The Life Of An Anorexic

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I didn't become anorexic because my parent's abused me.

I didn't become anorexic because I was bullied.

I didn't become anorexic because someone told me I was fat.

I didn't become anorexic because I wanted something to control in my life.

I didn't just wake up one day, and suddenly think, I'm not going to eat.

For me anorexia was a slow disease. In year 7 I started to notice I was getting a belly. Then  in year 8  I noticed that other people were slimmer than me, that other's peoples thighs were smaller, that other peoples arms weren't so wide. I started to compare myself to others. Slowly I stopped eating breakfast, and the lunch. And I tried to avoid Dinner. 

I began to listen to the thought's in my head, telling me that i was fat and i was ugly and i was a worthless waste of space, and i started to act on them. 

I started to lose weight, but i never felt thin enough, there was always more weight to lose. So i kept losing and losing. 

Until i lost myself. 

This is my story. 


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