Chapter 6

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We sat there for a few minutes until I decided to go to my room. But before I decided to go back I decided to put my coffee cup in the sink.

But before i even got the chance to leave everyone walked in, and i mean everyone. " Hi guys!" I said. Matt came over to me. " Hey, JJ told me what happened. You feeling alright now?" Thank you for lying JJ. I will love you forever.
" Yeah. Im feeling fine now." I smiled. I love that he cared. Gah. " You know guys? We should go clubbing!" Said Lox." Im down" I said. I could use a night away from drama. And Magcon just started. Everyone else agreed and me and Lox went to get ready. I didnt wanna be slutty so i just changed my top, did my makeup a little better, and let down my hair.
Same for Lox. The guys were already ready. Me and Lox also put on some heels. We headed down to the lobby and my feet hurt already. Im taking my shoes off when i get in the limo. " Matty carry me" I said. " Matt was this a regular back in Virginia?" Asked Lox. I nodded. Wherever we went i dont care who saw someone was always carrying me. I guess im just super lazy haha.

" Yeah, pretty much. But i dont mind. I hope you guys dont either. Were gonna all be taking turns the whole tour." He said. " Cody i love your idea!" Cam exclaimed and jumped onto Nashs back. " AWWWWW CASH MOMENT!!!!!" I screamed. " Wait Cash is Cody and Nash too. Ooh love circle!!!" Said Shawn. " Hes mine, betch." Said Cam. I laughed. " You thought honey boo boo. Hes mineeee" I said sassily. Then we all burst out laughing. I jumped off Matts back and walked over to Cam and Nash. I grabbed one if Nashes arm and Cam grabbed the other. " We can share him." Cam said hanging onto his arm. I stomped my foot. " NO! I want him to myself! " I said pouting. I stomped over to JJ.
" You still only have eyes for me, right JJ?" I asked widening my eyes. " Nope. Im sorry Cody but i have feelings for JG." He said. Then Lox joined in. " NO JG IS MINE. STICK TO THAT SLUT." She joked referring to me.
" Fine. Matt your still ma bae right??" I said hopefully. He smiled " sadly" " No, im with Carter now." He said and Carter jumped on his back. " Ugh FINE. ILL BE WITH MY CUTE LITTLE BAES NAMED TAY AND HAYES. " I "angrily " said and jumped on Tays back. He put me down quickly though because we were at the limo.

We all burst out laughing and talking about our little stunt. That went on until we got to the club.

" Ok. No getting drunk." Cam said.

Haha. You thought Cameron.

------------------------------------------------------- 2:00 am

Me and Cam are the only not drunk. JG is flirting with Lox,Shawn and Aaron flirting with random girls, JJ is at the bar drinking and Nash is with him, Taylor is grinding with some girl on the dance floor, and Hayes was in the limo because hes underaged but we didnt wanna leave him at the hotel.
As for Cody, she was dancing her stress away on the dance floor. Shes so beautiful. Im glad shes not slutty. Shes just so....perfect.
It was about 2:30. Me and Cam were sticking together and not getting drunk. As i said, were the only ones not drunk.

We decided we should head home. We gathered everyone and headed to the limo. Hayes was passed out.

We rode home with the guys and girls both talking about the weirdest things. Once we finally got to the hotel, i said i would put the girls to bed and then help Cam with the others.

"Matty carry me..." Whined Cody.
I picked her up on my back. She ran her hands through my hair a bunch, probably making it messier than it already is.
" Matt your so hot." She whispered seductavly in my ear. I shivered." Cody your drunk."
" But i still know what I'm saying...." She whined. She drunk Matt. She doesn't know what shes saying. She won't remember it until tomorrow.

Should i make her while shes drunk? No Matt! Only do something if she makes a move.

When i got them to their room, Lox instantly went to the bathroom and im sure she was throwing up. I turned to Cody. She. Was. Naked. I mean, not naked, naked. Just in bra and undies. I think she was changing. " Im done Maaaatty" she said seductavely. No Matt.

I turned around and she pushed me against the wall. " Cody, stop. Your drunk." I said and pushed her away. " Come ON Matthew! I just want a kiss! Thats iiit!!!!" She whined." No. Because if i kiss you, you'll blame me tomorrow." " Fine. Ill kiss YOU! " She said and quickly pushed me against the wall and kissed me. Sparks. Fuck. I lightly pushed her off. " sorry." She whispered. I shook my head. " Dont be. Your drunk." I said and hugged her. Lox finally came out of the bathroom changed. She didnt look super drunk.

Cody went to the bathroom. " Lox, get some sleep." I said. "Make sure Cody does too." I put a few advils and a cup of water on each of their bed tables and headed out.

Wow. Its sure been a night. That kiss was...indescribably good.Imma sleep now. But first-LET ME TAKE A SELFIE. Sike. Imma just sleep.

A/N- ooh drama!!! Do you think Cody will remember anything?? Will she be mad at Matt for the kiss? Who do you ship?
Matt+Cody= Catt
Nash+Cody= Cash
JJ +Cody= Jody
(??????? Maybe????) Cameron + Cody????? Maybe... "Winky face and smirky face here. New chapter tomorrow!!!! Good night pretty potato people!!!!

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