Chapter Eighteen "...snake got your tongue?"

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"No." Pearl said sadly. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet were huddled around Greg. Greg was carrying a small baby with poofy hair. Pearl finally breaks down into tears. Amethyst is barely holding them back. Garnet simply watches the baby closely. The baby has a bright pink gem where his navel should be. "This can't be." Pearl says through her sobs.

Pearl sat up quickly. She felt groggy and tired. She looked down and realized where she was. She was next to Steven, who was fast asleep in his bed. Pearl had laid down next to Steven when he asked her to. He was afraid to sleep by himself now, so he asked Pearl to keep him company. Apparently she had dozed off into her thoughts. She gently caressed his hair before quietly crawling out of his bed. Her mind quickly flashed to the images she saw before. She shook them away and stood up. Pearl was now looming over him and observing him. She slid her hand down her face, remembering what happened last time. Pearl left quickly in fear of seeing her eyes again. Those bright green eyes brought her misery. They might've looked bright, but that was just a color. A color masking the real shade. The real shade was dark. Pitch black even. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she recalled them. The eyes had brought her so much pain. And they would again. She now stood in the middle of the house, she looked at the ground. Had she done the right thing taking Rose's place? Rose begged her not to, but Pearl refused. She would never forgive herself if something happened to Rose. But now, something did. Rose wasn't actually dead. She knew that. But it sure felt like it. Correction, it felt like it at times. Sometimes, on the good days, Steven would be just bright enough that he would show them just a glimpse of her. But Pearl knew Rose was happy. And all Pearl could do was be happy for her. She sighed and walked to the temple door. Her gem glowed and opened it, allowing her to disappear behind it.

The dark clouds rolled slowly towards him. They were dark as night and were pressed to the ground. But still, they were coming close. He was on the ground, but for the life of him could not stand. So he pushed himself back, kicking with his legs to move. At least, until, he hit a wall. Steven's back was pushed against it. The clouds moved even slower, as if taunting him. As if showing him that death was imminent. Steven turned and pushed with his arms. His legs slid down as he pushed, so he had to sit up again. He couldn't do anything. The clouds rose and were just over him when they arrived. He swore the tip of his hair touched them. Then they started to descend, even slower. Steven slammed his face to the ground so he could catch his last breaths. He sat up, holding his breath. The clouds finally engulfed him completely. But Steven held his breath, not daring to move. The clouds lingered, waiting for his breath to run out. Steven just sat, knowing that he could not hold his breath for long. His face grew into different shades of red and blue. If he didn't take a breath he would suffocate himself. He squeaked as he released his breaths. He took slow breaths.
"What the...?" Steven now found that he could breath in the clouds. He slapped his forehead, feeling stupid. He heard a dark chuckle from a distance. Steven turned, looking for its source. There was another that sounded even closer. He breathed heavily as tingles ran down his spine. Steven felt as if he was being watched.
"Oh, but you are." The voice said. The voice was smooth like silk, yet stern and had a dark touch to it. Steven gritted his teeth.
"Aventurine." He said through them. Suddenly, the clouds grew thicker. Steven stood up slowly, looking in each direction. The wall had vanished and now it was just him in oblivion.
"It's not exactly oblivion boy." She sounded as if she was right behind him. He turned quickly and looked in the direction her voice came from. He froze as he saw them. Steven looked into the clouds and saw a pair of eyes gleaming. They were bright green and the pupils were that of a snake might have. Goosebumps spread across his body as he swallowed hard. The eyes were much higher than him which made him have to look up. They were slightly taller than Garnet, which was very tall for him. Steven's mouth instantly dried as he stammered.
"What's wrong kid? Cat got your tongue? Or rather, snake got your tongue?" Before Steven could react he heard a loud hiss. He turned and saw the giant snake he fought. It was bigger now and it's gem was still on the top of its head. It's tongue flickered as it's tail slid around. The snake seemed like a cobra with a rattle snakes tail. He knew that because Connie told him. Both pairs of eyes that were looking at him suddenly widened.
"What?" He said. He remembered her soft voice reading to him from a small book. She showed him the pictures and explained all the distinct features. He remembered how he didn't pay attention to what she was saying but really how he was acting. So passionate and smart and clever. Steven smiled brightly as memories flooded back into his mind. When they first met, going to the movies, when they had their first dance, Stevonnie, the images kept going. They wouldn't stop, like they were being fed to him through a tube. He quickly noticed the eyes were squinting almost as if the memories were damaging them. Steven grinned and quickly pushed more memories through his mind. The hours they spent on the phone, the time they spent together. The images wouldn't stop. But he didn't care. He was happy they were there. Connie always had this thing to her that always lifted his spirits. She could always reel him back up to the light. Steven heard a scoff.
"She won't always be there for you. I'll make sure of that."
"You're wrong. I promise that I will always love Connie."
"Don't make promises you can't keep." She repeated his own words back to him. Steven shuddered, he could almost feel her smiling.

Steven breathed heavily as he was yanked out of his slumber. He was sweaty and he could feel a liquid dripping on his upper lip. He tapped the liquid with his finger and examined it. It was red, thick, blood.

Ooooooo. Strange ending! First off let me say thank you guys so much for being patient with the chapters. I am sorry for keeping all of you waiting but I had some personal matters to attend to and I didn't really have the opportunity to type. But when I came back I saw we had 4K views! This fanfic is getting way more attention than I thought it would but I'm not complaining! I do not know any ways to celebrate so if you have and ideas don't be afraid to leave it down in the comments. :)
Don't forget to vote, follow, comment, and all that other jazz.

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