Chapter 39

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Scarlett's POV:

The piercing sound of a fire alarm awoke me at about 1am, the overwhelming smell of burning fuel filling my senses. Fear struck and my whole body began to shake, it was too strong not to be coming from downstairs. I jumped out of bed, pulling a pair of Harry's boxer shorts on and grabbing my phone of the night stand. I creeped over to the door, opening it gently before taking a few steps forward and peering downstairs, however nothing prepared me for the sight that greeted me.

Illuminious orange flames ripped their way down the hallway, a horrid black foggy smoke filled the whole room and the flames began creeping towards the stairs. My breathing accelerated and the room began to spin. The flames began getting closer, so instinctively I ran back into the safety of mine and Harry's bedroom. Once inside, I lined the door with clothes and towels in hope to keep the smoke and flames out but it was too late. The thick toxic smoke began making me dizzy and nauseous, I groaned my head spinning at an alarming rate. I tried to dial 999 but it was too late, my body had done fighting, it was over. My mind blacked out, then, oblivion...


Harry's POV:

"I better get back to my girl lads." I said before downing the remainder of my pint and shrugging my black jacket back on.

"Nah mate, it's not even 1am we've got the clubs to hit yet, sit back down!" Josh slurred, the drinks he'd already drank now taking their effect on him. The other boys cheered in agreement behind him, making me laugh at their persistence to keep me out.

"Sorry to disappoint lads, but if you had a girl like mine waiting in your bed at home, you'd leave as well." I joked, although it was rather true.

"Anyway thanks for tonight, it’s  been a laugh, again next week?" I said, they all shouted in agreement, obviously up for another night out. I smiled before going through the round of 'man hugs' and saying good night to everyone.

I left the bar a couple of minutes later and began the walk home. As soon as I stepped outside the cold midnight air bit at my skin, leaving my fingers red and numb and my cheeks splashed pink. The only sound heard was my black boots hitting the pavement with every step, inevitably breaking the piercing silence of the night. Every so often a drunken group of people would stumble along the road, obviously trying to find another bar to wind up in. Suddenly a crooked smiled graced my lips as I realised  was approximately 2 minutes away from being back home with Scarlett and holding her in my arms. I was however pulled out of thought when my phone rang in my back pocket. I pulled it out and hit answer, not bothering to check caller ID. A frantic Luke sounded at the other end of the call.

"Harry listen mate I don't know what's happened but your apartments on fire. Scarlett's still in there, I fell asleep and next thing I know I come outside to follow some burning smell and the place is in flames. I've called 999 and..."

I stood in shock. My mind span like a whirlwind, making me feel extremely nauseas. A strong sense of de-ja-vu overwhelmed me, taking me back to the time I got the call about Scarlett being in hospital after the car crash. My entire world tumbled down that day, my heart shattered into a million pieces. And the worst thing then was the fact I couldn't do anything to take the pain away, I'd never had the opportunity to save her. This time would be different, I wasn't going to lose her now, not now, not when everything was going so well.

"Shit, shit, shit, no this can't be happening! I'm a block away; I'll be there in 30 seconds. I need to get Scar out!" I shouted frantically.

I began running, I ran as if my life depended on it, as if Scarlett's life depended on it, because it did. I could faintly here Luke on the other end telling me not to do anything stupid, he knew I was planning on getting her out. But if the girl he loved was trapped in a burning building he'd risk his life to save her, I know he would. 


I arrived to my apartment within a minute, my breathing was heavy and sweat was beading along my forehead. I looked around. My apartment was billowing a horrendous black foggy smoke and orange flames licked the bottom floor. Residents nearby where exiting their apartment and taking cover to lower floors. Just myself and Luke remained outside my apartment door, he was looking at me, waiting for my next move. Without hesitation I grabbed the corridors fire extinguisher and kicked the front door down.

"Harry, stop! The fire brigade will be here soon, just wait for them! You’re going to fucking die if you go in there!" Luke shouted over the roaring of the flames, while trying to wrestle me back.

"I'm going in! If it means I die with the only person worth living my life for then fine!" I shouted back, before pushing him off me and extinguishing the fire at the front door. I managed to make a small gap leading to the stairs which I took. I ran past the flames and made it to the top of the stairs before the fire reconnected and began creeping back upwards. I could faintly see Luke outside the door, his hands on his head in frustration, I hated to do this to him but there was one girl in here that I cared about too much to leave.

"Scarlett Baby! Baby, where are you?!" I shouted; no answer. I brutally pushed our bedroom door open, expecting to see her in bed hiding from the flames. She wasn't. I looked down on the floor and there she was. She was led on her back, her eyes closed, I presumed passed out. I bent down scooping her into my arms before sitting her on my lap.

"Baby. Scarlett baby! Wake up princess please, I’m here everything’s alright, I’m here." I spoke soothingly while brushing strands of hair behind her ear. She didn't respond. Small tears rolled off my cheeks and soaked into her t-shirt. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't...


End Notes:

Sorry for a bit of a late update! Lots of school stuff going on! Anyway vote, comment, share etc. Thanks guys ly - C&Hx

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