That should be me

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Nate's pov...

After I left Annabeth's apartment I drove back home. I opened the door and sat on the couch. I was completely alone.

Sam was somewhere in the world and he came back in two days the jacks where on tour and swazz was visiting his parents.

Two days later..

"Hey!"Sam yelled out as he walked in. He closed the door and dropped his bags.

I looked up.

"Hey."I meekly replied.

I put the stack of twenties in one pile and then the fives in another. I took a couple hundred dollar bills and put them aside with the money. I grabbed the box I had on the couch and put the money inside.

I looked up at Sam.

"Well that's nice. Putting some money aside for little Maloley."he replied patting my back. He walked into the kitchen and started going through the fridge.

"What did you say?"I asked turning around. He took a drink from his juice and looked at me.

"Your putting money aside for little Maloley. That's nice the kid can go to college or something."Sam shrugged.

"Why-why would you say that?"I asked getting a bit panicked.

Sam looked at me puzzled.

"Well because you and Annabeth sort of created a child."Sam said giving me a face.

He looked at the fridge and then at me.

"Did you like not go grocery shopping at all Nate?"Sam asked scanning the fridge for the billionth time.

"What are you taking about?"I asked confused and angry.

"The fridge it's like empty. You didn't buy shi-"

"No about me and Annabeth having a kid. What are you talking I'm not-we're not."I couldn't continue. I was so confused.

She said it wasn't mine. That it wasn't my responsibility. It- the baby wasn't my concern.

"Yeah she's like what? One..two..three..four..five uh like ten weeks pregnant I think now. I mean hey it just took one night in Miami but you did it. Got her pregnant."Sam replied chuckling.

"I-I she told that it wasn't mine that it-the baby it wasn't mine that I-"

Sam's face quickly changed.

"Oh yeah ,yeah no sorry my bad. I was ,I was thinking of another person. My bad didn't mean to scare you or anything. Uh just forget what I just said."Sam said scratching the back of his neck.

"No,no don't do that she lied to me. I went over and asked her face to face."I replied looking at him.

"And she lied to you face to face."Sam said looking at me.

"Look I thought you knew that's why I made that comment. But if she lied then she must have a good reason. I'm sorry but I can't do anything for you. Annabeth chose to lie. You have to ask her. And I'm sorry I am but I'ma go take a shower and a nap."Sam replied.

"Okay. Yeah go."I said nodding.

"Sorry man."Sam replied patting my back.

"Yeah I am too."I muttered under my breath.

Sam had taken a shower and a nap and was now awake he had gone upstairs to get the video games that we were gonna play. I couldn't stop thinking about Annabeth and how she lied to me.

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