Our Destiny..... Ch. 21 Auslly Fanfiction

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Austin's POV

I'm so angry, I can't speak. I know if I even try to open my mouth, I'll end up shouting nonstop. Because she's here. Ally's here, and she's miserable. She's being held captive!

"Austin..." Elaine begins cautiously, taking in how tense I am with fury. "Austin, calm down. Everything is happening for a reason."

"No," I practically growl. "I will not calm down until I'm with her. Look at her, El, just look at her! She's weak, she's dying on the inside, she's all alone! I'm not going to calm down!"

Elaine's face is weary, like she's been doing stuff like this for too long, and she's tired of it.

"You'll be with her soon. Listen, Janelle has a plan, she knows what she's doing. Just follow her, help her, and everything will work."

"I don't even know Janelle! I don't know the point of any of this! I'm not going to help, or listen, to anyone who hurt Ally!"

Elaine winces, she knows that last comment was directed at her. "Austin, we had no choice..." she whispers.

She also seems sorry for me, and I almost feel bad, until I take another glance towards Ally, leaning against the wall, her head in her knees. At least I lower my voice.

"Please, Elaine. I'll do anything you, Janelle, or anyone asks of me from now on, I promise. I'll help you guys, if you just please let me be with her for a few minutes."

"I don't think-"

"Fine. You have ten minutes," someone behind us says.

"But Janelle-" Janelle puts up her hand, and Elaine silences.

"Follow me," Janelle beckons me.

Ally's POV

I want to die. I just want to lie down on the dirty old mattress, fall asleep, and never wake up. There's no point.

Janelle said Austin would come, but he hasn't yet. I've run out of faith. I've given up.

I'm very drowsy indeed, I've had little to eat or drink since being here so I have no energy, and while I know I will wake up, I still try to sleep.

I'm nearly asleep when I hear someone, no doubt Janelle, rapping on my door. I don't turn around though, she'll come in whether I admit her or not.

The door opens, then closes, and while I know someone is in here, it's too quiet to be Janelle. I slowly sit up, afraid someone could have a gun pointed at my back. I turn around.

"Austin," I whisper, my voice is raspy. "Austin!" I exclaim, a lot louder. Jumping up from the bed, I don't even think about why he's here, consider how much trouble he's in now that he is. I just kiss him. And it's like all of the trouble, all of the problems I have sort of disappear. Like the times before, when his lips are on mine, nothing even matters.

Eventually we break apart, but our noses are still touching.

"You came," I say softly.

"Of course I came, Ally."

I unexpectedly burst into tears, I'm so relieved, and now so worried, because now it's occurring to me how much danger he's in. He seems to understand, and he leads me over to the mattress, letting me sob into his chest.

"I'm...so...sorry!" I manage to choke out between breaths. Austin takes my head in his hands, and at first I think he's going to kiss me again, but he begins whispering, rushed, into my ear.

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. Now I don't know exactly what's going on, but I don't have time for you to explain it. I only can stay for like ten minutes, then I'm going to help Janelle, I'm going to get you and your parents out of here, I promise." I look away.

"You should hate me, Austin. I know you don't but you should. I've pulled you into a huge mess." He drops his arms, and bites his lip.

"I know you have," he finally says. "But I don't care. I'm sticking with you."


Well that took forever! Yea, sorry guys, I wrote it all, but it deleted...anyways hope you liked that chapter, and Naomi also wanted to give a shout-out to AAAgirlHey, thanks for commenting so much! Good for you :))

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