Chapter Twenty-Five

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Two Gems and Steven stood at the front door.
"Wait," Steven said. "Maybe we shouldn't do this." He said.
"Course we do, you wanna see your girlfriend right?" Amethyst said.
"That's not what I-" he was cut off by Amethyst suddenly knocking on the door.
"NO!" Steven whisper-yelled. "I meant we shouldn't just go up to the front door and knock! I'm not supposed to be here remember?" Amethyst made an "o" with her mouth.
"Should've said it before I knocked man." She replied with a shrug.
"Aw man what do we do now?!?" Steven said in a panic. Garnet picked Steven up and gently threw him into some bushes a couple feet away. Her body suddenly illuminated with light as she changed Into a new form. Amethyst cocked her head to one side in confusion. Before her was a little girl who had braids in her hair and had an innocent smile on her face.
"Your turn." She said with Garnets accent.
"Uh." Amethyst mimicked her an turned into a man. He was slightly balding on top of his head and he wore a weary face.
"Is this good?" He said in Amethyst's voice. Garnet gave her a thumbs up before the door opened.
"Hello. Are you here for the party?" Asked Dr. Maheswaren.
"Sure." Amethyst said in a deeper voice. Dr. Maheswaren looked Amethyst up and down.
"Where's the present?" She said.
"I-I-" Amethyst began to stutter but was cut off by Garnet.
"We got him a card." She said. The smile was gone and was replaced by an emotionless character.
"Okay. Um are you okay?" Dr Maheswaren said, referencing Amethyst.
"Yes, why?" She replied.
"You appear to be a bit purple." She said.
"I'm fine I just- uh..."
"He was pranked by mom with dye in his body shampoo." Garnet said.
"Oh my, that is unhealthy and not in the least bit humorous." Dr. Maheswaren said.
"Yeah she sure can be a joker." Amethyst laughed nervously. Dr. Maheswaren opened the door wider and let them in. Garnet scanned the area as she looked for Connie.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry but it's rude to wear sunglasses indoors." Dr. Maheswaren said to Garnet. Garnet clenched her fists before smiling nicely.
"I need to wear these I have a condition that makes light hurt my eyes so I have to cover them at all times." Dr. Maheswaren hesitated before nodding and walking off.
"Wait!" Amethyst said and grabbing her arm. Dr. Maheswaren looked at where she was grabbed and then Glared at Amethyst. "Um. Where's Connie?"
"She's upstairs in her room-" Dr. Maheswaren paused mid sentence. "Why do you want to know?" She said while crossing her arms.
"Uhhhh..." Amethyst said and looked at Garnet.
"She's my friend. I know her from school. She's the one who told me about the party and I asked my dad to bring me I am." She replied quickly.
"Mhm. Well, enjoy yourself. If you need anything just talk to me." Dr. Maheswaren put a fake smile on her face before walking away with a huff.
"Alright we know where she is. Let's go." Amethyst said.
"What?" Amethyst said.
"She's watching us." Garnet replied.
"Who do you think?" Amethyst looked around and caught Dr. Maheswaren's gaze before she looked away.
"Your right. So uh...what now?" She said.
"We pretend to have some fun and when she's not looking we dash upstairs." Amethyst opened her mouth to say something after Garnet stopped speaking. "No. We're not crashing through the roof." Amethyst frowned.

Steven sat in the bushes outside. He waited. He knew Garnet had a plan. She promised to help him. And Garnet never broke a promise. Even after she shapeshifted into the little girl, even after he was thrown into some bushes. He would wait patiently for her to signal him. But even then it was hard to keep still. He would see Connie, and he wanted to break down the walls and hug her. Steven loved her and would do anything to see her. He shuddered as a draft of cold air pushed him forward. He sighed and looked at the house. He looked at the many windows protruding from the house. As he looked he felt a lightbulb light up in his head.

"Is she gone yet?" Amethyst said with a mouthful of food. So instead it sounded a bit more like: "Ish Sei Gurwsznr Yt?"
"Yes. Let's move." Garnet replied. She looked around quickly before dashing up the stairs. She peered down at Amethyst through the railings, who was taking the plate of food up the stairs. "Really?" Garnet said as Amethyst reached the top.
"Vut? I hve to vinis my ffood." Amethyst say defensively.
"Let's just go get her." Garnet closed her eyes for a moment and put her hand on her shades. "This way." Garnet walked to a door that was shut and stood in front of it. She knocked on the door loudly.
"Mom, I'm not coming out." A voice said from inside.
"Ayyyyyy. Open the door." Amethyst said after swallowing another plate.
"What?" The voice said in confusion. They heard footsteps coming to the door before it opened. Connie was greeted by a little girl with sunglasses on and what appeared to be her unhappy father.
"Yo." He said.
"Um...who are you?" She said with a raised eyebrow.
"Who do you think?" The little girl said in a thick accent. Connie's eyes widened as she realized the tint of purple in the little girl's father. Connie shoved them inside and hugged them both tightly after shutting the door. As she hugged them she felt their bodies change and when she looked up, she saw something she had been longing to see all day. Amethyst and Garnet both had cheesy smiles plastered on their faces.
"I'm so happy to see you guys! Is Steven with you?" At her words they heard a BDUNK outside Connie's window. In unison they rushed to the window, which Connie quickly opened. As she opened it she was greeted by a another cheesy smile.
"Hi." It said.

I'm back! I'm so incredibly happy to be back you guys have no idea! Actually you guys are probably as happy as I am right now :P
I have been getting constant Messages, comments, Direct Messages, someone even FREAKING EMAILED ME asking me to update this beautiful book. And it's finally back. After like almost a whole month, it has returned in a GLORIOUS FLAME OF RAINBOWS AND ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF SUNFLOWER SEEDS (I have an addiction)!!!!!!! I did catch the Stevenbomb and the accidental leak (don't ask if you didn't catch it, it was on live TV and be happy you didn't see it) But many of you may be wondering why this fanfic hasn't been updated in the first place, allow me to explain. I was simply worn out of Wattpad and just reading/writing books in general. Wattpad turned into a chore and that's not what I wanted it to turn into. I was drained of ideas, words, and ideas (Lol) and I just couldn't keep up with anything. It was like trying to start a car with a Shoe. It dOESNT WORK! So I basically removed Wattpad from my life so I could take a nice needed break. It was amazing (for me) but then I felt my creativity was being wasted on useless nonsense like school (stay in school!) so I finally decided my time was up, and y'all have waited enough, and needed me to comeback. So, I'm here :3
Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and all that other jazz!!! (It feels great to say that again!)

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