Chapter 7

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Harry's POV:

That was it I had lost her. She couldn't even look at me anymore. But when I saw what he had done to her to: my beautiful Scar, I lost it. Tears streamed down her face as she ran away from me. I could feel my heart breaking: literally. I gripped my hair and kicked the wall in frustration. I wanted to hold her so much and tell everything would be fine but she was scared of me. I'd fucked everything up like always.

Scarlett's POV:

Once I got downstairs most people had left. I found Chloe and Holly sat on the couch knees up to their chests giggling at something. As soon as they spotted me they both gasped most likely at the state of my face and dress.

"What the fuck Scarlett? Did that fucker Caleb beat you again? I though you were with Harry now, you knew what he was like for god's sake Scar!"

I interrupted Chloe's rambling telling them both the whole story from the moment he dragged me of the dance floor till right now. The whole time they stood there their mouths hanging open in shock, they both hugged me when I was finished repeatedly telling me it would be okay. Would it really be ok though?

"Shit, Scar god if I'd of seen you or stayed with you this wouldn't have happened" Holly said guiltily her eyes full of concern.

"It would have eventually" I dropped my eyes down to the floor. Everybody had left now so we were alone.

"Come on lets clean up your face and get some sleep, we can sort this mess out tomorrow"

About an hour later the girls had tried their best to clean my face, with all the blood gone it was a slight improvement from before but it still looked awful. I could hear Chloe and Holly's heavy breathing as they slept beside me. I couldn't sleep though the only person I wanted right now was Harry. My Harry. I just needed him to hold me and tell me everything would be ok.

Harry's POV:

I led wide awake in bed. Caleb had come around later on and staggered outside towards his house. He wouldn't tell the police about what I did, the guy didn't have the balls to. He'd hit a girl for Christ's sake. Anyway that was the least of my worries. I assumed Scar was still at Chloe's house with Holly. I just prayed she was ok, Scar was strong but not that strong.

A few minutes later and my phone vibrated against the floorboard. I looked down to see it was Scar. What was she doing calling me a 4am, shit was she ok? I answered the phone.

"Scar baby are you okay?"

My voice was panicked as I imagine the worst. When suddenly she burst into tears I could hear her quite sobbing over the phone. She didn't have to say anything until I was shoving my jeans on and grabbing my keys.

"Scar I'm coming over to Chloe's now, ok?"

She mumbled something and hung up. Next thing I knew and I was on my way to Chloe's house.

20 minutes later I pulled up at the curb outside. I swiftly got out of the car, I could just about make out Scar, stood at the doorway waiting for me. Before I knew it she was sprinting across the grass towards me and throwing herself into my arms. I lifted her feet of the ground as she wrapped her body round my chest. She cried into my shoulder as I stroked the back of her hair soothingly.

"I'm here baby its ok, I'm not going to hurt you... I promise"

I assured her. She lifted her head up to look at me. The sight of her made me wince, she had numerous cuts and bruises around her face and a very swollen eye, the sight made me wish I'd killed Caleb there and then but I had Scar with me and that's all that mattered. I wiped the tears away from her eyes carefully with my thumb and carried her inside with me.

I walked over to the couch sitting down slowly while keeping Scarlett firmly wrapped round my body.

"Scar, I'm so sorry. I should never have left you tonight, if I had stayed with you this would never have happened. I only did what I did to Caleb because I was so pissed at what he did to you. But I would never hurt you baby, you know that right?"

"I know Harry, and I also know you were just trying to protect me"

She smiled sweetly at me weakly her eyes closing more and more. I tilted her chin up kissing her gently on the lips being careful not to hurt her. Before lying down on the couch with her, she buried her face in my chest and fell asleep almost instantly.

"I love you Scar"

I murmured kissing her the top of her forehead gently before falling into a deep sleep of my own.

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