Our Destiny..... Ch. 29 Auslly fanfiction

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Austin's POV

I could see Zyder visibly flinch at his mom's words.


What does she mean by that? Does she mean... What I think she means?

But if Zyder knows, all he does is smirk. Like he knows something she doesn't...

"Why of course mother dearest," He says.

Suddenly, his mother lunges towards him. He reacts quickly though, diving out of the way, making her claw the wall instead of him. She smiles evilly, sending shivers through my body.

"I see you've learned some new skills. It just makes it more fun." He stares at her, before breaking eye contact and looking at us.


He mouths the word clearly so we can see, but yet subtle enough that his mom can't see. I grab Ally's hand, and back away slowly and quietly. They continue to stare at each other for awhile, and just as I was about to turn and run he reaches up and punches her right in the face. Ally gasps, luckily we were far enough that she didn't hear.

His mom retaliates by grabbing his arm and twisting it in a very painful looking position, and I wince. Ally gives a tug on my hand, reminding me that we need to go. I glance at them one more time, before turning around and running towards the main hallways that we seemed to branch off of.

We continue on our way to the door, seeing a couple more allies. Zyder stayed in the front of my mind though, with his cute innocence. If only he was our kid... Wait did I just say our?! I glance over at Ally, we're not even dating! Why am I thinking of adopting with her?!

I've been thinking weird things lately, maybe it's all the stress. I focus back on the present, we were almost at the door. I could see it in the distance, it was already open for us. We start running, eager to get out.

When we reach the door, there's three of the people from FSS waiting for us. They ushered us into the back of the car, and got inside themselves. There was four of them, including the driver.

"Back to the safe house." One of them says, I didn't see their faces, but the voice showed that it was a female. She turned to us, with a serious expression.

"Listen. We're taking you to one of the safe houses, us three will be staying with you until the police station have caught the masterminds of this whole scheme." She says.

"I thought Janelle and Elaine said they were going to kill them all?" I question. She looks at me.

"Those two? I think we found them stuffed into a cabinet, with their hands tied and gagged. It was truly a pitiful sight, especially cause Elaine had blood coming out of her head. Apparently she was hit in the head by something when they were fighting, they both had some bruises and cuts but noting major besides that hit." She informs us.

I have a feeling we're going to stay at this safe house for awhile.

So guys, how was it? No? Yes? XP Give me your opinion! Now, I just checked. We're at 9.9K reads! I'm going to wait till 10K to update, I have a feeling people will tell my story to others if I do this. Hopefully it doesn't take long, I have ideas just waiting to be written!!

Warning: Incoming rant/philosophical thing.

Ok, so you know how I'm kinda crazy?... Oh who am I kidding, I'm insane!! It's part of my personality! This happened a few weeks ago, on my first day at my new school. I kept thinking about that, I haven't told anyone! So in class I was just totally acting myself! I mean, I had no friends to do it with... So kinda awkward... But whatever, so then this guy (Can I just say he was super cute too?... I'm a teenage girl I had to!)

So he comes up and says "Calm the f*ck down, you're not even that funny."

I swear, I almost burst into tears right then. It was so horrible, my confidence level is already not very high, he just made it even lower. Now I'm not trying to get sympathy, I just had to tell someone. So I thought wattpad would be best, where people are nicer than my school...

You can insult me on my looks, smarts, but do NOT do my personality. It's what makes people unique! So that's all for today guys! See ya my special snowflakes!

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