Our Destiny..... Ch. 17 Auslly fanfiction

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Ally's POV

Lonely, sad, confused. Those were the words running through my head as I sat on the thin bed. Austin went through my mind and I quickly closed my eyes to prevent any thoughts of him, it would just hurt me even more.

But as always, my brain didn't listen. A little scene quickly flashed through my head, leaving me gasping and wanting Austin to hold me like he did in the flashback I just had.

The scene was a couple months ago when me and Austin were watching a movie at his place, and we had both dozed off on the couch with me sprawled across his lap. I was having a nightmare about Janelle killing everyone I knew, even the kids I only glanced to at school. The thought of it had me shudder, knowing what's she going to do to me.

Austin woke up to my screaming and frantic state, and desperately tried to calm me down, but to no prevail. I was in a state that no one could pull me out of, and Austin realized that quickly. So he just held me in his lap while he whispered soothing things in my ears. I eventually woke up and saw I was on his lap shaking and whimpering, and asked what happened?

I knew I had a bad dream, but didn't remember why I was in his house. So he told me how we were watching a movie and fell asleep, then he woke to me screaming. Then everything came back to me like a whiplash, making tears spring to my eyes instantly. Austin noticed and asked what was wrong.

I said nothing, my voice unsteady and shaking, but Austin knew I didn't want to talk about it. So he simply held me tighter in his grasp, and just let me cry. It was probably one of the most remarkable memories I had with Austin, not the nightmare part of course. But the part where he understood me, and didn't push me to answer him.

"Well, well, well." Janelle suddenly sauntered into the room, and comes up to where I am, which was still on the bed.

"That's a lot of wells, don't drown." (L. O. L. Ok, so I found that line in this wattpad story, but I can't remember which!!! It's not exactly this though, something like that! So funny!! Well to me, sorry back to the story! :P) I say sarcastically, Janelle's face contorts into a look of pure shock and surprise.

I'm shocked with myself too, I'm usually a shy person. I don't know where that confidence came from, but it left just as quickly as it came, and I curled back into my shell.

"Someone's getting more confident." I back away from her harsh glare, fear probably etched on my face. She laughs, and just reaches out to touch my cheek gently. I surprisingly don't flinch away from her touch like I would expect myself to do, instead I relax. It's just, her touch is so gentle, so soothing, it reminds me of my mother.


Stupid writers block..... Ok, so guys. I LOVE all the support! Yes I'm being sarcastic, I honestly don't know what to do anymore guys. What do YOU want? Do you want longer chapters?! More frequent updates?? I just, don't know what guys want.

Is the story getting too boring? Then tell me! I love everyone that reads my stories, but if you could just go one step further and comment, I'd be extremely grateful. So just, please, go comment. Thank you, till next time!

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