Chapter 34

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Harry's POV:

I made my way downstairs in search for Scarlett, I found her at the front door letting out the last guests who stumbled drunkenly to their taxi. A few moments later she turned around, her eyes widening at my unexpected angry frame stood a few feet away from her. My fists clenched at my sides as I tried to contain my anger, the last thing I wanted to do was scare her.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me Scarlett?" My voice quiet and slightly intimidating, she flinched moving further back to the wall. 

"Tell you w-what?" Scar stuttered timidly.

"You know full well what! The texts you've been getting...Why didn't you fucking tell me the moment you got the first one, I'm your boyfriend, I can protect you!" By this point I was towering above her my voice loud and full of rage, this was not how I wanted to confront her but the anger inside coursed through me and I couldn't help my reaction, I just care for her way to much for her to be hurt again, that's all.

Scarlett's POV:

I watched as he walked towards me, a look of fury covering his face, his eye's darkening with every step he took towards me. I stepped back timidly to distance the space; I didn't like it when he got like this, it shared the shit out of me and reminded me just how scared I used to be when Caleb abused me in his anger. I stood a bit taller trying to show him that I wasn't afraid anymore, even though inside I wanted to curl up into a ball and hide. 

"How did you find out about the texts Harry?...There was a reason I kept them from you!" I said matching my tone of voice to his. With every step he took forward I took another backwards, however it was only a matter of time before I hit the wall. When my back slammed against the concrete, Harry pressed his chest against mine and smashed his previously clenched fist into the wall inches beside my head. 

"I looked on your phone, I had a right to know why you were acting so fucking strange every time you got a god damn text message!" He raged his face bright red from his boiling anger. I jumped slightly at his tone; he was really starting to scare me now.

"You had no right to look through my phone though did you?! And now you know about the messages he's gonna come after the both of us, that's why I kept this from you in the first place!" I screamed, suddenly scared for mine but mostly Harrys wellbeing, I still presumed it was Caleb and I couldn't handle anymore drama from him.

"Him?! You know who's been sending you these messages? Tell me who it is!" His voice was thick with anger and possessiveness.

"I-I-I-I just presumed it was C-Caleb, he's the only one who has anything against you and..." I trailed of not really knowing where I was going with this. Suddenly Harry grabbed his keys off the side and started putting on his jacket. 

"I'm going to find the bastard and end it once and for all, stay here." He muttered. No way was he going to find him, one; where the fuck is he going to look for him and two; he was still half drunk, this was stupid. 

"Harry, stop! You’re never going to find him; we'll talk about this in the morning. Just. Stay. Here" I pleaded grabbing onto the sleeve of his jacket in a hope to yank him back towards me.

My attempts were weak as he spun round so fast that he knocked me of my feet and flat onto my back a few steps away. I moaned in pain closing my eyes, the blow on my back knocking the wind straight out of me. I heard Harry curse before running towards my side on the floor. And then at that moment I couldn't hold it in anymore, a mix of the alcohol still in my body and the emotions I'd kept in for so long flooded out and an abundance of tears poured out. I felt Harry scoop me up in his strong arms and sit me on his knee rocking me like a child. 

"Shhhh, Baby it's alright, I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" Harry murmured into my ear showering me with tiny kisses. I clung to his shirt letting it soak up the tears flowing out. 

"Don't go Harry please, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was scared and I didn't want anybody to hurt you" I choked out, Harry's strong arms suddenly making me feel safe like everything was right in the world.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I can protect you though, if you let me. Nobody will hurt you or me, not if I'm here ok..." He vowed, looking straight into my eyes. I nodded slowly as he lifted my chin up to kiss me tenderly on the lips. I rested my head on his chest again feeling myself drop into a blissful sleep. 

Harry's POV: 

I sat on the floor in an internal silence, surrounded by plastic cups and cans. I still held Scarlett in my arms rocking her gently while she slept against my chest. I placed a kiss on her forehead before carefully standing up and taking her back to our bed, where she belonged. I was this close to hurting her tonight, and although I didn't, I'll never forgive myself, the look of fear and terror still imprinted in my mind.

I laid her on the bed before carefully slipping her dress and shoes of her perfect body. I stood marvelling in the sheer perfection of her body. The moonlight reflected and shimmered of her tanned skin, the slender curve of her hips and long legs making me fall in love all over again. I quickly slipped my t-shirt of my head and placed it over Scar's. She stirred slightly opening her arms as if waiting for me to envelope her. I chuckled before picking her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. I carried her to the bed pushing the quilt back and lying us both down on the soft mattress, her legs still wrapped around my waist and her head resting on my chest.

I sighed forgetting everything that had happened tonight, when Scar was in my arms everything was alright in the world; she was where she belonged, with me. And the thought of losing her again made me sick with worry, I couldn't let Caleb hurt or harm her in any way again, I wouldn't let him. 

"He won't find us will he Harry, he won't hurt me?" Scarlett's raspy and tearful voice broke me out of my thoughts, her vulnerable words making the urge to protect her even stronger. 

"Darlin' I'll protect you till my last breathe, he'll never hurt you, as long as I'm here, I promise" I spoke with confidence.

"I love you..." Scar muttered before falling back asleep in my arms. 

"I love you, more than you'll ever know baby" I murmured, placing a kiss on the crown of her head.

End Notes:

Firstly, we are nearly at 50 followers. Secondy, Fall has reached 28K reads. Now I want to thank each and every one of you bc we love you all so much. Please vote/comment/share guys -H&C x

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