Chapter 3

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"Attention, Attention everyone, we will be landing in about 10 minutes. Thank you for flying and don't forget to come again!" The intercom said.

"Psst, Codyyyyy. Coooooody....wake up!" I said. She tossed a bit and opened her eyes.
"Matthew Espinosa. I know good and well you didnt just wake me up for no whats the reason?" She said expectantly.
I chuckled. " Cody, were about to land." I said. She blushed and said "Oh".
---------------------------------------------------- " Getting of the plane"
Once we got off the plane Matt was quick to grab our bags. I rolled my eyes. " Matthew. At least give me one bag. How about this, you carry my stuff, i carry yours? " i asked. He thought about it for a while. Then he shook his head then laughed. "Nope" He said.

I rolled my eyes playfully. But i let him carry them. We saw a car and a man with our names on a large card.
"Lets go!!!!!" I squealed. He laughed and ran with me.
"Ew, running no stop Matty, ew. I hate this...what the hell was I thinking?" I said. Matt was laughing so hard.
We were the first to get to the hotel. It was soooo nice!!! Once we settled Matt said he had to use the bathroom and went looking for it.
The door opened and i saw two boys come in. They were both very tall. One was super tan and had pretty brown eyes, One was super pale and had gorgeous bright, BRIGHT blue eyes!
The brown eyed one came up to me. " Hello, gorgeous. Im Cameron, but call me Cam. Whats your name?" He asked. Nash was just staring at me. I had a funny trick up my sleeve. Cams flirting was about to backfire. " My name is Jennifer." I said blankly." What a beautiful name!" He said. I started to "cry" . " You dont think my name is beautiful?!?!" I asked. " No no! I said your name Jennifer is a beautiful name! Calm down!!" I shook my head no. " No , you said my name is ugly!!! Because, Cam, my name is not Jennifer! My name is Cody!" I said and burst out laughing. He started laughing too, Nash was still staring...
"Um, Nashy poo? Why don't you introduce yourself?" Cam said. He still just stared. I walked up to him and pulled his face down so I could whisper in his ear. " Staring is rude, blue eyes" I whispered.
" And by the way... I love your eyes" I said smiling. He began to smile back. " I was about to say the same for eyes" He said blushing. " Im Cody." I said. " Nash, Nash Grier".
Just then, 4 more boys came in. "HI IM TAYLOR." Said, apparently Taylor." HI IM CODY. I HOPE YOU LIKE TO YELL AS MUCH AS I DO. " I said. The asian one looked at me." Hey, I'm Cartah." He said funnily. The one that looked kinda Canadian smiled at me. "Hey, I'm Shawn." He said normally. " I'm thinking your the normal one?" I asked. He nodded and laughed. I laughed with him. A cutiepie, not really like cute for dating, but for hugging, walked up to me. I immediately just hugged him before he could say anything. " Hello there..." He said. " just looked cute and cuddly, so i hugged you! Im Cody by the way!" I said. He chuckled." Im Aaron. Nice go meet you. And your very cuddly yourself!" He said.
And then, Matt and two more boys came in. One was alot taller than the other, he had big brown eyes, and dark brown hair. " Hi! Im Jack, Jack Gilinsky!" He said. " Im Cody!!! Nice to meet you!!" The other one also, like Nash , had pretty blue eyes. He seemed to be the only blonde, exept for Matt but hes more of a light brown. " Hi! Im Jack also, but im Jack Johnson. " He said smiling. "Im. Cody! It seems were the only blondes. We are now officially twins. Ok? Ok. And imma call you JJ. Ok? Ok cool! Matty have i met everyone yet??? Im tiiiiired!!!!" I said in basically one breath.
Everyone laughed. Then, Carter spoke up. " we should go for dinner later tonight! He said. "YEAH!!!!! You feeling fancy, this is not usual. So lets all dress fancy! And go somewhere fancy!" Said Aaron. You thought it was me, huh? Yeah, your WRONG!!! Didn't anyone tell you to not jump to conclusions?!?!?! Haha.

We all agreed. " Wait, whose rooming with who?!?!" I asked. " Hmm. How about Carter and Matt, Cam and Nash, Mahogany and Cody, Hayes and Taylor, of course Jack and Jack, and me and Shawn?" Suggested Aaron.
We all nodded and headed to our rooms.

A/N Hey guys! Victoria here! So Cody met all the guys and room arrangements are up! Im working on the next chapter as you read this! Bye bye Pretty Potato People!! 

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