Our Destiny..... Ch. 5 Auslly fanfiction

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Ally's POV

As I hear the gunshot, my pulse quickens, and I immediately run for the door. (remember she's not trapped anymore) But Molly pulls me back, and I easily punch her in the face. I feel a little guilty for that, but she's the one who kidnapped us! Besides, I have to save Austin.

Molly's POV ( the only one you'll ever see!)

Is daddy hurting my Austin? He better not be. He knows how much I want to be with him! I hear a bang, sounds like daddy's favorite gun. NO! Nothing can happen to Austin until after we're married! And he promised he wouldn't do any harm this time. You ever heard of Jason Claris?

I didn't think so, he's long been dead. Thanks to my daddy. Then I realize Ally is running away! No! She's gonna help him escape! I grab her arm, but she for once shows no mercy. I don't see it coming, but her fist makes an impact on my face. I feel myself falling backwards, and the basement goes dark.

Ally's POV

The basement door is closed, but Molly must have forgotten to lock it when she came down to scream at me. I quickly slam it opened and dash up the stairs, hoping I'm not to late. The first thing I see when I burst into the upstairs is Austin.

I almost cry in relief to see that he is okay. But then I realize that while he might be fine, I'm not. The gun is pointed straight at me, but I don't think Austin realizes he moved his gun. And it doesn't look like this man will miss.

Austin's POV

I thought I was gonna die, but as he pulled the trigger, I hear a clicking sound. He had no bullets left, but I saw him pull out another pack. And I take this time to open the door, but as I'm trying to run out, I hear him saying something.

"Put one toe out that door, boy, and your life is over. My daughter is always fine with moving on to her next prince."

I carefully step back in and shut the door, but not all the way. I then turn back to face him. But his eyes aren't focused on me anymore. They have moved to gaze at something else behind me, and whatever it is makes him very pleased. I'm almost scared to see what. But I finally force myself to glance backwards. It's Ally. There's a hand-shaped mark on her left cheek, I'm guessing that's Molly's work.

Somehow, Ally has gotten past the princess, and is standing in the doorway, her expression full of fear. I look at Eric again, and see that he's moved his gun, and is aiming straight at Ally. His finger twitches, and in the split second before he shoots, I know what I have to do.

Another bang spreads through the room, as I jump in front of Ally. (slow motion, ya know like in the movies?) The bullet lightly pierces just below my shoulder. Not life threatening, but excruciating. I hear Ally scream as I fall to the floor. I'm fine, but she doesn't know that.

"That may be my last bullet, but it's definitely not my last weapon kid!!" He reaches into his boot and pulls out a pair of sharpened knives. I don't think I can protect Ally anymore, I'm losing too much blood from my arm. But I stand up anyways.

Ally's POV

I was unbelievably glad that Austin was alive. But I was also unbelievably scared out of my mind. In a flash, the knives whizzed through the air. Austin and I immediately jump through the door, but before we can slam the door, the first knife zooms too close to my head.

I jerk backwards, and a good three inches of my hair falls to the floor. Well, it's a small price to pay for our freedom. We instantly close the door, and don't look back as we run out down the long corridor and out of the Princesses domain.

The giant house appears to be in the middle of a forest, which might not have been so bad if it wasn't pitch black. And Austin's injury is obviously slowing him down. We have to stop, and soon, but we also need to get out of here quickly, so Austin can get proper medical attention.

We slow to a stop in the center of a small cluster bushes. Austin nearly falls. He has lost to much blood already, and his face has paled.

"Are you okay?" I ask him softly. He nods, but I don't know if he's being completely honest.

I have to find a way to stop the blood flowing. I shed my jacket and tear off a piece of the sleeve, then wrap it around the wound. He flinches in pain when the fabric touches him. But he still thanks me when I'm done. There's silence for a minute. Eventually, I speak up.

"We-we're safe. We're finally safe." I say in joy.

We hug for a bit then pull away, and ajust sit there looking into each others eyes. We only break apart when there is a rustling noise in the bushes surrounding us. I jump up, Austin, being in his condition, is slower. The leaves separate to reveal....


Heehee! You guys must love me!! Well, you should because I updated three times today!!! And with the help of the amazing skyofpie! She's totally awesome (not)! Teehee! I probably won't be updating this for a while cause I did three chapters today, and I'm so proud of myself! So bye little munchkins!!!

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