Chapter Eight

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Connie walked out the front door with her bag slung over her shoulder, again, she was heading for tennis practice. She got in the car and quickly looked out the window. It had been like this all week. Today was Saturday and the incident had happened on Monday. There was still so much, tension in the air. No matter how many times Connie asked to see Steven, the answer was always the same, No. Connie knew her parents were in an argument as well. Her father had loosened up and tried to defend Connie in an argument against her mother. He actually liked Steven, but Dr. Maheswaren, not so much. Connie sighed as they stopped at the light again. She had been going to Tennis all week. Without Steven her life was boring, the only 'Fun' activities she could do were Tennis and Violin. But she missed being with Steven, Pearl's Sword fighting Lessons, Garnet's Cheesy Puns, Amethyst' Fun nature. She gazed out the window wishing she could see Steven. They hadn't talked since Tuesday, and that was only because her mother had put so many restrictions on her phone, that she could basically only use it to call her parents. But Connie did know Steven's number by heart, when she was bored she would try to memorize her contact list in case something ever happened to her phone. When they pulled up to the court Connie was startled by her mother's voice.
"I have to go run some errands, So I'll be by to pick you up in Three hours." Connie nodded and quickly got out of the car. She watched it as it pulled away and drove on to the road. She walked to the court and noticed her Coach was playing a match with another child.
He saw Connie and quickly made a T sign with his hands. The child stopped and Walked to his bag. Connie approached her coach.
"So no practice today?" Connie asked.
"Yeah sorry, I forgot to tell you last Class." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone.
"Here. Call your mom to pick you up." He said.
"Thanks Ian."
Connie grabbed the phone and sat on a bench inside the court. She looked at the keypad and felt her heart race as she got and Idea. Maybe she could call Steven. She quickly typed in his number and heard it ring twice. Her heart swelled with joy as she heard a voice.
"Hello?" She heard Garnet ask.
"Hey Garnet." Connie said, disappoint clear in her voice.
"Oh, hello Connie." Garnet had been sitting next to the phone, waiting for her phone call. "Aren't you supposed to not call Steven?" Garnet asked.
"Yeah but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see him." Connie blushed as the words poured out of her mouth. Garnet smiled.
"So you want him to come pick you up?" She said.
"Yes... Wait how did you-"
"Future vision." Garnet said quickly.
"Oh right, I always forget." Connie smiled. "Can you ask him for me Please?" Connie asked.
"Sure. Just hold for a moment." Connie heard the phone beep several times.
"It's the button on the bottom left." Connie said.
"Oh right." Garnet quickly pressed the button and stood up off the couch. Steven was outside trying to train Lion to do tricks. She opened the screen door and walked out on the terrace. She looked down and saw Steven with a treat bag in his hand. He was standing in front of Lion and was speaking to him.
"STEVEN!" She yelled. Steven looked up at her and Garnet waved the phone in the air. Steven nodded and dropped the treat bag on the floor as he ran to the stairs. He quickly ran up and was next to Garnet in a flash.
"Who is it?" Steven asked her.
"You probably shouldn't have left the bag in front of Lion like that." Garnet said while watching Lion tear the bag open.
"What?!?" Steven looked over the Edge and saw Lion. "LION!" Steven said. "ARGHHHH." Steven sighed and turned to Garnet. "Who'd you say it was?" Steven asked her.
"Connie." Garnet replied. Steven's face lit up and he took the phone from her hand.
"Hello? Connie?" He said. He heard no reply. He looked at Garnet. "She's not answering." He said.
"It's on hold." Garnet walked inside and left Steven on the terrace alone. He gulped as he pressed the 'Unhold' button.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey." Her sweet voice filled his ears and he smiled.
"I haven't seen you in what feels like forever." He said. Connie chuckled.
"So forever for you, is Five days?" She asked. Steven laughed.
"When it involves you, yes." Connie blushed.
"I-I wanted to know..." Connie started.
"Yes?" Steven said.
"Spit it out woman." They laughed in unison.
"If maybe you can come pick me up?" Connie finished.
"Your parents let you see me again?" Steven said hopefully.
"No. But I'm at my tennis court. I don't have class today and My mom won't come pick me up for another three hours. I thought maybe we could see each other." She said. Steven grinned ear to ear at the thought of seeing her.
"That would be nice." He said. "I'll call my dad, I'll ask him to bring him here."
"Are you sure he won't mind?" Connie asked.
"I'm sure he won't." Steven said. "I'll talk to you later then."
"Ok. Bye."
"Bye." It hurt him to say that word to her. He hung up the phone and quickly pressed his dad's name. It rung two times before he heard his dad's voice.
"Hello?" His dad asked.
"Hey dad." Steven said.
"Hey stu-ball. What's up?"
"I was calling to ask if you could pick up Connie and bring her here."
"Wait, isn't she not allowed to see you?" Greg asked.
"Um, yeah. But she's at tennis practice and she doesn't have class today, and her mom won't pick her up for another three? Yeah, three hours." Steven said.
"I don't know..." Greg hesitated.
"Please dad." Steven said.
"Ok but if something goes wrong your taking the blame." Steven grinned.
"I will."
"Where's the tennis court?" Greg said.
"It's like the only tennis court for like miles."
"Richmond, got it."
"Bye dad."
"Bye kiddo." Steven hung up and turned around. He was startled by Lion, who was behind him. Lion pushed him with his nose gently.
"Hey Lion." Steven pet Lion's head. Lion gave a quiet growl. He pushed Steven a little further back. "Lion stop, I'm too close to the balcony." Lion pushed his nose to Steven's gem and pushed harder. Steven shoved Lion off of him.
"I said stop." He looked at Lion. Lion's eyes had begun to glow brightly. Lion growled and jumped away. Steven looked up trying to spot his pet, he sighed while walking inside. He put his phone in his back pocket as he heard the door shut behind him.
"What was that about?" Steven jumped at the voice. He turned around and saw Pearl at the window.
"I don't know. He's being kind of bad today." Steven answered. "Can you help me clean up? Connie's coming over."
"I thought she wasn't allowed to see you." Pearl asked.
"I know but, I really want to see her and I really want to hang out with her!" Pearl raised an eyebrow.
"Hang out?" Pearl asked. "So you two never happened."
"No. Yes. We did happen. Or did we? I want to be able to ask her questions, I don't want to be just her best friend, I want I want to be her boyfriend. The boy she loves, the boy who saves her, the boy who's there for her when she needs him, the boy that comforts her when she's down." Steven spat out the words and before he knew it he saw Pearl blushing furiously. He heard a chuckle behind him and he turned around. Garnet was sitting on the couch and he felt her eyes on him through her glasses. She had a sly smile on her face and she waved him off. Almost as if saying, 'continue'.
"Well, I-I haven't seen anybody that passionate about somebody since I met Garnet." Pearl commented. Steven looked at Pearl.
"Really?" He asked innocently. Pearl gulped hard and walked out the house. Steven shrugged and went upstairs. He skipped the first step and sat on his bed. He looked at his bed's back wall, He had a picture of Connie there. He smiled and layed flat on his back.
"Steven." He heard Garnet say.
"Yea?" He replied.
"I noticed something." Garnet said quickly.
"What?" He said.
"Why do you skip the first step?" Garnet asked.
"Long story, I'll tell you later." He said.
"Got it." He heard footsteps and Garnet's temple door open. He heard it close and he sighed, waiting patiently for the one girl he loved dearly.
Connie waited in the parking lot as she searched for the multi-colored van. She saw the 'Mr. Universe' logo and smiled. She waved at the van and it slowed down as it stopped slowly in front of her. The window rolled down and Greg have her a small grin. Connie walked to his door.
"You here for me?" Connie asked.
"No, I'm just the creepy guy with a van that watches kids play tennis." Connie giggled at his sarcasm. "Course I'm here for you, Get in." He said nicely.
She walked around the van to the passenger door and got in. "Want some tunes?" Greg asked as he pulled away from the court. She gave a slight nod and he inserted a CD in the slot.
"Where are you Now?" Greg's voice shot through the cars speakers.
"Now that I need you.
I can't find ya.
You're nowhere to be seen.
But my senses are keen.
And I know you are here.
Here. Here with me." A guitar solo played as they drove by the Funland arcade.
"Where are you now?" They drove by the big donut.
"Now that I need you." The van started to bounce up and down as it drove over the beach's Sand.
"Where are you now?" Connie's stomach filled with butterflies. Her chest tightened as she saw the beach house. Her breath hitched as she saw a small figure with a barely noticeable red shirt on. The figure was on the balcony leaning against the railing.She glanced at Greg as the car stopped underneath the house. The song ended slowly.
"Nooooooow that I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed you."
"Is that a new song?" Connie asked him. Greg nodded slowly.
"Just a short one for old times sake." He said. He wiped his eyes with his arm and smiled at Connie. "What are you waiting for? Go find him." He said. Connie practically jumped out of the van and almost flew up the stairs. She dropped her bag as he gave her a shy smile. She walked to him and embraced him in a hug. She kissed his cheek as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I missed you." He said, sounding muffled because his head was buried in her shoulder.
"I missed you too." She replied. She felt his heart pounding against his chest. She blushed, realizing they were really close. TOO close. She let him go and stepped back. She held her arm with the other as they simply stared at each other.
"Sorry about the clothes. I just came from tennis practice, you know?" She said. Steven looked her up and down.
"You look like you always do..." He walked to the door and opened it for her. She entered and as she passed him she could barely hear him whisper.
"Extraordinary." He said. She blushed horribly. He grabbed her bag before entering and set it on the counter. Amethyst was on the couch eating a bag of chips. She was lying down on her back with her head hanging off the couch. There were chip crumbs all around her. As she saw Connie her position was immediately changed. She sat straight up and brushed the chips crumbs off the couch.
"Oh hey Connie." Amethyst grinned smugly. "Why are you blushing?"
"W-What I-I D-Don't know what your T-Talking about." Connie stuttered. Amethyst laughed loudly.
"I heard Steven." She looked at Steven and winked at him before standing up. "He's smooth isn't he? That's just how we taught him." She stretched before walking to the temple door. It opened and she stood inside her room, looking over her shoulder. "And Steven, don't make her blush too much." The door shut behind her. Connie looked behind her and saw Steven scratching the back of his head nervously.
"So...wanna talk?" He asked.
"Sure." Steven walked to the coach and sat down. He brushed leftover crumbs off the couch and patted it. Connie walked over and sat where Steven had patted.
"Look, I really like you. I just have one question." Steven said.
"What would that be?" Connie replied.
"Are... are we...I item?"
"If you want to, sure."
"Well I have to do it properly then." Steven scooted over next to Connie and put his arm around her. "Connie Maheswaren. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Steven asked in a deep voice.
"I would very much like that." Connie said; the butterflies fumbling around in her stomach.
"Then I need a kiss on my cheek as proof." Connie giggled. He really was smooth...
"Fine, but only if you bring me up to that hill you always talk about."
"Fair enough. Now, where is my proof? I need evidence you agreed to be Steven Universe's girlfriend." Connie turned her head and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "I have received my payment. Now to give you your end of the deal." He jumped off the couch and ran outside.
"Steven! Wait for me!" Connie ran behind him.

Not as long as the other chapter but I thought them leaving was a good place to stop it. So! Thank you ALL and I mean ALL of you supported my decision last Chapter. Like I don't think the last chapter would've been good if I had family over, it would've felt rushed. And I don't want it to feel like that. I wanted to make it the right size chapter, but now that I had all week I wrote this awesome chapter. Again thanks so much for all the support last chapter. Announcement: I made a twitter account for this story!
Its @TheirForbidden I'm pretty sure that's it. If not ill come bak and fix it but on that account I'll tweet random SU things, when I update, and even just random thoughts/theories. So I hope y'all can go check it out and follow me. Thanks @Dwonderwriter0002 for the idea of this chapter. I know this person is getting a lot of shoutouts from me but I can't thank wonder enough for giving me this idea. If you want a shoutout post a comment with an idea for a chapter (it can be anything) and if I use your chapter I will give you a shoutout. What did you guys think of meh song? I don't know why but lately Ive just felt like the chapters need some songs and I jut add them in without think about it. Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and all that other jazz.

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