Chapter 41

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Scarlett's POV:

They say everyones near death experience ends the same way. Flat on your back looking at the ceiling of your house or a hospital. And in some ways thats true. But theres this feeling you get just before you think what little life you had is over, this internal feeling as you near the warm, glowing, radiance ahead of you. It's pure ecstasy. Your not scared anymore and all fear that was once there is abolished. And one minute you can almost touch and taste this warm feeling of ecstasy and the next your opening your eyes to a bright white light shining harshly into your face.

My eyes watered and fluttered as I left the darkness and opened them to a white tiled ceiling. Pure confusion raced through my mind as I tried to figure out quite exactly where I was. I led for a few minutes trying to piece together a few things and unscramble the mess inside my mind before a voice broke me from my intent thoughts.

"Scarlett sweetie" A sweet, familiar almost medolic voice spoke softly to me making me peer my head up in wonder. As I looked over to find the person the voice belonged to, my mother stood and up and raced over to my bedside, my father following closely behind. I flung my arms around my mothers neck careful not to rip out any of the IV tubes I had just reliased where attatched to my arms and hands.

"Oh Scarlett, I've been so worried! As soon as we heard about the fire we flew straight out to see you and..."

I ignored all the words that she said next, I sat staring at my amazing parents now stood before me, I'd missed them so much. They were going to fly out after the car accident but I told them not to, they didn't have money to waste on expensive flight tickets, but now that they stood here in front of me, I remembered just how much I missed their presence.

"I've missed you both so much" I whispered quietly, still not trusting my voice to form any coherent sentences.

"Not as much as we've missed you darlin" my dad spoke in his thick American accent, that now sounded a little strange to me. Just as I was about to ask where and what had happened that had put me in hospital a small lady wearing a blue nurses uniform walked in with a clipboard.

"Hey Scarlett, I see your awake, how are you feeling?" She asked, smiling down at me.

"I'm ok, a little confused I guess" I spoke, hoping to get some answers.

"Yes I assumed as much" She stated while flicking through a few papers on a clipboard.

"Well I can tell you that you and a, 'Mr Harry Styles' were involved in a house fire 3 days ago at his apartment in which you were staying. I believe you were home alone when the fire broke out and Mr Styles broke in the apartment in an attempt to try and save you. You both blacked out due to lack of oxygen and excessive amount of carbon monoxide inhalation but were rescued from the blaze and resuscitated by paramedics and the fire service."

As she spoke things began to piece back together. I remember waking up to the fire and enclosing myself in Harry's room but from then on all I remember is awaking here. My heart suddenly missed a beat as the reality of finding out Harry had run through the blaze in an attempt to save me sunk in. Where the hell is he?

"Erm, if you don't mind me asking where is Harry, he is here right?" I spoke my voice trembling afraid of her response.

"Look beside you hunny" She whispered quietly.

I turned my head to the side to see the curly haired boy I loved so much sat up in the bed next to mine, smiling admiringly at me. Tears sprung into my eyes and without even thinking I removed the stupid IV tube from my wrist and ran clumsily onto his bed and into his arms, right where I belonged. I breathed in his comforting scent, the scent that reminded me of security and love and home and him. I peered up to see his mum and dad also sat by his bedside, smiling adoringly at us.

"I'm so so sorry Scarlett" He whispered into my ear, trailing his fingers up and down my back slowly.

"What for? You risked your life to try and save me Harry." I said as he pulled me to sit on his lap. I looked around cautious people were still in the room, but as I glanced it seemed everyone had left to give us some privacy.

"I left you alone Scarlett! I could of stopped that fire wherever the hell it came from. But I couldn't because I was to busy drinking with my friends and I'll never forgive myself" He spoke, his voice rose slightly in fustration. I sighed gripping his chin in my hand to force his eyes to meet mine.

"Listen to me Harry. You need to stop blaiming yourself for things like this. That fire, would of happened whether you were there or not and maybe you could of stopped it or maybe you couldn't. But were alive, you risked your life to save mine and I'm so thankful. And were here right now alive and breathing that's all that matters. That's all that ever really matters..."

I was interrupted by Harry's lips crashing to mine, his kiss sent me into a pure daze as our lips moved perfectly in sync with one another.

His tongue entered my mouth eagerly as if this was the first time our lips had touched. I needed his kiss. I needed his touch. I needed him more than anything in the world, and at that moment I realised just how much I loved him. Our tongues crashed together and my hands reached up to the back of his neck as his held onto both of my cheeks lightly, this passionate kiss came to an end as we both realised where we were. I leaned my forehead against his and looked up to those beautiful emerald eyes that I loved and missed so much.

"I love you Harry" I spoke simply and truthfully.

"...and I love you Scarlett" he replied.

We remained like this for a matter of seconds before he gently placed a kiss on top of my head, our hands found each other instantly the warmth radiating off his body as I snuggled my cold fragile body further into his torso.

The door swung open and in walked a young male doctor who looked to be of similar age to me. I felt Harry's body tense beside me as his hand gripped mine tighter. Almost instantly I began rubbing my fingers along his in aid of comforting him. I knew the thoughts going through his head at this moment because the young male doctor, now known to be named Nolan, was rather appealing to the eye. Yes, he was handsome but I had Harry, and I only wanted him. Only Harry.

"Hello Ms Kimber, I'm Dr Nolan Westwood. I just need to check your blood pressure and check that everything's ok after the accident, is that ok?" he spoke professionally

"Erm, yeah go ahead." I replied inching closer towards him and rolling up my sleeve as he set up the pressure pump.

He then checked me over and everything was normal but he wanted to keep me in overnight just to be sure because of the fumes I inhaled while unconscious. Of course Harry stayed right by my side in the hospital bed all night.

We didn't talk much through the night. We both just led there staring into each other's eyes. This was one of the things I loved about us. We could just sit in silence adoring each other without a slight ounce of awkwardness or embarrassment, just us two.

As I looked into his jade green eyes I couldn't stop myself from saying my thought aloud.

"You're a beautiful person Harry" I whispered to him as a small smile graced his face with even more effortless beautiful-ness.

"Thanks, I will never be as beautiful as you are...inside and out..." he paused "You are so so beautiful Scar. All of me, every single little part of me, loves all of you, your perfect body and your perfect personality and all of your perfect imperfections."

End Notes:

Thank you so much to all of you for reading and voting for this story it really does mean a lot. We also want to apologise for the awful update recently, we really don't have any spare time to write and edit and post and so sometimes we find it difficult to update for you guys, we also have important exams and after that more frequent updates should be coming. Sorry guys! -H&C xxx

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