Chapter Fifteen "You're a girl right?"

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Steven dove into the water the moment he layed eyes on the ocean. The cold water cooled his body. He popped his head up to check his surroundings. He watched Amethyst set up a chair and lay down in it. She put her arms behind her head, closed her eyes, and gave a small smile at the sun. Steven wanted to chuckle at her action, but he held it back, knowing that at times, he did it aswell. Instead he flashed her a small smile that she obviously didn't see.
Go over there.
Huh? Steven thought to himself as the voice echoed in his ears.
She won't see you coming.
No. Steven replied. He knew what this was and he wouldn't have it. He would fight it, until they found an antidote he would hold back the voice. To keep it from taking over. To protect his family. The voice chuckled darkly.
So, you finally found out what I am.
Yes and I won't let you take over.
That's too bad. I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way.
I-What should I call you?
Excuse me?
I don't want to keep referring to you as "the voice". Steven was now standing awkwardly in the water, the conversation taking place in his head.
Hmm. Call me, Aventurine.
You're a girl right? This earned him a light laugh.
You're so naive. Too bad I'm going to have to kill you. All gems are gender less. In case you haven't noticed you are the first gem to have a specified gender. Dumbass.
That's not nice.
Do I look...sound like I'm trying to be nice? I'm sorry you were raised too well to hear this kind of language. Aventurine said sarcastically. Get used to it child. Until I break down your defenses I'm stuck here talking to some weakling who's not worth my time.
Who? Me?
How do those gems put up with this. I admire their patience... Until later. Tata!
Wait! Aventurine!
... Steven stood in the water waiting for an answer. Her voice, chilled him to the bone. It was loud, dark, feminine, and worst of all Stern. When she spoke he felt as if he was being scolded. He felt an arm on his shoulder and he looked to his left. He saw Amethyst' worried face.
"What?" He asked.
"You alright? Your nose is bleeding."
"Really?" Steven patted his nose with his finger and proceeded to look at it. "Wow I am. I guess Aventurine really took it out of me."
"Who?" Amethyst said confused.
"I found out the gem's name. The one that supposedly took me as it's host..." He stopped talking before he dug the hole deeper.
"Here." She reached behind herself and pulled out some tissues out of nowhere. Steven quickly grabbed it and dabbed his nose, the blood quickly seceded and he handed it back to her. She made a 'gross' expression but took it anyways.
"Alright. I'll meet you inside, I think some seagulls are starting to circle around me." She pointed up at some birds flying in a circle pattern. "Want me to tell Garnet and Pearl about Adventurist?"
"Aventurine." Steven corrected. He suddenly felt defensive. He shook it off. "And, sure."
"Whatever." She waved him off as she walked towards the house. He shrugged and stepped out of the water. He yanked a towel off the chair Amethyst had set up and dried his hair. Steven quickly changed from his bathing suit to his normal clothes. He felt the fabric of his familiar shirt dry the saltwater off his torso.
"I'm kind of hungry." He said to no one in particular. Steven set his mind to the big donut and headed off the beach. He set the towel on the chair before he left.
Steven heard the recognizable ding as he entered the Donut shop. As he entered he waved at Lars, who was leaning on the counter. Lars' eyes widened and he stumbled to the back. He slammed the door behind him as he entered the back room. Steven raised an eyebrow at his action.
"Lars?" He said questionably.
"Go away." He replied behind the locked door. Steven walked to the door and put his hand on it.
"Did I do something wrong?" Steven said, worried.
"Yeah! Just stay away from me, man."
"What did I do?" Steven asked him earnestly.
"You really don't remember?" Lars asked, suddenly interested.
"Yes. No. I don't remember." Steven replied. Lars cracked the door slightly open and looked Steven up and down.
"Hm." He threw the door open.
"Do you want to talk? I honestly don't remember what I did." Steven said. Lars gave a slight nod and walked to a table. He threw himself in a chair and leaned back, his long legs by his side since they wouldn't fit underneath the table. Steven sat across from him.
"So...?" Steven left the sentence for Lars to finish. Lars scoffed but quickly cut himself off. He remembered Steven's hurtful words. He said so many mean things, and worst of all he was right. Lars was a horrible person who only found joy in trying to bring down a kid. He took a deep breath before he spoke.
"You- you said many things. You came in with your friends and was thinking about something to eat. Once you finally decided I got your donuts and threw them at you. That ticked you off. You started saying things that really hurt. But deep down I know it's all true."
"What did I say?" Steven held his arm.
"I don't want to say, but you were really mean. During your outbreak your friends tried to get you to stop. But you kept going, after a while you passed out and, um..." Lars paused, thinking of her name. "Pearl brought you home."
"Is that it?" Steven was digging his nails into his own skin.
"I think so." Lars scratched the back of his head. "That's all I remember."
"There was nothing more?" Steven could feel the skin under his nails about to break.
"Oh yeah, your eyes turned bright green for some reason." Steven's grip loosened and he dropped his arms on the table.
"Well, thanks for telling me this. Hope we can still be best friends!" Steven said hopefully.
"We're not- So why are you here?" Lars asked as he walked behind the counter. In reply Steven's stomach growled angrily. "Chocolate Jelly right?" Lars said.
"Two please." Steven dug in his back pocket and pulled out two dollars. He set them on the counter while he waited for his food. Lars turned around and grabbed two jelly donuts with the clasps. He put them in a bag and gently set it down on the counter. Steven smiled as he grabbed the bag.
"Thanks." He said before leaving. Lars stared at the money on the counter as the door dinged at it's opening.
Short chapter guys (sorry). Been really busy all week. I've only had about an hour to type. I was able to catch the new SU episode though, so YAAAY! I guess the Pearl theories were right. I am glad that Peridot is learning, but it still hurt me when she said that crap to Pearl. Also SHE FN HIT PERIDOT. I loved and hated that moment. I love them both and I'm glad they became friends...well, frenemies. Anyways, don't forget to vote, follow, comment, and all that other jazz.

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