Chapter 4

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Scarlett's POV:

I pulled away reluctantly; Harry had a pained look on his face. I knew this was a mistake he regretted it didn't he? Neither of us really knew what to say now. I opened my mouth to speak but Harry beat me to it

"I, um, I shouldn't have done that Scar you just looked so beautiful and well..."

Did he just say I looked beautiful? Then it hit me the pained expression wasn't because he regretted the kiss. He just didn't want me to stop. My eyes fluttered up to meet his he was staring down at me his face full of worry. I reached up to tuck a loose curl behind his ear when he grasped my wrist and yanked it off.

"No. Scarlett don't. This means something different to you than it does to me."

Shit he knows. He wants to stay friends and I'll be stuck chasing after someone I'll never have.

"I see you as so much more than my best friend and I have done for a long time. I'm telling you now because this is the only chance I'll get. Scarlett: you drive me crazy. Ever since I met you I knew I had to have you. My mind was made up. But you never showed signs of wanting to be more than just friends, so I told myself it was better to have you in my life in one way than not at all, and I know you don't feel..."

The words he were saying, the words I had dreamt, imagined and prayed that would come out of his mouth so many times before finally were. He thought I didn't feel the same way? God the boy drove me insane too. At that moment I couldn't hold it any longer, I disrupted his rambling and reached up placing my lips back to his were they fitted perfectly...

Harry's POV:

I stood watching my Scar intently, waiting for her to run away. The words I had said over and over in my head finally tumbled out. If she didn't feel the same way I would have to live with it, I had done for so long before but my main concern was if we could go back to how things used to be, or would it change forever?

Suddenly I felt her lips connect with mine distracting me from my thoughts. The kiss was quick and over too soon for my liking, she pulled back smiling against my lips. I smiled back. Her smile was contagious." I love you Scar" I whispered quietly under my breath. She pushed herself onto her tiptoes her lips brushing against my ear ever so slightly. Then she said it. The words I never thought she would say.

"I love you to Harry. I always have done"

My breath caught in my throat. This beautiful, stunning, intelligent, hilarious, perfect in every way girl loved me. I couldn't help the stupid grin that appeared on my face. She laughed.

"So your telling me we've spent this long pretending were not in love with each other"

I joked lightening the mood slightly. "I guess so" She responded shaking her head slightly.

"Mmm, well guess we will just have to make up for lost time" I countered smirking at her. She pushed me away jokingly "Maybe when my shirts not see through, pervert."

I pouted giving her the eyes that always made her give into me, making her throw her head back in laughter. I smiled at her still in awe that she was mine.

"Ok, how about you go and get ready while I nip home. I'll pick you up in say 30 minutes and I'll take you on our first official date"

She nodded eagerly and sprinted up the stairs to get into the shower. My mind wandered to the few occasions I'd comforted her after a boy she thought was totally in love with her hurt her. Scar was strong, she hardly ever cried, but when she did it was the most heart-breaking thing for me to watch. On these few occasions, I hugged her; while she convinced herself she was ugly and worthless. I told her she could do so much better how beautiful she truly was and she'd find a boy who treated her like she deserved. Little did she know I was explaining how I would treat her if she was mine. I watched her, longing for her to come back down and kiss me, but we had all the time in the world and I was spending every second of it with my Scarlett.

"Styles I can still hear you breathing. If you trying to sneak a look at me in the shower think again pervert"

Scarlett's voice broke me out of my thoughts. How long had I been stood here? I laughed at her remark before turning on my heel and opening the front door.

"I wish" I called up and with that shut the front door and turned towards my house.

End Notes:

Hey guys, sorry for the wait of this chapter, and sorry its short. Were working on chapter 5 and we've got some good ideas together  -C&H xx

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