Chapter 15

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Chloe's POV:

I wasn't going to lie I was pretty confused as to why Harry was calling me this late at night. I was watching the new Kardashians episode with a bowl of popcorn and my duvets when my phone started blasting out some shit song Holly had obviously set it as. My phone was all the way at the other side of the room so I was debating whether to leave it but after the acceptable amount of rings you wait had been exceeded I decided it was urgent so picked it up. It was Harry, weird he never called me.

"Hey Harry, What's up?" I greeted trying not to sound to confused as to why he was calling this late

"Erm... C-Can you come to the London Bridge Hospital please in the ICU Unit?" What the hell London Hospital oh my god something has happened to Scarlett! My mind went numb about a minute later I finally responded

"Why? What's up? Harry... WHATS HAPPENED." I almost shouted down the phone he wasn't answering for fuck sake!

"I-I'll tell you when you get here... Bring Holly too." He spoke before hanging up. I tried to calm myself down while I waited for Holly to pick up the phone.

"Hol, Harry just called me he needs us to go down to the hospital now I'll pick you up in 5!"

"What the hospital, why?" Holly asked obviously very confused too.

"I think something may have happened to Scarlett but he wouldn't tell me, get ready I'll be at your house in 5 minutes." I rushed hanging up the phone. I was in my joggers and my dance crop tee but I had no time to change now so I just shoved my converse on grabbed my keys and set of to Holly's.


About 10 minutes later and me and Holly burst through the hospital doors following every sign to the ICU ward. I spotted Harrys tall frame from quite a distance so headed towards him.

"Harry what the fuck is happening? Where's Scarlett? Why are we here?" I fired of at him I needed answers and he wasn't giving me them. Suddenly the most heart breaking thing happened Harry dropped down to his knees sobbing. I'd known Harry for a long time and never once had I seen the boy cry. He fisted his curls at the back of his head in frustration.

"It's my fault, It's all my fucking fault."

"What's your fault Harry?...Tell us." Holly spoke softly kneeling down to his level I copied her actions. Harry slowly looked up and began telling us the whole story from the moment she told him she was going out to the second he got the call...

Holly's POV:

I couldn't believe it, like literally I couldn't believe it. Scarlett; bright, loving amazing Scarlett was in a car crash and now she was in a coma and might never even wake up. I was holding Harry's hand stroking it softly trying to calm him, he was a complete mess. I didn't blame Harry, not at all. Chloe on the other hand...

"For fuck sake Harry! Why? Why did you not let her go in the first place! Why be so overprotective! She was probably driving in a right state crying and screaming! And how could you be so stupid!!" Chloe ranted kicking the chair beside her.

"Chloe! Stop none of this is Harrys fault! You know the car that collided with hers was on the wrong side of the road there's nothing Scarlett or Harry could of done to stop this, it was a accident for gods sake!" I shouted talking some sense into Chloe. She sunk back to her knees wrapping her arms around me and Harry.

"I'm sorry, so sorry Harry I'm just so shocked and this isn't your fault like Holly said it was an accident, a tragic accident and Scar will wake up she's a fighter." Chloe mumbled into my shoulder as she peered up to Harry.

"It was my fault your right. I let her go when I knew she was in that state. God Chloe, Holly I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't make it..." Harry whispered almost whimpering.

"No Harry. Don't think that it wasn't your fault it wasn't anybody's apart from the psychopath who crashed into her. So stop we just need to think of Scar now nobody else." I reassured everyone.

"Can we see her Harry?" Chloe murmured her eyes red from crying along with everyone else's.

"Yes, but just prepare yourself she's in a pretty bad way." Nothing. Nothing prepared me for what I saw next...

End Notes:

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