Chapter Seven

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WARNING: Contains a tad but of explicit words. (Ok maybe a lot) :p

Steven floated silently in space. He waited to hit the bright white hair. He saw it in the distance and started to paddle to it with a closed hand. He bumped into it and clutched the soft hair till he fell through it. He landed on his back into a puddle. Steven heard a grunt as he sat up. He looked around and saw her. He knew he shouldn't be here, but he needed to talk to somebody. She was the only person he could talk to. The only person he knew would listen at least.
She rattled her chains and grunted again. He stood up and walked to her, carefully, as to not make any sound.
"Lapis?" He heard his voice echo throughout the realm. Her body straightened as she heard his voice. She turned around slowly and furrowed her brows at him. She tried to look angry but Steven knew she was more than happy to see him.
"Why are you back?" Lapis asked him.
"I need to talk to you." Steven answered quickly. Lapis pulled her chains back and clenched her teeth tightly.
"Why don't you talk to one of your other friends." Her expression hardened.
"I want to talk to my beach summer fun buddy." Steven replied. Lapis' eyes shut calmly at the words.
"I can't make you leave can I?" She asked, opening her eyes.
"Nope, I'll just come back." Steven tried not too smile but failed miserably. She smiled at his horrible attempt and sighed.
"We can talk, but you have to promise me," She yanked at her chains as they had slowly drifted down. "You can't look for me anymore."
Steven's eyes moved to her chains.
"I'm not going to promise you that, you have sacrificed yourself for me. You barely know me, I barely know
you. But, I will promise you that I will get you out of those chains one day." Steven answered. Lapis' chains stopped being retracted.
"She stopped!" Lapis exclaimed.
"What does that me-" Lapis was pulled under the surface of a puddle. Steven felt cold water splash on his back as he heard her heavy breathing. He turned around and saw white hair dropped over a gem. She looked up at him with eyes of hatred.
"JASPER!" Steven stepped backwards.
"YOU'RE BACK." Jasper stood up and gave him a crooked smile. She tackled him, throwing him into a puddle. Her chains colliding with each other as she reeled her arm back, with a clenched fist. "I'M GONNA ENJOY THIS." She said in a deep, raspy, tone. Jasper threw the arm at Steven and he felt a crunch in his nose as it collided with his face. She grinned victoriously at him before her chains started to pull her back. "EXPECT MORE OF THAT WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE." Her last word was gurgled as she was sucked into a puddle.
Lapis appeared behind Steven with her wings extended. He heard her breathing quickly. Steven clutched his nose with one hand as he sat up. He looked behind him and met Lapis' worried eyes. He lowered his hand from his nose and looked down at it. He looked up at Lapis, her expression was pure agony to him. Her eyes twitched as she saw the blood on his open palm and his nose. He turned away not wanting to put her through that.
"She...hurt you." Lapis said sadly.
"I'm fine." Steven said in a whisper.
"No, you're not. She will pay for this." Her wings tucked in and disappeared. Lapis looked down at her chains and started clanging them together. "Leave, before you get hurt again." Steven barely heard her words through the chains rattles. She started to clang her chains together harder and harder. The sound, was unbearable . Steven thought hard and imagined a white board with a black marker. It appeared before him, the floor shaking because of the chains. He wrote something down on it and he disappeared. Lapis stopped the chains and looked up at the board.
"I will never give up on our friendship. I will come back. Goodbye, for now Lapis. -Steven." She felt tears in her eyes as the board, along with the words, disappeared.
"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HIM!" Lapis screamed. The ground shook as her words bounced around the realm. "DO YOU HEAR ME?!? I WILL KILL YOU! YOU BITCH!" Lapis felt a small tug on her chains as she slurred the last word.
Steven shot up in his bed. He was drenched in sweat from head to toe. He winced as he scrunched his nose. He put his hand to it and felt a pain shoot through his face. He licked his upper lip and tasted dry blood. He looked around and saw the sun rising outside. He tapped his nose lightly till he felt a big bump in the middle. He traced it and felt his nose curve to the right. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and walked downstairs.
He groaned as he skipped the last step and looked around. They still didn't have any appliances in the house so he had to go out and buy breakfast. Steven ran upstairs; again skipping the last step; and got under the covers.
"AMETHYST!" He yelled. He heard the temple door open and somebody step out.
"Yo?" Amethyst answered.
"Can you go out and get me some donuts?"
"Sure, Jelly?" She asked.
"I don't really care."
"Are you sick?" She asked. Steven's eyes widened.
"N-No. What makes you think that?"
"You just kinda have a nassaly voice today. You didn't have it yesterday." Steven swallowed hard and shifted under his sheets.
"I might just be hungry. Donuts, remember?" He replied.
"K." He heard the screen door open and shut. He sighed in relief. The temple door opened again.
"Steven?" Pearl said.
"I'm up here." He heard Pearl walk up the steps. He felt her beside the bed and he tucked his nose under the blanket.
"Are you okay?" She asked him. Lapis' worried face flashed in his memory. Her expression was horrible. It was agony for Steven to see her like that.
"I'm fine." He mentally slapped himself, he'd forgotten about the voice.
"You sound sick." Pearl said.
"It's just my morning voice." He replied quickly.
"You don't have a morning voice. No human does, why would you?" She said.
"'Cause I'm not human or gem, I'm kinda both?"
"Steven that doesn't make any sense, look at me."
"Steven, look at me."
Pearl leaned forward and flipped him over. She gasped and her expression broke.
"What happened?!?" Pearl sat down next to him and started turning his face, examining it.
"You won't understand." Steven said.
"Steven tell me now."
"Jasper punched me in the face."
"She broke your nose! How did she even hurt you?"
"Remember how I could connect with Lapis through my dreams?"
"I was talking to Lapis and Jasper came up and Lapis couldn't pull her back in time so Japer punched me in the face."
"So you don't just connect to Lapis. You connect to Malachite in general." Pearl stated.
"I guess so." Steven shrugged and sat up again.
"But how could Jasper hurt you through a dream?"
"I don't know. Lapis was really upset though."
"Steven we have to take you to a... what do you humans call it? A place where humans go to heal..."
"A hospital?"
"Yes. Let me go get Garnet. Do you know where Amethyst is?"
"Yeah. She went to get me donuts for breakfast."
"Did she know you were hurt?"
"OK, when she gets back eat your donuts and then we're leaving."
"Sure." Pearl got on the warp pad and disappeared in a bright beam of light.
The screen door opened and Steven looked down. Amethyst walked to the counter and put a bag on the table. She pulled a croissant out of the bag and ate it in one bite. She closed the bag and turned around.
"What's wrong with your face. You look purple, like me."
"Jasper punched me in the face."
"Oh cool."
Steven felt a fire in him he never felt before.
"COOL?" He repeated.
"What do you expect me to say?" Amethyst pressed the bag to her chest.
"Steven...Your eyes." Amethyst reached into her gem and pulled out her whip, clutching the donut bag with her other hand.
"WHAT ABOUT THEM?!?!?" Steven jumped off the second floor and bounced on the couch that was on the first floor.
"T-They're Green." Amethyst stuttered while backing up. Steven jumped off the couch and started walking towards her.
"YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON. YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT." Steven yelled, the ground rumbled beneath them.
"Steven, please I don't want to hurt you." Amethyst was pressed up against the counter.
"HURt me?" Steven's eyes turned normal and he shook his head. He looked at the ground as she shook his head over and over. When he looked up he saw Amethyst had tears in her eyes. "What happened?" He asked her.
"Y-You were yelling, you're eyes turned green, you were saying really mean things." Amethyst' whip disappeared and she wiped her eyes.
"I don't know what got into me." Steven ran up to Amethyst and hugged her tightly. "I don't know what happened. Something inside of me happened. I just broke and I had a pit of fire burning inside of me. I couldn't do anything. I was just... Not in control."
"What do you mean?" Amethyst whispered.
"I wasn't here. I wasn't in control of what I was saying... It was just words pouring out of my mouth. I tried to stop but I couldn't do anything." Steven cried into Amethyst for a couple minutes then looked up at her from the hug. Her eyes immediately widened.
"Steven...your nose." He looked away.
"I know it's horrible."
"No. It's fixed."
"What?" Steven separated from the hug and traced his nose. It was completely straight. There wasn't even a bump. "What happened?"
"I don't know, it's not even purple anymore." Amethyst frowned. "Now you're not like me anymore." Steven chuckled.
"Not to be mean, but I'm kinda glad its not purple." He replied.
"C'mon dude. Purple. Is. Life. Remember that. Purple. Equals. Life." They laughed together as the warp pad activated. A beam of light filled the room as it disappeared Pearl and Garnet, appeared on the pad.
"Look there he is." Pearl pointed to Steven and Amethyst.
"He looks fine to me." Garnet said.
"What?" Pearl ran off the warp pad to Steven. "Steven your nose is healed."
"Yeah." He said.
"But how? I thought your healing powers stopped working." She said.
"I don't know what happened! I was crying on Amethyst and when I looked up my nose was healed." Pearl looked at Amethyst. She immediately pointed to a wet spot on her shirt.
"Why were you crying?" Garnet said while leaning against the counter.
Steven and Amethyst explained what happened.
"But why were Steven's eyes green?" Pearl asked.
"We don't know." Amethyst said.
"For safety precautions; us and Steven; we should keep a close eye on him. In case it happens again." Garnet said.
"I think I'm fine." Steven said.
"It's just to be safe. It's not like you to approach people or even say words like that. " Garnet replied.
"I agree. Its not like him to be intimidating." Pearl said.
"HEY!" Steven said.
"Sorry you're just to cute to be scary." Garnet said making Steven smile.
"I am the most adorable person around here." Steven said arrogantly. Garnet chuckled.
"Yo Ste-Man I have your donuts right here." Amethyst raised her arm and shook the donut bag. Steven made a move to grab it and Amethyst immediately raised it higher. Pearl smiled and slapped Amethyst' hand, knocking the bag on the floor. Steven instantly dived towards the bag and ripped it open. He jumped on the counter next to Garnet and ate the Donuts hungrily.
Amethyst glared at Pearl.
"That was mean." Amethyst said.
"Be nice to Steven and I won't do that." Pearl said.
Amethyst winced remembering Steven's words. Steven wiped his mouth on his Sleeve and jumped down to the middle of the room. He looked up at the picture of Rose Quartz. The gems had found it under the wreckage of the battle. Surprisingly is was intact, they had immediately hung it back up as the house was finished. He shifted uncomfortably and said the words he had been dying to say for years.
"I'm-I'm sorry my moms not here." Steven said. The gems eyes snapped to him. He had tears pouring down his cheeks. He clutched his gem tightly with one hand and held his shirt with the other. Garnet stepped to him and kneeled down in front of him. She reached out her left hand and held his arm that was on his gem.
"Steven, that's not your fault." She said. Amethyst wrapped her arms around him from behind.
"Yeah man, where's all this coming from?" She said.
Pearl came from behind as well and set her hand on his hair she kneeled down behind him.
"We love you, Steven." Pearl said.
"IT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE IT!" The gems released him and they each took a step back.
"You always say things about how great mom was!" Steven clutched his gem tighter. He put his hands on his face. "And you don't say it, but you're always disappointed if I can't do what she did!" Pearl covered her now open mouth with her hand. The gems glanced at each other. "You always want me to be her!" Steven clutched the star on his shirt. "BUT I'M NOT! I'm sorry, I'm not her...I'm sorry I took her away." Garnet reached her hand out and held his hand that was holding his shirt.
"Steven...It's true that we all miss your mother." She moved her hand to his face and cleaned a falling tear. "And we haven't chosen our words as wisely while around you." Amethyst and Pearl both wiped tears coming from their eyes. "But not a day goes by that we don't thank her, for giving us you." The gems huddled around Steven and sat on the floor, embracing him in a hug.

Really emotional chapter... It was also a bit long, huh? This chapter took me FOUR HOURS to write. I don't really have much time over the summer so... how do y'all feel about those back to school commercials? This morning (which is Friday) I saw one of those commercials come on after Steven Universe, I kid you not I slammed my middle finger against the TV screen. Anyways, don't forget to leave a comment, vote (if this chapter hits 8 votes the next chapter will be just as long as this one) and all that other jazz.

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