// Chapter 52 //

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We were on the plane and i'd settled on a major- creative writing. I decided that it'd be nice to write, I enjoy it and I'm not terrible at it. 

The flight there was entertaining because Luke had never been on a plane, so he was freaking out. He kept making complaints and asking if we were going to land soon. There where many people looking at us an all I could do was laugh.

"Shutup, Michael! It's not funny!" He was red in the face which only made me laugh harder. He was hilarious and he just continued to grow red until he left to the bathroom.

I put my headphones in and put on All Time Lows new album. I liked it, but just a little less then their older stuff.

I looked out the window to see that it was night wherever we were and I assumed there was enough time to sleep. So, I closed my eyes and dozed off hoping that when I woke up we'd be in New York, ready to start school in a week.

- - - -

"Michael!" Luke screamed excitedly in my ear. I jumped p an slapped his arm. "Ouch." He said and I rolled my eyes. "We're here!" He said ignoring my eye rolling.

I looked out the window only to see the airport. The real treasure was behind it. So, we gabbed our bag and made our way out into New York. I'd miss Australia, but I know I'll love New York.


Chapter 53 question:
Sleep or eat?

i'm going to work+sleep g'bye.

-ashley xx

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