Chapter 10

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Scarlett's POV:

**The next morning**

I woke up facing away from Harry; his big hands were softly stroking my arm. He shifted his weight onto his side and started to trace shapes onto my back.

"I love you so much Scar..." He whispered faintly.

"You're so pretty, and loving and cute and kind..." It was now clear that he thought I was asleep, but his compliments made me smile so I let him continue.

"...You mean the world to me Scar" He sniffled.

"I'm awake Harry..." I announced awkwardly. "...and I can hear everything your saying".

"Oh!" Harry replied the embarrassment clear in his voice.

He stopped circling my back and practically buried his face in the pillow as his cheeks began to tint pink. I turned round and pulled him into a tight hug. We lay for a few minutes like that, until I broke the silence.

"I love you too Harry... and you mean the world to me too."

I smiled at him and then nuzzled my face into his neck. Harry soon began placing soft and gentle kisses down my neck and then onto my cheek and then one last kiss on my lips. He poked my nose and told me to go get changed. So I wandered into the bathroom in search of my clothes.

I was back at university today so Harry was dropping me of and picking me up after my last lecture at four. Harry took me back home so I could change properly. I had a super quick shower and shoved on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a blue baggy jumper and my not-so-white converse. I didn't really bother about my appearance for university; so I put on a bit of make-up and left my long brown hair naturally waving down my back and went in search for Harry. I eventually found him making toast in the kitchen.

"I hope there's toast for me I'm starving!" I begged, Harry grinned at me and passed me a plate with a piece of toast on.

"Of course princess, but hurry up we need to go in 5." He explained, I nodded swiftly before finishing of my toast grabbing my bag and leaving the house.

Harry's POV:

Scar was back at university today I hated these days I hardly got to see her and it was going to be even worse now she was my girlfriend. I reluctantly pulled up outside of her university and walked around the passenger side to help her out.

"Do you have to go? I just want to spend the day with you." I moaned pulling the face that usually worked on her.

"As much as I'd love to spend the day with you, I have to go." She peered up at me smiling her heart-breaking smile.

"Fine, I'll pick you up at 4 right here, you have any problems call me okay?" I assured her. I worried about Scar way to much; I couldn't help it though ever since what happened with Caleb I was in overprotective mode 24/7.

"Okay, I'll see you then!" She chirped cheerfully, I gave her a goodbye kiss before she skipped off to meet Chloe and Holly.

"Oh and Scar..." I called after her. She swivelled round her face filled with confusion.

"I love you baby." I smirked at her running my hands through my hair.

"I love you too." She called. In that moment she looked so breathtakingly beautiful.

Scarlett's POV:

I was the happiest I'd been in months; I had Harry and that was all that mattered. His smile, his eyes, his voice, his laugh he was perfect and I couldn't believe he was mine. I was suddenly dragged back to reality (which was a dusty old lecture room) when I heard my name being called,

"Miss Kimber? I hope your taking notes you have your finals in less than 2 months." Mr Smith grumbled to me

"Erm, yes. Sorry sir." I spluttered which gained me a few laughs and odd looks. Jesus Christ I couldn't wait to get out of here. Finally after a painful hour the lecture was over I scraped my chair back and practically sprinted out of the room to meet Harry.

When I stepped outside my eyes landed immediately on Harry leaning against the bonnet of his car. He was wearing tight skinny black jeans and his dark black 'Teenage Runaway' jumper with his surprisingly-very-white converse.He looked around his eyes eventually meeting mine and began walking towards me his dimpled grin appearing almost from nowhere. I'd gone from seeing Harry every second to not seeing him all day; I couldn't wait to be in his arms. I grinned and ran up to him hurdling into his arms as he lifted me of my feet with ease; he'd obviously missed me as much as I'd missed him.

"Hey baby." He whispered into my ear, his raspy voice hitching in his throat.

"Hey, didn't miss me too much did you?" I teased our foreheads touching slightly.

"Mmm hmm, way too much." He murmured crashing his lips to mine as I intertwined my fingers into his hair. I was so immersed in his kiss I totally forgot where we were. The few whistles and typical "get a room" shouts brought us back to reality. I felt Harry's lips begin to turn upwards as Ben shouted "Oi Oi Styles, get in there!" I laughed as we both pulled away now slightly breathless. Sure enough Ben strolled past a smirk plastered on his face as Harry gave him a humorous death stare. I punched Harry's chest and ran round the car to get in where I turned round to see Harry at my side ready to open the door for me.

"Thank you." I chirped gratefully. I always felt special when Harry did that for me, he was so sweet.

"Your welcome princess." Harry replied making me smile as he called me that.

End Notes:

Sorry about the short chapter and long wait we've had exams. But Wow, we are literally so close to 1,000 reads now guys.. THANK YOU SOO MUCH WE LOVE ALL OF YOU! Please don't be afraid to comment/vote/share it would mean so much to both of us. We hope you like the plot line of the whole story, which I promise will be happening soon but we don't want to rush it or bore you, so please comment and let us know what you liked or any improvements on the chapters -H & C x

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