Chapter 28

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This chapter is SERIOUSLY CUTE!

Caleb's POV:

I would of beat the fuck out of that son of a bitch Harry if he hadn't caught me so of guard. Yet again he'd come in and saved his precious Scarlett. When would he ever get it in his head that he was no good for her, it's me she should be with, it always has been. I watched as made his way away from me to a sobbing Scarlett, god that guy was so whipped. I was Scarlett's first love yet here I was again watching her in the arms of another 'man'. He doesn't deserve her, nobody does, except me. Leaving my thoughts I scrambled onto my feet and exited the bathroom, there was no way I could get Scarlett with Harry showing up 24/7; ugh that fucker is always in the way. I'd find a way to get her back; she loves me more that she thinks. I looked back Harry had Scarlett in a tight embrace as she sobbed into his arms. My stomach churned at the sight, I wasn't giving up, and one way or another I'd get Scarlett back, just you wait.

Scarlett's POV: 

Again, it had happened again. I can't do this. My head hurts. Caleb is always showing up and threatening me and to be honest it's scaring the crap out of me. I never know when he's going to show up again. As soon as he had spoken those few horrendous words to me, his awful voice made the memories come flooding back, the memories I did not want back were well and truly stuck in my brain now. I tried to stay strong back then but he'd gone and now I was sobbing into my boyfriend's chest as he protected me, yet again, from my ex. The way Harry's arms were so protectively wrapped around my small, fragile, shivering frame just made me realise how much I have put him through, unintentionally.

"Sorry" I managed to murmur through the sobs and dreadful headache

"What for sweetie?" Harry replied questioningly

"I've put y-you through so much H-Harry, I didn't mean t-to and I'm just-t...well I g-guess..." I rambled on only to be silenced by Harry's soft pink lips pushing hard against my own. Without even thinking I quickly kissed him back our lips moving in sync with each other hastily, we both pulled away slightly breathless.

"Don't, worry Scarlett. I'm the one who should be saying sorry for breaking my promise"

"I love you Harry" I replied quietly with as much of a smile as I could handle right now. I probably looked half dead and depressed but sure enough the kind smile was replied.

"And I love you Scarlett" he responded. Why the heck do I feel so light headed?

Harry picked me up with his strong and perfectly sculpted arms as I cuddled further into his chest feeling a little hazy. It wasn't until now I realised we were out in public as he strode up the stairs and multiple faces watched me with a worried and unnerved expression which made my head hurt even more.

"She's okay; she's just in shock and..." Harry told everyone not wanting to reveal too much."...will someone call a paramedic just to check on her please?" What! No! I'm fine!

"Harry...I-I'm fine really-y, please just-t take me h-home." (No pun intended)

"No, I'm sorry Scar we need to get you checked out. You took quite a big knock to your head." He explained

"What?" I replied, reaching my trembling hand up to the back of my head and dragging my fingers back down into eyesight to reveal my hands concealed in red blood stains. Looking back up at Harry I now realised his flannel shirt had smears of myself on it too. Oh god, I knew my head hurt but not this much damn! 

10 minutes later and yet again I was on the way to the emergency room in the back of an ambulance, except this time I was conscious, Harry followed the ambulance in his car so he could still drive us home. When we arrived a nurse ushered me into a small room where she told me she'd be stitching the cut on the back of my head. Harry held my hand, his eyes never leaving mine. Before I knew it she was done and about 30 minutes later she handed me my painkillers and told me to get some rest, I thanked her before leaving the hospital and returning back to Harry's car. We sat in silence as I got lost in my thoughts. Tonight was meant to be perfect and it had been until Caleb showed up. Harry had put so much effort in, like he always does and yet again I messed it up. I don't even know why he still bothers with me I'm more effort than it's worth. The thought made me upset what if one day he gets fed up, gets sick of having to save me from everything. He could do so much better with a normal, prettier, funnier girl. I was just a burden in his life. I looked back over to Harry driving; he was also lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly everything got too much a yet again tears trickled down my cheeks and I felt as I couldn’t breathe. I quickly wiped them away before Harry noticed, I was too late though. 

"Why are you crying Scar? Is your head still hurting?" He spoke. I didn't know whether to just say it was because of my head, but what's the point he'd know I was lying then he'd end up getting angry and I couldn't deal with that. 

"H-Harry, why do you even bother with me? Like I said before; I put you through so much shit, whether it's saving me from…C-Caleb or spending weeks watching me recover from a car crash I'm always causing some sort of problem for you. You could do so much better than me, someone with fewer problems, someone who you can have fun with because recently I'm just a burden to everyone. I'm nothing special and I'm just so fucked up and I-I..." I trailed of choked up by my own tears. I looked over to Harry, just as we arrived home. Suddenly he slammed the steering wheel with his palm making me jump back.

"When will you understand Scarlett?" He practically shouted, this isn't what I wanted, for him to get angry. 

"Do you think I'd still be here if I didn't love you more than my own life? Do you think I'd of spent weeks never leaving your side at the hospital or risked my life saving yours from that fucker Caleb? The answers no, if I wasn't sure I was completely and hopelessly in love with you I would of left as soon as you decided to move to London. Scarlett I moved half way across the world with you just because I couldn't bare the thought of leaving you, even if you we were just friends then. There is nobody I could love more than I love you when will you see that?! Do I not show it enough or do you just not trust me anymore. Because I'm not leaving you Scar. If you decide you don't want me anymore then fine but I'm not giving up on us, not ever." 

I sat still taken aback by Harry’s words. The memory of me telling him I was moving to London suddenly popping into my mind. 


I paced nervously not sure how to tell Harry that I'd been excepted into one of the most prestigious university’s in London. I sat down next to him taking his hand carefully. Gestures like that weren't anything new to us we had an undeniably close friendship.

"Harry. The thing is you know that I applied to that University in London, and I was utterly sure that I would never get in. Well I kind of did... So what I'm basically saying is that I'm moving to England and I know that leaving you is the last thing I wan...” I was interrupted by Harry speaking.

"I'm coming with you.” He spoke with absolute confidence. I laughed nervously, what the hell.

"Don't be silly Harry you have friends and career options here, this you h..." Again interrupted by him.

"Too late I already accepted my place at the University of London as well. As soon as you told me you applied I went straight online and did the same. Scar no way in hell was I leaving you to go half way across the globe without me, were in this together remember? Plus your mother and father would never let you go all by yourself" he grinned cheekily.

Flashback over:

I think that was when I fell completely in love with my best friend, and a year later and nothing had changed. I looked over to the curly haired boy staring at me waiting for my reply. I didn't say anything just smiled and brought my lips to his. His soft lips kissing me like the very first time all over again. He pulled back carefully tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. 

"Move in with me Scar...?"

End Notes:

Cliffhanger, we're sorry but we hope you liked this chapter and continue to read the story, it means so much that you like this so thank you to each and every one of you guysss! Remember to vote, comment and share, love youuu! - H&C x

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