Chapter 26

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Harry's POV:

I don't know why I was so hesitant, if she wanted to watch this then I should just let her. I was just being too over protective again, but for good reason. Scarlett had her hopes set on watching The Vow, we'd watched this before and I knew what happened I just did want her to get panicked at the sight of the same accident that had happened to her. But I agreed with her eventually and she put the movie on play.

 Scarlett leaned against me cuddling up into the crook of my neck. Reaching my arm over her small, fragile body I pulled the blanket over both of us as my other arm rested loosely on her shoulder. I watched her from the corner of my eyes to see her reaction to the daunting film situation. Right then, the crash scene came on and her eyebrows furrowed with almost confusion and fear as sudden realisation came over her. She looked up at me giving me a reassuring smile letting me know that she was still okay to watch this movie, making me instantly relax further into the sofa.

 As the film continued the look on Scarlett's face changed from fear to heart ache as she had once before felt for these characters. I remember last time watching this film she cried the whole way through which was no different now of course. She hadn't changed in personality, not even in appearance but I couldn't help but feel as though important memories were lost; when we both finally admitted or love to each other; our first kiss; our first date; our first time; and even the little things like when I sang to her. I felt as though it was all gone, and only my mind would ever remember it, hers wouldn't. I continued thinking not really watching the film as I was suddenly distracted by the quiet sniffles and sobs escaping Scarlett's lips. I looked down and squeezed her arm gently for comfort.

 "Want to turn it off?" I quietly spoke, praying that she'd say yes. Not surprisingly she shook her head signalling she wanted to carry on watching it. I sighed bringing Scar closer to me settling to watch the remainder of the film.

 Eventually I looked down to see Scarlett fast asleep, her head resting on my lap as she breathed deeply. Brown locks of hair fanned across my lap, her delicate features relaxed and peaceful. I smiled before placing a tender kiss on her forehead. As long as I had Scarlett here everything was complete.

Scarlett's POV:

I awoke in Harry's arms. My throat hurt from the crying, the memories of the film and the irony inflicted from my so similar situation flooded back to me. I think Harry thought I was crying because of the memories it brought back. I wasn't. The crash was a part of my life now, it no longer bothered me to talk or think about what happened. I peered up to see Harry slightly snoring, giggling i attempted to move from his iron grip. The attempt failed as he pulled me closer to his chest.

 "And where do you think you’re going?" Harry murmured his voice raspy from sleep.

 "As much as I’d love to stay in your arms Mr. Styles, I really got to pee" I replied, he chuckled slightly at my comment.

 "You’re cute" He stated kissing my forehead and releasing me from his grip.

 **Next Day**

Slamming my head on the desk, I groaned in frustration. Paper and textbooks scattered my desk as I attempted to finish my final university essay. After 3 months of being out of class catching up was proving to harder than anticipated. As I was just about to give up my phone chimed. I took my glasses of, rubbing my eyes out of weariness and checked the blinding phone screen.

  "Hi princess, get ready I’m taking you out for dinner. Be there to pick you up in about an hour. Love you -H x"

 I smiled at his sweet spontaneous gesture. After the stressful day filled with essays and coursework a dinner with Harry was exactly what I needed. I cleared my cluttered desk up before hopping in the shower to get ready for the evening.

 Exactly an hour later Harry pulled up outside my flat, I opened the door to see Harry looking unbelievably gorgeous as always. With a tight pair of black skinny jeans a barely buttoned flannel shirt with a tight vest top underneath i was still in awe this man was mine. He stood, his hand outstretched for me to take and a large grin spread across his face.

 "You look stunning, as always." Harry commented kissing my quickly and leading me to the car. We arrived 10 minutes later at our favourite Italian restaurant, a small intimate place we hadn't been to for a while.

 "Table for 2, Styles" Harry told the rather attractive waitress. She smiled flirtatiously eyeing him up and down before leading us to the small table in the corner of the room. I snickered at her attempts of flirting with Harry when he was clearly oblivious to her.

 "What you chuckling about?" Harry asked questioningly raising his eyebrows at me.

 "That waitress, checking you out, and how utterly oblivious you were to her attempts" I laughed nervously.

 "That's because i only have eyes for you" Harry replied quickly.

 "You’re so cheesy Harry!" I commented.

 "You love it really" He laughed. We sat talking for a few moments before the waitress came back to take our orders. After she finished writing our dinner choices down Harry handed the menus back to her, winking as he did so. She flushed a deep shade of red before quickly turning on her heel and walking away. I burst into laughter at Harry's cockiness.

 "That's cruel Styles; she thinks you’re into her now. Might have to go put her in her place" I commented jokingly.

 "No need." He murmured before walking around the table, kneeling down and bringing me into the most passionate kiss that I couldn't help respond back in the same way. We were interrupted by a small cough. I pulled back to see the waitress holding a tray with our drinks balancing on. I blushed slightly embarrassed that she'd seen me and Harry share a kiss that we usually kept private. Harry however chuckled before kissing me quickly and returning back to his seat. After she set the drinks down me and Harry spent the rest of the dinner chatting easily, I’d always enjoyed his company; he was the only person who could cheer me up even when I was at my worst.

 "I'll just nip to the bathroom before we go." I told Harry, he nodded as he fished for his wallet to pay the bill. After I’d done my business I washed my hands before checking the mirror and re-applying some lip-gloss. Just as I opened the door to leave while buckling the delicate clip on my clutch, I heard a voice that haunted my nightmares. A voice I thought that I’d never hear again...

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