Our Destiny..... Ch. 22 Auslly Fanfiction

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Ally's POV

All too soon, Austin is gone, I'm on my own again. But at least now I have hope, now I know that he's here for me. I smile to myself, knowing that he'll always be here for me. 

Janelle knocks twice on my door, and lets herself in. For once, her eyes are sparkling with happiness.

"This is going to work, Ally," she says excitedly. I smile.

"What's the plan now?" I ask, confident in whatever she's plotting. 

"Okay, so I had to send Austin out of here, for now." My shoulders stiffen. He's gone?! I mean, I guess Janelle had the right idea, it's dangerous for him. But I felt a whole lot safer with him here. 

"Don't worry. He'll be back later. But this time he's bringing backup."

"Backup?" I question anxiously. I'm hoping with all my heart he isn't bringing any of our friends, or any of his family. 

"Again, don't worry. We have trained soldiers on our side, it's just that Austin is the only one who can ask for their help. Elaine and I are constantly monitored when we aren't here. Even sending Austin that letter in the first place...I got in big trouble for that," she explains, lifting her side-parted hair to reveal a painful-looking cut next to her eyebrow. I cringe.

"Sorry we're putting you through all of this," I mumble apologetically. Janelle shakes her head, the fierce sparkle returning. 

"When we overcome...them, it'll all be worth it, you'll see." I wonder why Janelle can't tell me who she's being controlled by, but I don't ponder on it too long. Then something occurs to me.

"Janelle..." I start slowly.


"Where exactly are my parents?"

"They're here, Ally." Something about the way she says it scares me. Like she knows what I'm thinking. But I continue anyways.

"I thought so, but...I mean, Austin was able to visit me, so, maybe I could...my parents..." Janelle cuts me off.

"That I can't do. I'm sorry, but they're under the highest security. He's watching them." I nod, sadly. "But listen. They're fine, they're actually probably better off than you."


"And until Austin gets back, we need to train you. Because this is really going to be a battle. They have weapons, they have numbers. But we have professionals. And we have you."

"What good am I?" I ask. Truly, I see no value in myself. I'm not a fighter, and I never have been.

"You have a gift, Ally. You'll learn soon, but for now, we need to strengthen you. Follow me." She beckons me out of the room, which I haven't left for days, and hands me a bag of trail mix. "And eat," she commands. 

I open the bag, though I'm afraid, I'm excited. I finally notice how hungry I am, and I want to make everything right.

Austin's POV 

Zyder. I have twenty-four hours to locate the right person, with that last name. I know Janelle is limited in what she can tell me, but she could've at least told me the first name. 

"Find Agent Zyder," is all she told me, before pressing a letter, and a golden badge in my hand. "Give him the letter. You'll need the badge." 

The only other information I have is that he's in Miami, but that doesn't do a lot to help. As I pull out of Elaine's driveway, I'm more determined than ever to help Ally and her family. The sooner we get out of this mess, the sooner she's mine. 

The second I park the car at home, I'm already rushing up to my room, pulling out my computer. I do a quick search for "Zyder"

Only one result. I click on it, and my blood runs cold. 

C'mon, Austin. You're doing this for Ally. 


Ta-da! Yea, sorry that took a little longer than expected...internet issues...anyways, I kind of liked this chapter! Not that I don't love the other chapters, but when I was writing this one, I was like "Ahh I have ideas!!!" So I sent Austin and Ally each on their own little missions, sorta, which I kinda like, dunno about you. But tell me what you think!!!         ~Ivy :)

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