sick and so was I. We basically just cuddled and i kept reassuring him that Cam would be fine.

We had already told everyone else what was going on. " Alrighty, lets get going!" Cam exclaimed happily. Victoria was trying to hold him up, failing terribly. Nash quickly ran to help him and I picked up his crutches so he could walk.

I walked up to Nash." Im so tired." I said. It was about 11, the stitches took awhile. He told me to jump that way my legs were around his torso and my arms around his neck with his hands supporting my weight. I quickly cuddled into him and passed out from sleepiness.


Nash must've took me to my room last night because i woke up in my bed." GET UP FOR MAAAAGCOOOOON" Hayes screamed and Baylee tackled, or tried to tackled him, she ended up just getting a piggy back ride. Awe, they are so cute. Like seriously." Shutuuuuup" said Lox, im surprised she even woke up that easily.

I decided to get up and put on a cute crop top and high waisted jeans. I straightened my hair and put a beanie on over it, did my usual makeup and then put on some hightop converse on to complete the look. I headed down to the lobby for breakfast and everyone was already down there. I walked over to Victoria and sat on her lap." Hi." I said." Hey." She smiled.

"Can you guys just shut up?" Asked Nash. Excuse me? " Someones on their period." JJ said." Excuse me? You can shut up too. " Nash said." Whats your problem?" Cam asked." My problem is that im surrounded by idiots, even my own girlfriend!" He exclaimed. I was shocked. He's supposed to be all these guys best friend, and my boyfriend! Somethings not right." Oh, yeah, and Cody? Were done. I never really liked you anyway." He said.

" Ok Nash stop your really pushing it." Matt spoke up." Why should I? All of us except the idiot herself know your in love with her. But shes just too wrapped around my finger to even want you. You-" That was it, Matthew quickly lunged at Nash. Im not gonna lie, Nash may be taller, but Matthew is stronger, and quickly punched Nash in the nose, barely hesitating. Preeetty Nashs nose is broken.

While everyone else was trying to get them to stop, i stood there frozen, then i ran to Cams and the others room so they wouldn't find me. I ran to the bathroom without looking around the room. I put the toilet seat down and sat down on it. Why would Nash even do this? I thought he liked me. I know i like him. But what about what he said about Matt?

Maybe Nash was lying. I mean he did lie about liking me, and about liking the guys. Suddenly, the door opened and i jumped and almost screamed.

I sighed and looked at him." Good God Matthew." I said shaking my head.His eye was slowly closing a bit, which will probably end up as a black eye, and his nose was bleeding, but didn't look broken, just probably got hit hard enough for a nose bleed.

" Sit on the sink." I instructed him. He obeyed and i began to clean him up." What am i gonna do with you?" I asked lightly laughing. He smiled." You just have to live with it" He said smiling. The door opened again. Nash?

He didnt have a bloody nose and he looked fine. He also looked happy." Good morning!" He said and went in to kiss me. I backed up." So you break up with me and then you try to kiss me, then you purposely hurt my best friend? Uh uh. No." I said and grabbed Matts hand taking him to my bathroom.

" Did you see how he didnt have any blood on him?" I asked. Matt shrugged." Maybe he already cleaned up." He said. I nodded." Are you ok from...ya know. Him breaking up with you?" He asked. My eyes quickly watered. I shook my head and he hugged me. We just sat there with me crying into his chest.

Eventually I stopped. Im soooo lucky mascara can be waterproof. I looked at Matt, even he was red eyed and puffy." You cry, I cry." He said. I smiled gratefully. "I swear your the best." I said and kissed his cheek which made him blush. Hes the best friend i could ever have." Lets go to Magcon." I said smiling. It starts at about 5 and its 4:30 right now.


Im so nervous. Im preforming Wrong One with JJ and JG an im so scared. " Come on V, you'll be amazing. We've practiced this!" JJ exclaimed." Yeah, your amazing, you got this." JG added." Thanks guys, lets do this." I said.

The music started and Jack G sang first. Then i joined in. At the end of the song everyone clapped and stood up, encore? I think yes. Me, Shawn, and Jack G were gonna sing Stitches.


Everyone ignored Nash during Magcon. And after, we all headed to my room to chill. Nash seemed really confused as to why we were ignoring him.

A\N- Hey guys! How are ya? Weird chapter aye? What do you think is going on with Nash? How do you think Matt feels about Nash breaking up with Cody? Who do you think the girls will end up with? Who do you ship? Should i do a sequel? Wow thats alot of questions! PLEASE COMMENT IM DYING NOT KNOWING WHAT YALL THINK. Also i start school soon, like I start next Tuesday gahhh. Ok bye pretty potato people!💚💙

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