Chapter Nineteen, "...I'm a Docterrrrrr."

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   Steven wiped the blood on his pajamas. He slid his feet off the bed and walked down the stairs. In a sudden surge of courage he stepped on the last step. His heart swelled in fear. Steven jumped off of it quickly and ran outside. He leaned on the balcony and watched as the sun peaked at him over the horizon. It was halfway up and was just barely licking the clouds. The ocean repeated the reflection for miles. Steven smiled. He would see her again today. His heart felt like a rubber band held between two fingers due to their distance apart. When they were with each other they each felt whole, as if they had taken a piece of each other over time. Steven yawned and stretched his arms over his head. He heard a gentle huff as he turned around. He was greeted by an elegant pink lion. His fur was neatly patted down and his mane looked incredibly soft.
"Hey Lion." Steven said in a cool tone. Lion looked at Steven with eyes of hatred. He knew this wasn't the little boy that had taken Rose's place. He could feel a monster deep inside the boy. He would not trust him until the Monster was extinguished from the child. Steven made a move to pet the animal but Lion quickly moved. He ducked and stepped away. Lion turned his back on the child and left to do whatever he did. Steven shrugged, knowing that Lion could sense the change in Steven. He went back inside and stepped into the bathroom. He used the white ceramic bowl before brushing his teeth. Steven glanced at the comb and wondered if he should battle with his hair today. He walked away from it and decided to make breakfast. Steven pulled a waffle out of the freezer and quickly popped it in the toaster. He pulled a plate out and set it on the counter. He also found his mug that said, "World's greatest Stephen". He grinned at the mug and poured some OJ in it. Steven was startled as the waffle jumped out of the toaster. He spun around and quickly grabbed the waffle and set it on the plate. He drenched it in syrup and slid it across the counter. Steven walked around it and sat in a chair next to the counter. He immediately stuffed his face with a chunk of waffle, then he washed it down with Orange juice. As he ate he heard the temple door open. Steven turned and saw Amethyst yawn sleeply. He didn't say anything since he had another chunk of waffle in his mouth so instead he gave her a closed mouth smile. She quickly returned it. He swallowed the chunk and spoke.
"Good morning Amethyst!" He said happily.
"Hey lil dude. How was breakfast?" Steven sipped the last of his orange juice and replied.
"Really good."
"You gonna eat that plate?" She asked as she stared at it hungrily.
"Um. Won't Pearl get mad if you eat another plate?" Steven asked her, confused.
"Yeah. That's why I want it." Amethyst grinned mischievously and held out her hand. Steven sighed and handed her the plate, giving in to her playfulness.
"NOM." The plate quickly disappeared and she looked at his mug. Steven caught her eye.
"No way. It's my favorite mug."
"But your name is spelled wrong on it." Amethyst said, trying to come up with a valid excuse to eat a mug.
"So? It's still my favorite." He smiled nicely before standing up and placing it in the sink. Amethyst yawned and scratched her back.
"Any plans for today?" She asked.
"I want to see her again today." Steven replied truthfully. Amethyst sucked air into her mouth sharply.
"You might not want to do that." She warned.
"Why?" Steven asked with a sudden pang of fear in his stomach. She scratched the back of her head.
"I kind of trashed their kitchen..."
"What? Why would you do that?"
"You know how you both left to go upstairs and she told me to go find something to eat so you two could have some privacy?"
"Yeah." Steven didn't like where the story was headed.
"They didn't have any good food no matter where I checked and in my search I kinda killed the fridge. And the cabinets. And maybe the pantry." Steven sighed.
"It's okay. She'll understand. We left in a hurry. A little mess won't keep us apart." Amethyst gave him a toothy grin and walked to the fridge. She examined its insides and took a TV dinner out. She threw it in the microwave and punched in a number before it started to hum loudly. Amethyst joined Steven on the couch, who was staring blankly at the roof. The temple door opened and Pearl stepped out.
"Glad to see you two are up." She said.
"What? No good morning?" Amethyst said playfully.
"I'm sorry, Good morning Steven." Pearl said.
Amethyst chuckled and looked at Pearl. Pearl smiled and walked out the house.
"Hm?" Steven said. He was pulled out of his thoughts by the door closing suddenly. He looked around, clueless as to who had entered the house.
"Who was that?" He asked Amethyst.
"Pearl. What, you didn't see her go through the room?"
"Nah. I was busy thinking."
"About Connie right?" Amethyst teased. Steven flinched and Amethyst' smile grew wide as she found the plot of his thoughts. Amethyst thought of somebody and shook it out. Her body turned to light and it quickly molded into a familiar figure that was the source of Steven's misery.
"Sup." Steven looked up and immediately burst into a fit of laughs. Amethyst had Shape-Shifted into Dr. Maheswaren. Except something was off about her, she seemed... Goofy.
"HI STEVEN. IM A DOCTERRRRR." Steven laughed.
Steven was laughing so hard tears streamed down his face.
"IF YOU GET SICK YOU CAN COME AND SEE ME." Steven stopped laughing and looked at her questionably.
"THE DOCTERRRRRRRR." He snorted as the laughs shook his body violently.
"That's enough Amethyst." Said a voice behind them.

A cliffhanger? Yes a cliffhanger. 😈
Comment down below who you think the voice was! Sorry I didn't upload yesterday guys. Wattpad was being a dip wad and didn't let me upload. I had to redownload the app to upload today. But it seems okay now so I'm happy about that. Anybody watch the Stakes Miniseries from Adventure time? Rebecca Sugar (for those of you who might not know is the Creator of Steven Universe. She also used to work on Adventure Time before leaving to work on her own show) made a voice appearance on the miniseries as Marceline's mom! She sang, and in my opinion Rebecca has the voice of an angel <3. Anyways guys I hope y'all liked the chapter. Remember to go to the DOCTERRRRR for a checkup every now and then.
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