Our Destiny..... Ch. 20 Auslly fanfiction

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Ally's POV

It's been over a day since Janelle came in to visit me, and all I've been doing since is sleeping or just staring at the ceiling. After a few more minutes of staring, I hear the door creak open.

"Ally?" I hear Janelle say.


"I brought you food." I just simply nod in return, she sighs and sets something down before walking over to the bed.

"Ally, remember what I told you, Austin will be here soon to save us all. Don't give up Ally." She encourages.

I don't want to give up, I really don't. But I'm so scared. What if Austin doesn't come? What if he's furious with me, for abandoning him on our date? What if he didn't see the note, and hates me? What if...what if...see, I'm not sure if I fully trust Janelle, or have complete faith in her plan.

I don't want to give up. But I'm ready to.

Austin's POV

I drive to Elaine's house, and though I'm not purposely trying to, I notice that I'm not driving fast at all. I don't want to reach Elaine's house. Because Elaine is where the trouble starts.

Elaine and I were kind of on-and-off friends in middle school. When there were no other guys around, I had no problem hanging with her. But at school...I was kind of jerky towards her, being a girl who was a year younger than I. She got it, she knew that I cared about her, despite my reputation. But one day, I knew we had to end our friendship. And it wasn't because of what I did. It was, surprisingly, all her.

She moved schools once getting to high school, and coincidentally, I moved to the same school a year after. Her being the only one I knew, she was the one I went looking for. But when I found her, she was in a crowd of girls, surrounding the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. Ally. Who looked scared out of her mind.

Elaine's crowd of girls just kept insulting her, trying to get her to do something, but I couldn't understand what. Anger boiled inside of me, how could these people, how could Elaine, hurt this innocent girl? Finally, I broke through the group, and grabbed Ally's hand.

"Come on," I whispered into her ear. "Don't let them push you around." I led her away, as fast as I could. As soon as we were alone, she hugged me tightly.

"Thank you," she murmured. But then she pulls away, looking embarrassed. "I, uh, should probably...go now," she mumbled to the ground. I wanted to tell her to wait, but I didn't.

I haven't talked to Elaine since then. I'm still a little upset that she would so carelessly hurt Ally. It took me so long to finally get to know her, but I've learned how vulnerable she is. How innocent. How she has such a big heart, she'd never do anything, to anyone.

I don't even know how often those girls were bullying her, but I know that it hurt Ally more than she lets on.

I finally reach Elaine's house. The only thing that motivates me enought to get out of the car is the fact that I need to get to Ally, and this is my only lead.

I walk slowly to her door, and even slower, I ring the doorbell. Elaine answers, but I refuse to look at her.

"Follow me," she whispers. I oblige reluctantly.

She takes me to a room full of video screens, and points to one. It's Ally. I can tell she's crying. I want so badly to be there with her, put my arm around her, tell her it'll be okay.

"Soon, Austin. You're gonna see her soon. But you have to help us. Until then, none of us are free."


How did I do? So yea, it's Ivy, and I'm taking over this story for the next five weeks while Naomi takes a trip, where she has little-to-no internet. Poor her, right? Anyways, while Naomi gave me a very basic outline, I'm basically in control now, so tell me if you have any ideas in the comments, and vote please!

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