// Screaming Colors //

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I woke up at 7 A.M. as i did every morning. Lying in bed, a frown formed upon my face as i saw the grey sky. I had dreamed that i could be one of the people that could see color, but those people were special. I wish i were special. I'm just a sad kid that can only find joy in calum's laugh. I don't want to be sad anymore

I went down stairs to the living room where my mother sat on the couch with my brothers beside her. They were essentially life-less. i sighed again and made my way into the kitchen for breakfast. I poured a bowl of cereal and began to eat.

"You forgot to say goodmorning luke." My mom said, entering the kitchen. She poured a bowl of cereal for herself and took a sit in front of me. "Sorry." I mumbled, standing up to walk back to my room. "What happened to you luke? You used to be so happy..." She whispered to herself-- not intending on me to hear. I looked away from her, byt i had seen a tear slip out here eye. I passed my brothers who were still sitting there lifelessly.

I made my way into my room and and grabbed my phone.

[From: Calum]
[7:16 A.M.]
Luuukkkeee! Meet me at the park on Wayward St.

I threw my phone on my bed and changed into a black pair of jeans and a dark grey shirt. I finally finished putting my hair into a quiff. Grabbing my keys on the way, i made my way to the park.
- - - -
When i arrived, calum was sitting next to a boy. "Luke, over here!" He screamed, though i could see him perfectly. I walked over with death stares from mothers that were taking there children to the park. They seemed annoyed.

"Luke, this is michael. He can see color." Calum had a smile plastered on his face, "michael, this is luke. He's not very happy and i believe he's going to become a school shooter." Michael chuckled and stood up. He was short and had chubby cheeks.

I turned towards calum. "So, why is he here?" I asked bitterly. Michael looked confused for a minute, but i could tell he was just kidding. "I want him to tell us what colors are like." Michael looked even more confused and glanced at calum, "you said you were setting me up with your cute friend." I rolled my eyes, "one, i don't do blind dates. Two, you aren't my type." I shrugged.

"I'm everyones type." He smiled concededly. "Not unless you have boobs, you aren't mine." I snapped back. Calum sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry i lied to you michael, i just... I want to know what it's like." Michael looked angrily at calum. "It fücking sucks okay. You know what, fuck you. You just used me." Michael flicked us off and walked away angrily.

"why'd you have to tell him that?" Calum said looking upset. "That you like boobs. We both know that's not true. Don't you remember sally's party when we were 13?"

I'd been confused about my sexuality because i had always liked girls, but then i met calum. He was sweet and he looked cute and i used to get butterflies in my stomach when i was around him. We became friends and one day, we were incited to a birthday party. My mom dropped me off and i met up with calum. Being young and stupid, we played spin the bottle. When i spun it, it landed on calum. Everyone said we had to kiss, so we did. I hid my excitement until the game was over and calum and i were alone together.

"That was awkward." Calum said with a small laugh. "Calum, i think i'm gay." I paused and he looked up, "for you." And after i said that, i burst out laughing. "Luke... Why are you laughing?" He looked confused and worried at the same time. "I just... noticed... how dumb.. i sound." I said talking between laughs. "So you aren't gay?" He asked. My laughter died down a bit and the awkwardness took over again, "i guess. I mean, i don't fully know."

"Well, even if you are, i'll still be your friend." Ever since then, calum has been by my side.

I'd always loved him because he was always so happy. He could light up the room. His laughter was nice and it made me smile -- not many things make me smile anymore.

"sorry for that calum. He's just not my type i guess." He laughed, "and i was." We began walking. "Listen, i was thirteen and was confused. Let's not talk about it." He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, "don't you just love that story. I bet someone ships us. I can see it now 'cake'." Luke laughed and shook his head. "Never happening." I'm happy it wasn't because that'd mean putting calum and i's friendship at risk and i don't want to do that.

"I swear you and michael would be cute though. I mean you guys would be 'muke'." I made a look of disgust, "that sounds like puke. Never." He took out his phone, "i'm still giving you his number."
- - - -
[To: Michael]
[8:52 P.M.]
Hey, this is luke from earlier (the future school shooter). Sorry for being a díck

[From: Michael]
[9:05 P.M]
That's fine... Your friends a real asshole though. Why are you friends with him?

[To: Michael]
[9:28 P.M]
He's the only friend i have. Besides my friend ash but, he can get annoying.

[From: Michael]
[9:49 P.M]
Well, now you can consider me a friend
- - - -
Luke smiled at the thought of a new friend. He hadn't had many friends in the last year-- let alone friends that could see color. He hoped michael would tell him about colors one day. He'd only know the names. He was excited to be friends with michael.
(Yay or Nay?)

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