Chapter 13

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Annabeth's pov:

I woke up with a splitting headache. I groaned. I walked over to my bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. I looked threw the bottles and finally found it.

I opened the cap and took out two Advil's. I took one and took it. I walked over to where Johnson was sleeping and set the pill best to him on the night stand. I poured him a glass of water and crouched next to him.

I played with his hair for a while. I smiled and got up I walked over to my side of the bed and laid back down. I stared at the wall for a while and then got thirsty. I hadn't realized how dry my throat was.

I sighed knowing the only water was Johnson's. And it was where he was and I was to lazy to walk over there. I took a deep breath and sat up. I slowly swung my right leg by Johnson's left arm and tried to reach the water.

I was so close when Jack woke up. Shit. He looked at me with a smirk. I was about to say something when the door opened. I looked back to see jack looking at me in utter shock. Then of course Sam walked in.

He gawked at me. I mentally slapped myself. I could feel my face grow hot with embarrassment.

"When you said you would with Johnson I just thought you were saying it and that you weren't actually gonna do it."Sam replied looking at me. I groaned and rested my head in jacks chest.

"It's okay Sam get out you to gilinsky."Jack said motioning them out. I sighed. I looked up at Jack he smiled.

"Okay better hope Nate doesn't see this."Sam said pointing at me and Johnson. Why would he care?

"Aren't you gonna ask what I was doing?"I asked looking at him. He smiled.

"Not unless you want me too."he replied moving a strand of hair out of my face. This is why I loved Johnson. I smiled.

"I was gonna get water because my throat hurt and I was too lazy to walk around so I swung my leg over you and when I was gonna grab it when they walked in."I said biting my lip. He laughed.

"Well guess that answers the question huh."he replied looking me. I was still biting my lip. I laughed and spoke up.

"Yeah I guess."I said shrugging. That's when I realized I was still on top of him. I felt the heat rise up to my face. I didn't realize until now that jacks hands where on my waist.

"You know your still on top of me right?"Jack said looking at me.

"I mean not that I mind or anything." He added before I could say anything.

"That's great to know Johnson. Maybe I'll make this a habit of mine."I replied with a wink. He gave a me a smirk. Laughed and got off of him. I grabbed the water and took a sip well more like I drank the whole thing.

I looked at Jack and he raised his eyebrows. I smiled sheepishly.

"I'll fill it."I replied grabbing the pitcher filled with water. I poured the water in the cup and handed it to Jack.

I gave him the Advil which he gladly took.

"Oh god that's better."he said closing his eyes. I chuckled. I touched his face and realized his face was burning.

"Jack your hot."I replied. He opened his eyes and smirked.

"I know I'm hot but thanks it's great to hear someone say it."he winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes but that's not what I meant. Your face it's like burning hot I think you have a fever."I replied touching his forehead. It was extremely hot.

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