Our Destiny..... Ch. 32 Auslly fanfiction

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Ally's POV

Panic rose in me, but there was no time to calm down. Austin and I were ushered upstairs, and Jason puts his pointer finger on the wall. Suddenly a button appears out of nowhere, and he pushes it, creating a little doorway just big enough for someone to crawl through.

He motions us to get in, and we do in sheer panic. He gets in after us, and begins rifling through some cabinets that were on the walls. The room was made of stone, and pretty small. Austin and I barely had room to stretch our legs. Jason turns around with a bunch of gadgets in his hands, including our phones.

"Here, take these." He hands us our phones, and a few other things I can't describe.

"If anyone manages to come in here, use these to defend yourself. Remember not to use it before cause it can kill you, instructions are on there. If an ally comes in then follow them." He leaves the room without another word, sealing the opening.

We sit there in silence, just processing what happened.

"What just happened?" I ask.

"I think we're being attacked." I glare at him.

"No kidding Austin." Sarcasm was definitely not included in that sentence. He rolls his eyes, and looks to the things in our laps.

"I guess we should start looking at these?"

I nod, and we begin figuring out how to use these.


It's been five hours according to the clock on the wall. My mind was going wild with all the possibilities, like what's going on outside. Or how's Zyder, and where's his mom. Austin had fallen asleep on my shoulder, but I couldn't possibly relax enough to sleep.

Maybe it was just my ears, but I could've sworn I just heard a little click noise. Then the little opening opened up, and someone in camouflage clothing crawled in. Their face was hidden by a mask, but I'd recognize those blue eyes anywhere.

It's Zyder.

Ok, so maybe it wasn't THAT much drama... Sorry!!! I'm trying! Patience please children, I laugh when people ask me to update when I just did... Although I do that too so I can't really speak... Anyways, I'm going to LA in April! For band, we're going with the Advanced Choir to perform at a competition in Disneyland!

Best part?

We get to go on the rides!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! And it's an overnight thing, from Friday to Sunday! EEEEEE!

Other good news, I have straight A's! Lets hope I can keep it up for the rest of the quarter!

Also, please go look at the Q&A thing on this book, and comment because I need at least ten people to comment before I do it!

That's all, bye!!!

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