Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:

I was chatting away uncomfortably. Nodding when I needed to, laughing at the right points. But all I could really think about was Scar. I hadn't seen her since we'd arrived here and I just wanted to know she was safe. I turned my head, scanning every corner of the filled room. I couldn't find her so I was about to look for her when my friend Ben surprisingly came over. I hadn't spoken to him in a while so I was intrigued to find out what he was going to say.

"Harry, are you with Scarlett?" he questioned.

"Yeah... Why?" I replied no even more fascinated.

"Oh..." he answered a sudden look of worry creasing in his forehead.

"Why?" I yelled, wanting to know what he knew.

"Well, I just saw this guy dragging her upstairs; she looked like she might've been in pain... Harry I was going to stop him but he pushed me aside along with anyone else who tried to stop him" Ben explained.

"What!" I shouted. "Who was it?" I questioned

"I don't know bu..." Ben continued

I felt so angry, not at ben but at what I'd just heard. I shoved Ben to the side, calling behind me to apologise. I heaved my way between the crowds of people, all insulting me as I elbowed them out of my way. I was so livid that I didn't care who got wounded, as long as I found Scar. I could almost feel my blood boil and I was sure - by the terrified looks I was receiving - that others could see it too. I flung doors open trying desperately to find the steps before I hurdled up the steep stairs towards the source of the piercing screams that were now evident to be Scar. I tried the room facing directly ahead of me at first but ended up walking in on some random couple in a heated "make out" session. Usually I would be embarrassed and apologise but all I could focus on was finding Scar. As I walked further down the corridor her screams got louder and I finally found the room I had been searching for. I pushed down on the handle forcefully but much to my dismay it was locked. No way was I giving up that easily though. I did the first rational thought that popped into my head. I was going to have to break it down. The door looked fairly old so I give myself a small run up and crashed into the door with my shoulder and elbow. The latch that was holding the door in place easily popped of and the door swung open to reveal the most heart-breaking thing ever.

The motherfucker Caleb was pinning Scarlett to the bed she had a small trickle of blood coming from her nose, various scratches and a black eye were he had clearly hit her with brutal force. Scar looked so helpless under his large frame her dress was torn at the shoulder and he was in the process of taking the rest of. She tried to push him of her weak fists slamming on his chest but she was nearly unconscious so it was no use. Only then did I come back to reality the bastard had gotten away from me for too long now. Anger flooded through me as I stormed into the room making him turn his head. He had no time to react to my presence before I gripped the back of his shirt releasing him of Scar and slamming him onto the ground. I raised my fist Caleb tried to dodge me but I was on top he had no chance. As soon as I threw the first punch and heard the satisfying crack of his nose there was no stopping. I was going to the kill the motherfucker once and for all.

Scarlett's POV:

I was drifting in and out of consciousness I tried to keep my eyes open I wouldn't let him win, but I was too weak. Suddenly a weight was lifted off my body. As soon as my chest was fully released of the pressure I inhaled; deeply. The fresh air filled my lungs and I started to relax. I could faintly hear a low grunt which was unmistakably Harry's and then a sharp crack. Intrigued I turned my head carefully and weakly my whole face was aching. My eyes jerked wide when I saw the sight before me.

Harry was knelt over Caleb his back facing away from me his arm repeatedly raising and pushing down with brutal strength at the now unconscious Caleb. How long had he been hitting him? Harry showed no signs of stopping and I knew right then he was more than capable of killing him. There was no way I could stop him I'd seen Harry angry before but never like this and if I'm honest it frightened me. I stood up swiftly my head spinning from the sudden action but I blocked it out, I need help. Harry didn't even notice I'd left the room as if he was in some sort of trance. I stumbled down the stairs crashing into a friend I recognised as Harry's, Ben. His hands reached out clutching my waist in an attempt to steady me.

"H-H-Harry" I stuttered my words unable to come out. "You need to help him" I spluttered.

He knew exactly what I meant as he asked for no further explanation. He lowered me onto the steps as if to instruct me to stay put and shot past me towards Chloe's spare room. No way was I staying here though. When I finally managed to scramble back up the stairs, Ben had hold of Harry from the back and was dragging him out the room with all his force.

"Let me fucking go, I'm not stopping till the bastard is dead!" Harry spat at Ben with fury.

"Come on mate that's enough, killing him isn't going to solve anything..." he yelled in response "...You'll just loose Scarlett" Ben pleaded in Harry's ear.

The sound of my name seemed to shake Harry back to reality. He turned towards me shaking loose from Bens grasp. My battered body automatically winced taking a step back. The image of him nearly murdering Caleb crept back into my mind. I wasn't afraid of Harry but Caleb had hit me before, so what was to say Harry wouldn't either.

"I'm not going to hurt you baby please don't be scared"

I looked up to see Harry's beautiful orbs staring at me his face worried and filled with guilt.

"Baby, please..."

My eyes filled with tears I know he was only protecting me before but I was sore, aching, hurt, and afraid. I did the one thing I could; I ran. Ran to find Chloe and Holly I needed my best friends. But not without looking back at Harry his eyes were brimming with tears as he clutched his curls at the back of his head with his hands in frustration and anxiety that he could lose me. He looked like he was about to say something but I turned and ran before he could.

End Notes: 

Hey guys so the next chapter should be out in 1 or 2 days we left it on another cliffhanger so we don't want to keep you all waiting. We've got nearly 400 reads so far as well thank you so much guys! Hope your liking it so far vote, comment, like, tell people!! -C&H x

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