Chapter 44

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Harry's POV:

I awoke to a small stream of light filtering through the gap between the bleak curtains, it shone on the white crumpled sheets of the bed and made the drab hotel room look almost welcoming. Beside me Scarlett lay tranquilly, her brown hair was matted and spread around the white pillow, her soft snores broke the peaceful morning silence and her long legs stayed entangled with mine. My white t-shirt she wore had bunched up around her hips during her sleep, exposing her slightly tempting laced underwear. Instinctivly I brought my hand over to Scar and traced the delicate curves and contours of her body, admiring the way her tanned skin glowed in the morning dusk. My eyes flicked to the small diamond engagement band she wore on her left ring finger and had not once taken off, the diamonds glistened and shimmered in the light, a consant reminder that through all the crap we dealt with our love was still eternal.

Waking her seemed almost cruel, the way she looked now radiated peace and serenity and to wake her would be to bring her back to our shitty problems that we needed to deal with. I bent over and pressed my lips to hers while brushing back the little tendrils of curly hair from her forehead. She stirred slightly before wrapping her arms around my waist and hiding her face in my chest. I smiled kissing the crown of her head and wrapping us back in the duvet.

"Morning sleepyhead" I spoke quietly, my voice carrying it's usual 'I just woke up' tone. Scar mumbled something incoherent before covering her face with the cover. I followed her under laughing, Scar's never been a morning person, nothing's changed there.

"What we gonna do stay under these covers forever baby? We've got things to be doing." I said as she began waking up properly.

"I think staying under here forever sounds better" She said giggling, pressing herself further into my chest. Her hands played with the curls on the nape of my neck as I kept my arm firmly around her waist and resting on the small of her back.

"Mmm me too, especially if your wearing this, it's incredibly sexy." I spoke softly running my hands over the delicate lace of her panties. She blushed a innocent pink, making me laugh at the fact after all this time I still make her fluster and blush like a teenager. Her innocent smile turned into a small smirk as she hooked her leg over my waist and pulled my mouth to hers. The ever so familiar yet addicting taste of Scarlett hit my senses as her kiss sent me into a beautiful daze. My hands pushed under the lace of her pants and cupped her behind, causing her to wrap her legs all the way around my waist. A slight moan left my mouth as the feel of her pressed against my lower region like that made me feel a million differen things at once, I kissed the delicate skin down her neck leaving my hands to explore the sliky skin across her behind. Just as I was about to take Scarlett's t-shirt off, my phone, which was resting on the bedside cabinet, began ringing. I groaned before deciding to ignore it.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Scar spoke as she inched her hands closer to my boxers.

"No I've got more important things going on" I murmured.

"It could be the police" She spoke as she left trails of kisses down my neck. I groaned knowing she was right and it could be important. I pulled the sheets back letting my eyes adust to the now blinding white light. We both took a glance at the caller I.D on my phone to see yes, it was Officer Taylor who was dealing with our case. Scarlett nudged me in a hint to answer the phone, I groaned rolling my eyes and hit the answer button.

Scarlett's POV:

"Hello" I watched as Harry began speaking to the officer on the phone, he was obviously having a little trouble as I purposely started grinding on the now prominent bulge in his boxers. He bit his lip and surpressed his groans as he tried concentrating on what the Officer was telling him. I laughed as he gripped onto my hips so tightly he was bound to leave marks. A few minutes later and a very flustered Harry hung up the phone. Before I even had time to react he flipped me onto my back and pinned my hands above my head.

"Damn baby do you know how hard it is to have the worlds sexiest girl turn you the hell on while talking to a police officer?"

"Oh I have a pretty good idea." I laughed referring to the double meaning of the word hard as I glanced down at his boxers. He smirked before covering my face in kisses making me giggle and squirm even more.

"Anyway what did that Officer want?" I said as I played with the little baby curls on the back of his neck.

"He said he wants us to come to the station ASAP, something about new evidence. But I wouldn't know much because I had you thinking it's funny to grind on me while i was on the phone." I laughed at his fustration, before realising I still needed to shower and get changed to go down to the station.

"Well I need to shower." I said before jumping off Harry and walking towards the bathroom.

"What your going to do that then leave me here in bed half satisfied?...At least let me join you." Harry said groaning.

"Maybe we'll carry on tonight, if your lucky." I said smirking and raised my eyebrows suggestively before whipping my t-shirt off and throwing it at him on the bed. I laughed as I walked away listening to him groan and fall back on the bed.

End notes; So guys I know this part of the chapter doesn't have much to do with the plot line, but we think it's important to still show what their relationship is like. Vote Comment and Share etc. Also if you can see this chapter please comment and let us know as we are experiencing some problems with wattpad and this will be really helpful - C&H x

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