Chapter 38

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Scarlett's POV:

**6 weeks on**

"Are you sure you're ok with me going out tonight Scar? I mean I can stay home if you like?" This was the 5th time Harry had asked me this today, he needed to lighten up. As soon as his friends had heard that we were engaged, they'd been pestering him to come out for some drinks while he was still a 'free man'. Usually I'd go with him and meet the girls at the club, but despite Harry's insistence it wasn't, I had a feeling it was more of a boys only kinda thing.

"Harry stop worrying would you? I'll be fine." I sighed, leaning against the bedroom door while watching him button up his polo and jeans. Suddenly he came over and enveloped me in his arms, placing his chin on top of my head. I buried my face into his chest, the strong scent of his aftershave filling my senses.

"I just worry Scar that's all." He said quietly, stroking my cheek lovingly.

"Well don't" I joked, making him chuckle quietly.

"Anyway I better go; I won't be home too late, promise." He spoke before kissing the top of my head gently and releasing me.

"Ok, have fun" I said quietly, secretly wishing his wasn't going now. He smiled before bringing me into a sweet yet passionate kiss leaving me a little breathless.

"I love you baby" He said truthfully, his green eyes still attached to mine.

"I love you too" I said kissing him quickly on the lips, before he shut the door locking it behind him.

My tummy rumbled loudly signalling I was hungry. I headed towards the kitchen and searched the freezer for what I was looking for. I wasn't the kind of person who made fancy meals for only myself; a pizza was fine for me. I put it into the oven and sat on the sofa watching TV while I waited. I had set a timer on my phone so as the quacking duck noise sounded throughout the apartment I almost ran towards the oven. After I'd demolished most of the pizza I placed the plate back in the kitchen, deciding to wash it tomorrow

What could I do now then I thought to myself and decided on having a nice relaxing bath. I ran the hot water into the tub mixing in my favourite pink bubble bath near the running water. I slipped out of my leggings and cosy jumper and took off my underwear before stepping into the luscious bath water. I laid back and sighed peacefully closing my eyes, this was nice...being able to relax after all the drama in mine and Harry's relationship, things were finally starting to look up.

I got lost in thought and the next time I looked at the clock forty five minutes had passed. I unwillingly stepped out of the now warm water and dried myself off and walking to the bedroom still wrapped in the fluffy towel. I changed quickly into one of Harry's shirts, the hem coming just below the curve of my bum. I crawled into bed, the empty space beside me making the feeling of loneliness sink in even further. A loud yawn fell from my mouth and my eyelids began to drop, I laid my head on the soft pillow and sighed quietly closing my eyes and falling into a deep oblivion.

A loud chime coming from my phone woke me. I checked the time, 12:30pm; I groaned internally, now a little annoyed I hadn't switched my phone on silent before going to sleep. I unlocked my phone expecting a text off Harry checking up on me. However nothing prepared me for the text that greeted me instead.

From Unknown:

If I can't have you, Nobody can. Don't say I didn't warn you.

My heart rate increased and my palms began to sweat. I dropped my phone quickly, the text leaving me in a state of shock. After a few minutes I began to breathe normally again, I thought the texts, whom I presume are from Caleb had stopped, then all of a sudden I get this one. I was so close to ringing Harry and getting him to come home, but spoiling his night with yet more of my drama wasn't really what I wanted to do. The thought of being in this house alone for a second longer sent a chill up my spine but Harry said he wouldn't be home late and the text is probably just Caleb being a dick and trying to scare me. I took a few deep breaths before locking my phone and snuggling back into bed. I made a mental note to tell Harry about the text as soon as he was home before falling back into a deep slumber...

Luke's (Next door neighbour) POV:

I climbed the steps to my apartment quickly as I dug in my pockets in search for my house keys, the cold winter air making my fingers go tense and numb. A couple of minutes later I approached my door eager to get inside and finally feel some warmth, however I jumped slightly as I heard the door next to me slam shut. I looked over to see my next-door neighbour of nearly 3 years locking his door.

"Hey Harry mate, off out?" I questioned. Me and Harry new each other fairly well. He'd come to a few of my house parties, I'd been to a few of his, we sometimes watched a few football games together, in all he was a laugh.

"Oh, hey Luke buddy. Yeah just going for a few drinks with some mates. Look since I've caught you, I'm leaving my finance Scarlett alone for a while, not too long, and I was just wondering if you could keep an eye on the house, call me if there's any emergencies, you know the usual. I gave her your number in case she needs someone quick but everything should be all right."

"Yeah no problem, I'll keep an eye out." I agreed, I didn't blame him for asking this, let's just say the middle of London isn't filled with the nicest people at night, especially the drunks who think trying to climb stairs and find their apartment at 4am is a good idea.

"Cheers mate, have a nice night."

"You too" I replied, he smiled giving me a nod before shoving his hands in his pockets and stalking of down stairs. I turned back to my door before unlocking it and stepping inside. I put my shit down before grabbing a beer, kicking back on the sofa and switching sky sports on. Before I knew it, it was 12pm and I was fast asleep on the sofa, life doesn't get much more exciting.


I awoke groggily to a strong smell of burning fuel; I coughed from the overpowering fumes my mind still hazy. My heart rate suddenly accelerated from fear it was coming from the kitchen, I was forever leaving the gas oven on. I quickly stood up, my eyes flicking from side to side, I ran to the kitchen, everything was intact, I did a once over of all the other rooms before breathing a sigh of relief. However I was now extremely curious as to where the awful burning smell was coming from. I decided to do a quick check of outside and check on Harry's apartment, so I slipped on my trainers and a hoodie before grabbing my keys and phone and going towards the front door.

As soon as I stepped outside into the cold midnight air the burning smell attacked my senses making me cough and splutter in reaction. I looked down the corridor my eyes widening at the sight before me. Harry's place was emitting some awful black charcoal smoke, the windows had fogged up and flames ripped through the apartment. Thick black smoke was seeping from underneath the door. My mind went into overdrive, Harry's fiancé was in there and there was no way I could get to her without killing myself. I did the most logical thing first and rang 999 (911). I went through the procedure and was informed the appropriate services would be there in 5 minutes. After hanging up with them, I pulled up Harry's number, preparing myself to inform him of the situation. The phone rang a couple of times before Harry answered.

"Hey Luke mate, everything all right?" He asked, good, he didn't sound drunk.

"Harry listen mate I don't know what's happened but your apartments on fire. Scarlett's still in there, I fell asleep and next thing I know I come outside to follow some burning smell and the place is in flames. I've called 999 and..." I'm interrupted by a frantic Harry on the other end of the phone.

"Shit, shit, shit this can't be happening! I'm a block away; I'll be there in 30 seconds. I need to get Scar out!" He shouted, I could hear him begin to run and his breathing increase.

"Harry don't come here and do something stupid let the fire brigade deal with it, you'll both end up getting killed if you go in there." I pleaded, knowing exactly what he was planning to do.

"I can't watch her die. I'm coming up the stairs see you in a second"


End Notes: oooooo, plot twist. Sorry about the late update guys, it's took us a while to get these chapters right and too make sense. Also these are going to be the last few chapters of Fall. I cannot thank each of you enough for reading Fall, we never expected such an amazing response and we have loved writing it so much. But for now keep reading, voting, commenting, sharing etc. ly guys - C&H x

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