Chapter 22

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Today we leave Montana and head to London! Nash seemed really confused as to why everyone was ignoring him. He had been being really nice and keeps trying to hug me and love on me when he broke up with me. Its like he forgot about us breaking up.

And the worst part about it? I have to sit next to him on the plane. For 5 hours ( idk how long it takes to get there. Sue me. Lol). Hopefully I can sleep through most of it. The good thing is that JJ is beside me. Im in the middle of them. I changed into my leggings and a cute crop top with Matts hoodie, my usual airport apparel.

All of us were at the airport now, and were boarding. It was about 5:00 am. We should be landing at about 10 or 11.
I put my stuff in to contraption above our seats and sat down between JJ and Nash." Ew dont touch me." Nash said in disgust." Wasn't planning to." I said moving closer to Jack. I remember we needed to talk." Hey, later today when we land do you want to go to Starbucks? We need to talk." I said.

He nodded and pulled out his tablet and we started to watch vines. I laid my head on his shoulder so I could see better. " Wow. I break up with you and you just run to Jack, dont you?" Nash said. I rolled my eyes and JJ tensed up, you could see his teeth clench. I just ignored him not wanting to make a scene. But i did look at him. Right in the eyes. But the thing is, Nashs eyes are why are his eyes greenish gray?


So i got seated between Taylor and Cameron for the plane ride. Nothing wrong with that. I was wearing Cams hoodie, a cure cancer crop top, since alot of my family has died from cancer, and leggings. I was sitting between the guys and I was looking at Instagram when i got a text.

Cammy❤️: Hi.

I looked over at him and mouthed "Really?" He nodded and mouthed back " Really." I giggled and texted him back, moving my phone so he couldnt see what his name was in my phone.

Vic😏: Hi.
Cammy❤️: I know what my name in your phone is. Its cute ya know, no need to hide your beloved feelings for me.
Vic😏: Cocky much? In your dreams, babe."
Im a flirt without trying. I dont know why.
Cammy❤️: Yep im cocky. But you like it.😉😏😍
Vic😏: Stop fliiiirtin
Cammy❤️: Make me😏

I quit texting him after that, being a tease. I leaned my head on Tays shoulder to see what he was doing." What're you doing?" I whispered looking up at him with big eyes. Hr looked down at me and smiled.

" Talking to a gorgeous girl." He said, I guess hes texting someone. For some reason it made me get a pit in my stomach... Im not I? "Oh. Whats her name?" I asked still whispering." Victoria." He whispered back. I blushed and whispered to him again-" Why are we whispering?" He giggled." I guess we dont want to break the silence." He whispered lowly.

I slightly shivered. Hes so seductave, he's literally not even trying.

"Are you cold?" He asked. I shook my head blushing a bit. He must've saw me shiver. That's embarrassing. I watched him go through his social medias while I laid on his shoulder. I soon dozed off.


I think Tay likes Victoria. Ill fight for her. Victoria is mine. Only mine. I guess you could say im jelly. Haha. But seriously.


I am seated next to Hayes and Carter. Im in the middle of them and Carter is asleep on my shoulder. I think I like Hayes, but 1. He would never like me. And 2. Im way to shy.

He was making silly faces and i was trying not to laugh because i dont want to wake up Carter. Im wearing his hoodie, which is quite large on me, but thats alright. I like it.

He made a really silly face and i let out a giggle waking Carter up. Guess hes a light sleeper." Sorry Carter..." I said blushing from embarrassment. Im so freakishly shy." Its no problem Baylee." He said and went back to sleep.

"Hey, im gonna call you Bay from now on, k?" Hayes said. I nodded shyly and tried to get comfy for sleep. Its not working! Im just not comfy. I hate planes! " Um, er you can um, lay your head on my shoulder if you want its cool i mean er *cough* *cough*." I laughed at his shyness. He's so cute.

I laid my head on his shoulder and instantly fell into a comfy, deep sleep.

HAYES POV( so many povs! Sorry!)

Baylee was asleep on my should. To be honest, i really like her. But shes so shy, I wanna take it slow and break her out of her shell. But I actually like how shy she is. Its cute.

I really need to sleep.


" Hey, wake up beautiful, we landed." A voice said. I slowly opened up my eyes, looking at JJ thinking he woke me up. But when i looked at him, he was still asleep. I looked over at Nash and he was smiling down at me.

Maybe hes just bipolar?

A/N- Hey guys! What up? Today we went school shopping and guess what?! I GOT CONVERSES!!!! This is the first pair i have ever gotten and hopefully not the last. They're hightops and theyre a pretty dark purple. Anywayssss, what the heck is up with Nash? Is he bipolar? Is he jealous? IS HE TWO DIFF PEEPS?!?! You'll never know...well considering i am writing more chapters on this book, you probably will know. Haha im dumb. Who do you ship? Who do you think the girls will end up with? Should i do a sequel? Love you my pretty potato people!💚💙

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